Degree Programs
HLS offers programs enabling students to earn a J.D., LL.M., or S.J.D. degree. We also host visiting scholars/researchers each year.
Harvard Law School offers students a curriculum of unparalleled breadth: more than 400 courses, seminars, and reading groups that together reflect the remarkable range of the faculty’s expertise and interests.
Clinical Programs
Clinics give students hands-on legal experience under the supervision of attorneys. HLS offers more clinical opportunities than any law school in the world.
Experiential Learning
A trailblazer in developing experiential pathways to learning, Harvard Law School continues its commitment to excellence through transformative approaches in legal education.
From its inception, Harvard Law School has opened up a world of opportunity for its students. From the development of the case method and the birth of clinical education to our ongoing curricular innovations, HLS has transformed legal education and set the standard for training exceptional lawyers and leaders.