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  • An illustration of a man laying on a pile of green, yellow and red books while looking at an electronic devise.

    HLS Authors: Selected Alumni Books Summer 2022

    July 15, 2022

    From “American Shtetl” to “South to America”

  • Detail of Langdell Hall in autumn

    A Focus on Democracy: HLS Clinics and Classes

    July 15, 2022

    The Election Law Clinic, led by Ruth Greenwood, visiting assistant clinical professor, focuses on voter suppression, gerrymandering, and the challenges money poses to democratic participation.

  • A group of graduates in cap and gown pose for a photo with their professor gesturing a one with her finger.

    Commencement x 3

    July 15, 2022

    During the last week of May this year, three Harvard Law School classes celebrated a long-awaited Commencement

  • Man in a referee uniform on a football field

    At the Top of His Game

    July 15, 2022

    National Football League referee Ron Torbert ’88 reaches the pinnacle of his profession: Officiating the Super Bowl.

  • Red and blue colored hands holding ballots ready to drop in a black ballot box at the center of the illustration.

    Vote of Confidence

    July 15, 2022

    An election law course examines doctrine and asks students to consider ‘the way things ought to be, and how to make them happen’

  • A drawing of Harvard Yard at its founding

    Reckoning with a Painful Legacy

    July 14, 2022

    Harvard issues a report on the university’s connections to slavery and its long history of discrimination against Black people long after slavery was abolished by the 13th Amendment.

  • Cara Mund

    Cara Mund receives the Kristin P. Muniz Memorial Award

    May 24, 2022

    Cara Mund ’22 is the winner of the second annual Kristin P. Muniz Memorial Award. Mund is recognized for her commitment to justice, her advocacy, compassion for her clients, and stellar representation of each of those clients.

  • Championing the underdog

    May 10, 2022

    If life itself is our greatest teacher, then a student who can apply lived experience to classroom learning has the benefit of a superior education.

  • Cases in Brief: Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife with Richard Lazarus

    April 29, 2022

    In this installment of “Cases in Brief,” Harvard Law Professor Richard Lazarus ’79 discusses the landmark citizen-suit case, Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife (1992), which hindered the ability to bring environmental citizen suits for much of the 1990s.

  • Nikolas Bowie teaching a class.

    ‘Change the world around you’

    April 29, 2022

    In a philosophical and wide-ranging Last Lecture, Harvard Law School Assistant Professor Nikolas Bowie ’14 reminded the Class of 2022 that they are on the verge of changing the world.

  • A woman in a white blazer stands in front of a doorway on the Harvard Law School campus.

    A focus on empowerment

    April 28, 2022

    A social entrepreneur from Nepal, Jesselina Rana LL.M. ’22 focuses on human rights and women’s health.

  • Harvard Law School unveils memorial honoring enslaved people who enabled its founding

    Understanding the legacy of slavery

    April 28, 2022

    Following the release of a report by the Presidential Committee on Harvard and the Legacy of Slavery, Harvard Law Dean John F. Manning has announced initiatives to honor the enslaved people whose labor generated wealth that contributed to Harvard Law School’s founding.

  • A man in a blue blazer stands in front of a building on the Harvard Law School campus.

    Engaging in good faith discussion

    April 27, 2022

    Federalist Society President Jacob Richards ’22, who describes himself as a classical liberal, appreciates engaging in good faith discussion of hard issues at HLS.

  • Jon Hanson speaking.

    ‘Recommit to your childhood dreams of justice’

    April 27, 2022

    In the first of this year’s Last Lectures, Professor Jon Hanson challenged students to think about what justice really means — and whether it’s truly provided by the American legal system or even taught in law school.

  • Molly Brady.

    Advice I did not take

    April 25, 2022

    In a Last Lecture, Harvard Law Professor Molly Brady stressed the importance of knowing when to take — and ignore — advice from others.

  • Six students perform a lively dance at an international night at HLS

    International Night at HLS

    April 25, 2022

    The LL.M. Class of 2022 gathered in April for a fun-filled International Night in the WCC which featured dancing, singing, and spoken word talents — not to mention their team rowing skills.

  • Christiana Figueres poses for a photo with two others while holding her Great Negotiator award.

    Figueres receives 2022 Great Negotiator award at HLS

    April 21, 2022

    As the former executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Christiana Figueres was in charge of the 2015 climate talks in Paris. In a conscious departure from earlier conferences, she declared that any agreement should be unanimous, rather than merely a consensus.

  • A group of football players surround a man in the middle on the football field

    Supreme Court preview: Kennedy v. Bremerton School District

    April 20, 2022

    The Supreme Court stands poised to decide whether a high school coach’s penchant for prayers with players poses First Amendment problems.

  • Jerry Ting and Memme Onwudiwe of Evisort lead the reading group on entrepreneurship.

    ‘We want to show students how to be entrepreneurs’

    April 19, 2022

    In a Harvard Law School reading group, entrepreneurs and legal operation specialists are sharing a road map for using technology to change the legal profession.

  • Screen shot of a woman and a book cover

    ‘I’d love it if poetry was required reading for law school’

    April 19, 2022

    In celebration of National Poetry Month, HLS lecturer and poet Jessica Fjeld reads a passage from a poem by Terrance Hayes, and discusses the importance of poetry in building empathy and connection.

  • Collage of portraits of four students against green and pink color blocks.

    Focusing on well-being

    April 19, 2022

    Students on Harvard Law School’s Student Well-Being Working Group care about sharing mental health resources available with their peers.