Post Types
Political Views
October 1, 2001
Regardless of how people feel about the outcome of the presidential election controversy, most would agree that the openness of the proceedings helped ensure greater legitimacy.
Class Distinction
October 1, 2001
When some of Alan Stone's colleagues learn that he is teaching a seminar on film at HLS, they wonder, frankly, what the heck he is doing. Students, however, know exactly what he is doing, Stone says. And they like it.
Consumer Advocate
October 1, 2001
Ira Burnim's clients are not like the rest of us. They don't want any help. They're just not worth the money, the time, the trouble. They're better off locked away, out of sight.
The Gift Is Right
October 1, 2001
HLS has received bigger contributions but not from anyone more recognized around the world. In June, Bob Barker, the host of the popular game show The Price Is Right, presented Dean Robert Clark '72 with a check for $500,000 to support the study of animal rights at the School.
Earth First
October 1, 2001
In 1993 Dick Roy '70 walked away from his position as a high-powered attorney, intent on never again collecting a paycheck. Roy had decided, after more than 20 years practicing law, to cash in his six-figure salary to save the earth.
The Mumia Chronicles
October 1, 2001
Sometimes it seems that Daniel Williams '86 is still on the case. When he talks about a new trial for Mumia Abu-Jamal and the defense strategy and the public relations campaign and the possibility that a client he represented for nearly ten years could be executed, Williams speaks like an advocate girded to continue the fight of his career.
The Biggest Game in Town
October 1, 2001
Tom Gallagher '69 doesn't gamble, but he certainly knows gaming. The president and CEO of Las Vegas' Park Place Entertainment, the world's largest casino and resort company, has been at the helm for just one year, but he is in many ways a veteran.
Choice Law Schools
October 1, 2001
For many 1Ls starting this year, HLS was their first choice. But some found it harder to decide. More than 60 years ago, William Waldron was faced with a similar dilemma: Harvard or Yale.
Mikva To Address ACS Kick-Off Event
October 1, 2001
In his speech, "Bringing Justice Back to Law," Mikva will argue that conservative lawyers have out hustled those on the left, which has resulted in a narrow interpretation of legal doctrine.
John Coates Promoted to Professor of Law
September 28, 2001
John Coates, a corporate law expert and leader in the study of the legal profession, has been named a Professor of Law at Harvard Law School-a tenured position. Coates has served as an Assistant Professor of Law at Harvard since 1997.
Elena Kagan Named Professor of Law
September 26, 2001
Elena Kagan, a former White House senior administrator and expert in administrative law, has been named a Professor of Law at Harvard Law School-a tenured position. Kagan served as a Visiting Professor at Harvard Law School for the past two years.
Jackson Addresses America's Response to Terrorism
September 25, 2001
In his first public address on the September 11 attack on America, the Reverend Jesse Jackson called for the country to rise from the tragedy and lead a new world of coalition, of faith, and of economic and political justice
Watch the HLS Alumni Town Meeting
September 22, 2001
On Saturday, September 22 at 9:30 a.m., Harvard Law School will be hosted an alumni town meeting to discuss the school's Strategic Plan.
Panel to Examine Law and the Media
September 20, 2001
On Friday, September 21 at 2 p.m. in the Austin North classroom, Harvard Law School will host a panel discussion on the intersection of law and the modern media.
HLS Announces Sears Prize Recipients
September 17, 2001
Harvard Law School has awarded the Joshua Montgomery Sears, Jr. prize to four students for academic achievement. The prizes are awarded annually to the two students receiving the highest grade averages in the first year and to the two students receiving the highest averages in the work of the second year.
Glendon on Roosevelt and Rights
September 12, 2001
Professor Mary Ann Glendon set out to write a straightforward history of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. But Eleanor Roosevelt would not let her do it.
Balancing Acts
September 1, 2001
After an editor at Oxford University Press read Unbending Gender, a book her own company published, she quit her job. In a way, it was the ultimate compliment for the author, Joan Williams '80, a professor at American University's Washington College of Law.
Talking Liberties
September 1, 2001
Burt Neuborne '64 has often been in the public eye--leading the charge for ballot access in New York State, arguing for Holocaust reparations, presenting cases before the U.S. Supreme Court.
Harvard Law School Welcomes New Students
August 30, 2001
In his welcoming address, Dean Robert C. Clark called the incoming class, trailblazers as important as the Law School's first class in 1817. Clark noted that the incoming J.D. class will be divided into seven sections instead of the traditional four. This will result in smaller class sizes and greater student-faculty interaction.
Ogletree Presented with Houston Medallion
August 29, 2001
Harvard Law School Professor Charles Ogletree has been awarded the 2001 Charles Hamilton Houston Medallion of Merit by the Washington Bar Association. The award was presented in honor of Ogletree's work promoting social justice and equality.
A Conversation with Jenö Staehelin
July 12, 2001
Jenö Staehelin LL.M. ’65 is the Swiss ambassador to the United Nations. A member of the HLS Dean’s Advisory Board, Staehelin last fall hosted more…