Post Types
In the summer of 2007, HLS Professors Mark Ramseyer ’82 and Steven Shavell approached editors at Harvard University Press with the idea of starting a unique online venture: a broad-focused, faculty-edited journal with an open access format, to provide first-rate scholarship to the widest possible audience.
Urs Gasser joins Berkman Center as new executive director
February 4, 2009
Urs Gasser LL.M. ’03, an associate professor of law at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland, has been named executive director of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society.
Michael Froman ’91 has been named deputy assistant to the president and deputy national security adviser for international economic affairs, a position to be held jointly at the National Security Council and the National Economic Council.
Todd Stern ’77 appointed climate change envoy
February 2, 2009
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton announced today that Todd Stern ’77, a former White House assistant who was the senior U.S. negotiator at the…
In a major new study, recommendations for reforming the way human rights courts work
February 2, 2009
James Cavallaro, clinical professor and executive director of the Human Rights Program, has litigated numerous cases before the Inter-American Court, Latin America’s human rights court.
Zittrain at Davos: Cybercrime threat rising
February 2, 2009
Harvard Law School Professor Jonathan Zittrain ’95, co-founder and faculty co-director of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society, participated in the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, in January. He joined leading Internet experts in a panel discussion on “Is the Internet at Risk?”
Jody Freeman named Counselor for Energy and Climate Change
January 30, 2009
HLS Professor Jody Freeman LL.M. ’91 S.J.D. ’95 has been named Counselor for Energy and Climate Change in the White House. She will serve…
Samantha Power '99 to join National Security Council
January 30, 2009
Harvard Kennedy School Professor and Pulitzer Prize-winning author Samantha Power ’99 will take a top foreign policy position in the Obama administration, serving as senior director for multilateral affairs at the National Security Council,
The Associated Press reported today. -
Protecting—and learning from—“digital natives”
January 29, 2009
Kids these days—they IM, they text, they “twitter … and they’re also the subject of a new book, Born Digital, by two experts affiliated with Harvard Law School’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society: John Palfrey ’01, the Henry N. Ess Professor of Law at HLS, and Urs Gasser, an associate professor at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland and the newly appointed executive director of the Berkman Center.
Harvard Law School professor Laurence H. Tribe ’66 is the recipient of the 2009 Outstanding Scholar Award from the Fellows of the American Bar…
HLS alumni fill ranks of White House Counsel’s office
January 27, 2009
Harvard Law School alumni are filling the ranks of the Office of the White House Counsel. Six HLS alumni will be working in the office, which will be headed by Gregory Craig.
Joey Diamond was born in 1994 with cocaine in his system. Two years later, he was found wandering alone in a city park late at…
Four HLS students in the Negotiation and Mediation Clinical Program have just finished an ambitious, semester-long project with Kenneth R. Feinberg, Special Master of the 9/11 Fund and a leading expert in alternative dispute resolution, to help staunch the widespread mortgage foreclosure crisis by bringing banks and homeowners together to refashion mortgage agreements.
Changing the culture, peer-to-peer
January 26, 2009
Six HLS students in the Title IX clinical course of Diane L. Rosenfeld spent two days recently at the University of Richmond conducting a training session for more than 50 undergraduate student leaders on issues of sexual respect, rape, consent, and related matters.
David Kris ’91 appointed to DOJ national security post
January 26, 2009
David Kris ’91 has been appointed head of the Department of Justice’s two-year-old National Security division by President Barack Obama ’91.
Clinical Pathways: Three stories
January 26, 2009
Through clinics, courses and student initiatives, Harvard Law students are working in communities on real-world problems -- and having real impact. Here are three stories showing some ways they are putting their training to use:
Sitkoff Addresses Delaware Trust Conference
January 25, 2009
Robert Sitkoff, John L. Gray Professor of Law at HLS, recently delivered the keynote address at the 2008 Delaware Trust Conference sponsored by the Delaware Bankers Association.
Harvard Law School receives major gift in honor of Laurence Tribe
January 25, 2009
Harvard Law School has received a $10 million gift—made anonymously—in honor of Professor Laurence H. Tribe ’66.
Meltzer appointed Principal Deputy Counsel to the President
January 23, 2009
Daniel J. Meltzer ’75, the Story Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, will be appointed Principal Deputy Counsel to the President in the administration of President Barack Obama ’91.
In testimony before the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, Harvard Law School Professor Howell Jackson '82 called for the Federal Reserve Board to become the primary regulator of financial risk. Watch a webcast of the hearing.
Two more HLS alumni to join Obama administration
January 20, 2009
Two more HLS alumni will join the Obama administration: Preeta Bansal ’89 will serve as general counsel and senior policy advisor at the Office of Management and Budget at the White house, and Jocelyn Frye ’88 will serve as deputy assistant to the president for domestic policy and director of policy and projects for the first lady.