Randall Kennedy
In legal scholarship, what defines staying power?
April 1, 2007
What does it mean to 'think like a lawyer' - in particular, an American lawyer? After wrestling with that question for years, Harvard Law Professors David Kennedy '80 and William W. Fisher III '82 have given us an anthology of the law review articles they believe yield the answer.
The New 1L
July 1, 2002
For the first time in decades, HLS has changed the basic structure of its first-year experience, and students and faculty are singing the praises of The New 1L.
A Word of Trouble
July 1, 2002
A hypothetical: A reporter is going to interview Professor Randall Kennedy. The reporter says to a group of coworkers: "That is one righteous nigger." A colleague complains. The reporter, whose intent was to compliment the professor, is fired for using grossly offensive language.