Post Types
Ernest J. Brown, 1906-2001
July 1, 2002
Langdell Professor of Law, Emeritus, Ernest Joseph Brown '31 died December 31, 2001, in Fort Worth, Tex. He was 95.
Hearsay: Summer 2002
July 1, 2002
“[I]f we approve torture in one set of circumstances, isn’t every country then free to define its own exceptions, applicable to Americans as well as…
Moving from the Past
July 1, 2002
If HLS were to move, it would not be the first time. Indeed, the school has moved twice since its inauguration in 1817, according to Visiting Professor Daniel Coquillette '71, who is writing a history of HLS.
The Write Way
July 1, 2002
It is incumbent upon legal practitioners to formulate their compositional efforts in a straightforward fashion. This is Ken Bresler's message.
Independent Production
July 1, 2002
Marla Grossman '93 warns that it's not exactly a feel-good movie. But she certainly feels good about what she and HLS classmate Gary Barkin have accomplished: Their company, Sidekick Entertainment, has produced a film that won a George Foster Peabody Award in March.
Beautiful Day
July 1, 2002
Bill Clinton and Mikhail Gorbachev were there, but Dean Robert Clark ' 72 made sure he spent some time with the biggest celebrity in the house, U2 lead singer Bono.
Ordinary People
July 1, 2002
If you think every Harvard Law School student is, by definition, a shining star, the first line sticks with you like a chicken bone in your throat.
To the Mountaintop
July 1, 2002
Not everyone would trade a top job at the Department of Justice to teach at a brand-new law school nestled deep in the Appalachian Mountains.
School to Institute Pro Bono Requirement
July 1, 2002
First-year students entering HLS in the fall of 2002 will be the first required to meet the pro bono service standards of the law school's Strategic Plan.
A Roommate with a View
July 1, 2002
When he was a college student, Michael Kleinman '03 shared a room in Yemen for five weeks with a fellow American. But they never had the "what's your major, do you have a girlfriend, where are you from, what music do you like" chat.
Tunnel Vision
July 1, 2002
Boston to Brussels. Fast. Very fast. Less than three hours fast. This is Frank Davidson's dream.
At Home on the Range
July 1, 2002
Alexander "Sasha" Volokh '03 has started Harvard Law School's first target shooting club, for fun and trouble. In Harvard's "quite liberal" environment he thought he would see if he "could get some people steamed up."
Keep on Truckin’
July 1, 2002
With an office overlooking the San Francisco Bay and the Golden Gate Bridge, Wesley Fastiff '59 has one of the country's most spectacular views.
Colloquium Examines Risk-Based Capital Standards
June 26, 2002
The Harvard Law School Program on International Financial Systems held a colloquium today that examined risk-based capital standards. Participants explored how capital requirements are currently determined for various financial firms and how they should be determined in the future. The discussion was extremely timely as capital standards are currently under active review by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision which is responsible for setting capital standards for internationally active banks.
Gonzales Urges Graduates to Pursue Public Service
June 6, 2002
Citing the attacks of September 11 in a call to public service, White House Counsel and Harvard Law graduate Alberto Gonzales urged Class of 2002 graduates to consider the responsibilities lawyers have to the Constitution.
Alford Named Faculty Director of Graduate Program
June 5, 2002
Dean Robert Clark has announced that William Alford, the Henry L. Stimson Professor of Law, has been named faculty director of Graduate and International Legal Studies at Harvard Law School. Alford's appointment will be effective on July 1.
Gonzales to Deliver 2002 Class Day Address
June 3, 2002
On Wednesday, June 5, White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales will deliver Harvard Law School's 2002 Class Day address. The speech will begin at 2:30 p.m. on the steps of Langdell Hall on the Law School campus. For the first time in the Law School's history, the speech will be webcast live for those unable to attend the event.
Alford Meets with China's President Zemin
May 24, 2002
Harvard Law School Professor Bill Alford was part of a delegation, led by Harvard President Lawrence Summers, that recently traveled to China to meet with President Jiang Zemin and other political and academic leaders of the PRC. The meeting with President Jiang, which was held at the leadership's Zhongnanhai compound, lasted more than an hour and a half and covered a broad spectrum of issues ranging from the Chinese environment to the role of liberal arts education to the likely impact of the WTO and China on one another.
Lisa Dealy to Head Pro Bono Office
May 20, 2002
Harvard Law School has announced that Lisa Dealy, formerly the director of the Law School's loan forgiveness and summer funding program, will head the School's Pro Bono Office. The office will direct the Law School's pro bono program which, beginning with next fall's incoming class, will require all students to perform a minimum of 40 hours of uncompensated public interest work.