Post Types
Harvard Law School’s ‘outstanding’ housing rights advocacy work honored by Boston Bar Association
October 7, 2019
In September, two Harvard Law School clinics and their community partner organizations were recognized by the Boston Bar Association for their collaborative efforts to fight housing displacement in Boston.
Gallery: From the atomic bomb to the Nobel Peace Prize
October 4, 2019
Photo exhibit traces the history of nuclear weapons from the devastation of early use and testing to the current global effort to eliminate them.
In 1968, Bob Beamon leapt into the Olympic history books with a long jump that shattered the existing record by nearly two feet. Beamon brought the historic moment to life for a crowd gathered at Harvard Law School in September, where he joined a panel to discuss his work as a Special Olympics global ambassador.
In new book, Goldsmith probes family ties to Hoffa disappearance
October 2, 2019
In the recently-released "In Hoffa's Shadow," Jack Goldsmith digs into the case to possibly solve the mystery of the disappearance—and to clear his stepfather’s name.
Potentially troubling times for environmental law in the Supreme Court, say HLS professors
October 1, 2019
Though the news isn’t all bad, Harvard Law Professors Jody Freeman and Richard Lazarus warned of brewing issues ahead at the annual Supreme Court Environmental Law Review and Preview.
Lessig speaks on ‘Fidelity and Constraint’ at HLS
October 1, 2019
In a lively and provocative talk at Harvard Law School, Lawrence Lessig, the Roy L. Furman Professor of Law and Leadership, delved into his theory of constitutional law, which he explores in his most recent book "Fidelity and Constraint: How the Supreme Court has Read the American Constitution."
A new hunt for Jimmy Hoffa
October 1, 2019
Law professor digs into the case to possibly solve the mystery of the disappearance — and to clear his stepfather’s name
Experts explore the thorny legal and political implications of trying to unseat Trump
September 25, 2019
Harvard faculty explore the thorny legal and political implications of trying to unseat Trump, and whether it will matter in the end if it reaches the Republican-controlled Senate.
Former HLS professor John Palfrey ’01 takes over the MacArthur Foundation
September 25, 2019
The Harvard Gazette recently spoke with John Palfrey '01, former professor and vice dean for Library and Information Resources at HLS, and former executive director of the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society about how his Harvard time prepared him for his new role to lead one of the country’s largest philanthropic organizations.
On the road to impeachment?
September 25, 2019
Harvard legal and political experts explore the thorny legal and political implications of trying to unseat Trump
HLS Library Book Talk: “Butterfly Politics”
September 24, 2019
According to chaos theory, the minuscule motion of a butterfly’s wings can trigger a tornado half a world away. Under the right conditions, small simple…
McCulloch v. Maryland: Two centuries later
September 23, 2019
On the 200th anniversary of McCulloch v. Maryland, HLS Professor Mark Tushnet reflects on the 1819 case that paved the way for the modern administrative state and established the supremacy of federal over state law.
New report by Harvard Law scholars presents road map for court fee and fine reform
September 23, 2019
A new report released earlier this month by researchers at Harvard Law School’s Criminal Justice Policy Program argues for eliminating court fees and making fines proportionate to offense and ability to pay.
On Constitution Day, Klarman delivers a talk on the framers and the making of the Constitution
September 19, 2019
In commemoration of Constitution Day, Harvard Law School Professor Michael Klarman, an expert on constitutional law and constitutional history, delivered a talk titled "The Framers and the Making of the Constitution."
Tillerson’s exit interview
September 19, 2019
During a daylong visit organized by the American Secretaries of State Project, former U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson offered his take on global leaders and hotspots, from Iran and Saudi Arabia to North Korea and Syria.
Clinic Stories: Democracy Brewing
September 17, 2019
With the help of Harvard Law School's Transactional Law Clinics, Democracy Brewing has become the first brewery in Massachusetts to launch as a worker-owned business.
Harvard Law School Orientation 2019
September 13, 2019
As new Harvard Law students settle into life on campus, we feature highlights from the beginning of the academic year.
Dean Manning welcomes new students to HLS
September 12, 2019
At Harvard University’s ornate Sanders Theatre, Harvard Law School Dean John F. Manning ’85 imparted several pieces of advice meant to help new students navigate law school, their careers in the law, and their lives beyond.
New this year for HLS faculty
September 12, 2019
With the start of the academic year, four new scholars have joined the ranks of the Harvard Law School faculty and two have been promoted to professor of law.
Like a fish out of a war zone
September 10, 2019
In an excerpt from her just-released memoir, Samantha Power recalls her experience going from Balkans war correspondent to Law School student — and her stumbles along the way.
The man who killed Jim Crow: The legacy of Charles Hamilton Houston
September 5, 2019
Charles Hamilton Houston was an inspiring figure in American legal history, and a sometimes controversial one as well. Both sides of his legacy were examined in a lively lecture and Q&A discussion at Harvard Law School this week, to coincide with the 124th anniversary of his birth on September 3, 1895.