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  • Barron, Cohen, Meltzer

    Executive Counsel

    July 1, 2009

    Meet the President’s new lawyers—and their new laywers

  • Elizabeth Warren

    Top Cop

    June 10, 2009

    If leaders had listened to Elizabeth Warren years ago, she wouldn't have the job she has now.

  • Glenn Fine ’85

    The Constitution’s Ombudsman

    September 27, 2008

    At the Department of Justice, being the inspector general can be a very lonely job.

  • World-Class Support

    September 10, 2008

    HLS continues to expand its international focus—and its graduates are taking notice.

  • Rescuing the Internet for Digital Natives and the Rest of Us

    September 9, 2008

    In a wide-ranging interview, John Palfrey and Jonathan Zittrain survey the future of the Internet.

  • Woman teaches in front of classroom

    A Curriculum of New Realities

    September 2, 2008

    At Harvard Law School, some new answers to the question, What do future lawyers need to know?

  • Battlegrounds

    September 2, 2008

    On executive power, war and anti-terrorism, scholars have a lot to say--and lawmakers are listening.

  • Nasredeen Abdulbari LL.M. ’08

    Pay It Forward

    September 1, 2008

    Financial aid is helping those who will help others.

  • Northwest Passage

    September 1, 2008

    A great building begins as a gleam in the eye of an architect. Getting it built may require the vision of a lawyer.

  • A Growing Treasury of Public Servants

    September 1, 2008

    The law school’s investment in public service is paying dividends.

  • David Ardia LL.M. '07


    September 1, 2008

    With a cluster of research programs, HLS is a collection of think tanks rolled into one

  • A Commander in Chief

    September 1, 2008

    In law school, Barack Obama ’91 already looked—and led—like a future president.

  • Winter 2008, Features

    The Ultimate Cafeteria

    July 29, 2008

    With the help of Harvard Law School’s new curriculum reforms, it’s getting easier for law students to take part in Harvard University’s intellectual feast.

  • Startup for an Ailing Planet

    July 28, 2008

    Harvard Law School’s new program, and its faculty director, aim to change the way we think about environmental law

  • Benjamin Thibault ’09

    Jacobs’ Ladder

    July 28, 2008

    A new clinic lets students step up to environmental challenges—and onto the first rungs of their careers

  • Summer 2008

    Visionary of the Visayan Sea

    July 28, 2008

    For the sake of the planet, a lawyer wins the right to sue on behalf of future generations

  • Deborah Williams ’87, photographed near Anchorage

    Mercury Rising

    July 28, 2008

    To save a culture of cold, lawyers turn up the heat

  • Four people sitting at a table with a cross hanging in the background

    Hands On

    July 25, 2008

    There are now 16 clinics at HLS, enabling students to do fieldwork at home and abroad. Here are stories from three of them, taking students inside inner cities and inner sanctums.

  • “Here, Have a Seat”

    July 1, 2008

    Often, there’s a bond between the donor of a new chair and the scholar who occupies it.

  • Laurence Tribe

    Vox Populi

    September 2, 2007

    For students in Harvard Law School's Supreme Court litigation clinic, helping Laurence Tribe get ready for a constitutional argument is like being in the eye of a storm.

  • Elevation

    July 1, 2007

    The Kingdom of Bhutan is adopting its first constitution. Will it raise the GNH (gross national happiness)?