Post Types
Carmel Shachar named assistant clinical professor of law
April 14, 2023
Carmel Shachar J.D./M.P.H. ’10 has been appointed assistant clinical professor and faculty director of the Health Law and Policy Clinic at Harvard Law School.
Philip Torrey named assistant clinical professor of law
April 14, 2023
Philip Torrey, managing attorney of the Harvard Immigration and Refugee Clinical Program, and director of the Crimmigation Clinic, was named an assistant clinical professor.
‘You can do justice with law; you can also do injustice’
April 14, 2023
In her Last Lecture, Harvard Law Professor Alexandra Natapoff urges graduating students to think hard about the choices they make.
‘Our voices must be heard’
April 12, 2023
A conference in honor of immigration law pioneer Deborah Anker focused on emerging immigration law issues.
‘Never give up’
April 12, 2023
Benjamin Ferencz ’43, who prosecuted Nazis for genocide at Nuremberg and spent his life trying to deter war and war crimes, died on April 7. He was 103.
A clinic fact-finding mission on the Thai-Burma border changed the course of Jason Gelbort’s career.
‘In the eye of the storm – in a good way’
April 10, 2023
Harvard Law’s Semester in Washington Program celebrates 15 years of helping students become government lawyers
‘My inability to take care of myself was impacting my ability to be more expansive in the thinking of my work’
April 10, 2023
In a Last Lecture, Alex Chen reflects on moments of reckoning he’s faced in pursuit of advancing social change.
It started the summer he first hunted Nazis
April 7, 2023
With decades of experience prosecuting war crimes, Eli Rosenbaum '80 turns his attention to Russia.
Supreme Court preview: Groff v. DeJoy
April 7, 2023
Harvard Law’s Religious Freedom Clinic Faculty Director Joshua McDaniel explains how a case before the Court could better protect religious minorities in the workforce
Award-winning actress and advocate Michelle Yeoh is this year’s speaker for the Class Day ceremonies at Harvard Law School.
An indelible experience with deep Harvard roots
April 5, 2023
A friendly competition between four Harvard Law students in 1960 has grown into the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, with 700 students competing worldwide.
So, you want to break into the music world?
April 4, 2023
At a daylong seminar Harvard Law's Recording Artists Project brought together artists and managers to discuss the legal and business sides of entertainment industry.
‘We’re from everywhere’
April 3, 2023
The Harvard Law School LL.M. Class of 2023 welcomed the Harvard community to the International Party, a joyful celebration featuring food and performances from around the world.
‘American democracy is more under threat now than it has been in the lifetime of anyone currently alive’
April 3, 2023
In his last lecture to the J.D. and LL.M. classes of 2023, Michael Klarman celebrates civil rights heroes and issues a clarion call for democratic engagement.
HLS launches new pre-law fellowship program to help interested college students with a range of lived experiences, primarily individuals from first-generation and less advantaged backgrounds, apply for admission to law schools around the nation.
Crystal Yang honored with ALI’s Early Career Scholars Medal
March 29, 2023
The American Law Institute has announced that it will award its Early Career Scholars Medal to Professor Crystal S. Yang ’13 and Professor Leah Litman of the University of Michigan Law School.
‘We genuinely face the possibility of losing democracy’
March 29, 2023
Civil rights leader Sherrilyn Ifill encourages an examination of institutions and urges the inclusion of marginalized voices.
Notes and Comment
March 29, 2023
At this spring's Notes and Comment event, dozens of Harvard Law students working on writing projects met with faculty experts for advice and commentary on their work.
Ten Harvard Law students trekked to arctic Alaska during spring break to prepare tax returns for indigenous communities.
On being a nuisance
March 28, 2023
At a lecture celebrating his appointment as the Carter Professor of General Jurisprudence, John Goldberg explores nuisance law and its implications for “today’s biggest litigation.”