Randall Kennedy
Randall Kennedy Says It Loud
January 6, 2022
For over three decades, Randall Kennedy, the Michael R. Klein Professor at Harvard Law School, has made one bold intervention after another in the most pressing social issues of the day. Not only has he written at length on such subjects as interracial marriage, affirmative action, and crime and policing, but his work has touched off controversies regarding his nuanced defense of the “politics of Black respectability,” his thinking on racial nomenclature and the variety of ways for describing the collective identity of Black Americans, and his critiques of “anti-racism gone awry” on college campuses.
On GPS: America’s racial reckoning
January 3, 2022
Watch: Harvard law professors Randall Kennedy and Noah Feldman join Fareed to examine the conversation around critical race theory in America today.
On the bookshelf
November 30, 2021
Here are some of the latest from HLS authors to add to your reading list over the holiday break.
100 Notable Books of 2021
November 22, 2021
Say It Loud!: On Race, Law, History, and Culture By Randall Kennedy, Michael R. Klein Professor of Law: This collection of essays offers a full portrait of Kennedy’s thinking as a law professor and public intellectual, demonstrating his commitment to reflection over partisanship, thinking over feeling.
Republicans Are Once Again Heating Up the Culture Wars
November 10, 2021
Christopher Rufo, a Manhattan Institute senior fellow and a self-identified brawler, takes full credit for turning critical race theory into a political wedge issue. ... Randall Kennedy, a law professor at Harvard, had a harder edge in his emailed reply to my inquiry: “Democratic candidates should deal seriously and forthrightly with the cultural issues that clearly concern many voters.” Learning, he continued, entails dialogue and pluralism and self-disciplined willingness to listen even to those with whom one may disagree strongly, which is why the far-flung efforts to erase or muzzle the 1619 Project, or critical race theory or other manifestations of anti-racist pedagogy must be rejected. Democrats should put themselves firmly on the side of open discussion, not compelled silence. Ultimately, Kennedy argued, Democrats need to articulate a complex set of principles: They should vocally eschew bad ideas such as the notion that there has been no substantial betterment in race relations over the past fifty years, or that George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln are unworthy of commemoration, or that Black people are incapable of being racist, or that speech that is allegedly racist ought to be banned. At the same time, they should vocally embrace what is difficult for any sensible person to deny: that racial injustice has been and remains a destructive force that must be overcome if we are to enjoy more fully the promising potential of our multiracial democracy.
On October 22, Harvard Law School dedicated the decanal portrait of Martha Minow, the 300th Anniversary University Professor.
‘Protect expression, protect speech, protect thinking’
October 20, 2021
During a recent discussion about his new collection of essays, “Say it Loud! On Race, Law, History, and Culture,” Randall Kennedy shared background on a few of his favorite pieces, defended free thought, and spoke about his view on the future of race relations in America.
Is the Supreme Court too political? A look at the court’s ideology
October 13, 2021
The Supreme Court is supposed to rule by the law alone. But Harvard’s Randall Kennedy says that doesn't always happen. “A very common misconception is that the Supreme Court is above politics," he says. "With all the marble palace and the robes and the funny words and all of that, beneath all of that is a political struggle.” So let's stop pretending that the court is a magisterial, impartial arbiter of the law. The law, Kennedy says, is a distillation of our politics. Top ACLU lawer David Cole disagrees.
For decades, scholar Randall Kennedy has been writing about race, culture and the law. “We are certainly much further from the racial promised land than I had thought that we were," he says. "The forces of racism are deeper, stronger, more influential than one would like.” And yet, Kennedy doesn't think today's young activists have a winning strategy. “You need a big tent to advance your political agenda. You need to bring on board people who are not already on your side," he adds. "Do not needlessly alienate people. If that's respectability politics, count me in.” Today, On Point: Randall Kennedy on race, culture and the law across generations.
Randall Kennedy On The Future Of The Supreme Court
October 7, 2021
In his latest book, “Say It Loud! On Race, Law, History, And Culture,” Harvard Law professor Randall Kennedy discusses everything from why he thinks Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is a “sellout” to how the election of Donald Trump left his optimism for a racially equitable nation “profoundly shaken.” He joined Jim Braude on Greater Boston to discuss all that and more. Kennedy responded to a recent wave of Supreme Court justices lamenting the politicization of the Court. He called the claims “ridiculous.” “The Supreme Court is inevitably political,” he said. “Clearly it matters who these people are. Clearly our law is largely dependent on the personnel that make it to these seats on the Supreme Court of the United States.”
If Randall Kennedy ran the world
October 4, 2021
This month, Randall Kennedy, Michael R. Klein Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, published a collection of essays titled “Say It Loud! On Race, Law, History, and Culture.” The Civil Rights Act and antiracist activism are among Kennedy’s topics, and the book includes provocative essays about Nat Turner, Frederick Douglass, and Thurgood Marshall. In a conversation with the Gazette, the legal scholar answered critics of his work, described his politics, and explained why his hopes for racial equality in the U.S. have dimmed. The interview was edited for clarity and length.
If Randall Kennedy ran the world
September 30, 2021
This month, Randall Kennedy, Michael R. Klein Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, published a collection of essays titled “Say It Loud! On Race, Law, History, and Culture.” The Civil Rights Act and antiracist activism are among Kennedy’s topics, and the book includes provocative essays about Nat Turner, Frederick Douglass, and Thurgood Marshall. In a conversation with the Gazette, the legal scholar answered critics of his work, described his politics, and explained why his hopes for racial equality in the U.S. have dimmed. The interview was edited for clarity and length. GAZETTE: You talk in your book about your family history. How has it informed your views on race? KENNEDY: My family history has been profoundly influential on my views on race. I was born in Columbia, South Carolina, but I grew up in Washington, D.C., because my parents were afraid for their future in South Carolina. I asked my father once why he moved. His response to me was, “Because either a white man was going to kill me or I was going to kill a white man.” That’s why I grew up in Washington, D.C. Race was a constant topic of conversation in my household.
Randall Kennedy on ‘Say it Out Loud!’
September 27, 2021
The Harvard law professor Randall Kennedy’s new book, “Say It Loud!,” collects 29 of his essays. Kennedy’s opinions about the subjects listed in the book’s subtitle — race, law, history and culture — tend to be complex, and he’s not afraid to change his mind. He says on the podcast that there’s “no shame” in admitting you’re wrong, and that he does just that in the book when he finds it appropriate. “I thought that the United States was much further down the road to racial decency than it is,” Kennedy says. “Donald Trump obviously trafficked in racial resentment, racial prejudice in a way that I thought was securely locked in the past. This has had a big influence on me. I used to be a quite confident racial optimist. I am not any longer. I’m still in the optimistic camp — I do think that we shall overcome — but I’m uneasy. I’m uneasy in a way that was simply not the case, let’s say, 10 years ago.”
Minow, Sunstein and Kennedy launch the inaugural issue of The American Journal of Law and Equality
September 22, 2021
This month saw the publication of the inaugural issue of The American Journal of Law and Equality, a project developed by three Harvard Law School professors in collaboration with MIT Press. The first issue features a variety of views from legal, academic and philosophical scholars, including its three editors and founders: 300th Anniversary University Professor Martha Minow; Michael R. Klein Professor of Law Randall L. Kennedy; and Robert Walmsley University Professor Cass R. Sunstein ‘78.
‘We have to spend more time on the inequalities that are embedded in the law itself’
September 21, 2021
September 2021 saw the publication of the inaugural issue of The American Journal of Law and Equality, a project developed by Professors Martha Minow, Randall Kennedy, and Cass Sunstein, in collaboration with MIT Press.
Is It Ever OK to Enunciate a Slur in the Classroom?
September 14, 2021
An op-ed by Randall Kennedy: A string of professors have been condemned, disciplined, even fired for saying the N-word in full.
Say It Loud: On Race, Law, History, And Culture
September 8, 2021
Author and Harvard Law Professor Randall Kennedy joins us to talk about his new book, a collection of essays titled, "Say It Loud: On Race, Law, History and Culture."
24 books you should read this fall, according to local experts
September 7, 2021
We asked staff members at Harvard Book Store, Porter Square Books, Frugal Bookstore, Brookline Booksmith, and Trident Booksellers & Café for the titles they’re most excited to dive into this season. ... “Say It Loud!” by Randall Kennedy (Sept. 7) Cropper said she is excited for the release of this collection of 29 essays from Kennedy, a professor at Harvard Law School. The book includes both previously published and new pieces that explore race and social justice in America. “It’s his thoughts on the realities and what he imagines on race in America,” Cropper said. “It’s his personal essays on race, on culture, on history, on law.”
On Matters of Race, Randall Kennedy Demands Thinking Over Feeling
September 7, 2021
Book review: Randall Kennedy dismisses claims that American university campuses are racist. He assails the sanctification of Malcolm X, saying that his most prominent biographer, the late Columbia University professor Manning Marable, “accords his hero a stature in memory that he lacked in history.” Kennedy is against taking names off buildings because the person in question was a racist, and questions identity based on race rather than individuality. To those who decry the “respectability politics” of calling for Black people to maintain mainstream standards of behavior, Kennedy ripostes that this kind of discipline has indeed benefited Black people in the past — there was nothing “street” about most civil rights leaders of yore, for example, and they liked it that way. Why, then, is Kennedy, a Black professor at Harvard Law School, not typically included on the list of Black conservatives or even “heterodox Black thinkers,” to use the currently fashionable term of art? The anthology “Say It Loud!” teaches us why. This collection of 29 of his essays lends us the fullest portrait yet between two covers of Kennedy’s thought, and just as much of it fits the mold of Black thought traditionally treated as “authentic” as does not.
19 New Books Coming in September
August 31, 2021
‘Say It Loud! On Race, Law, History, and Culture,’ by Randall Kennedy (Pantheon, Sept. 7) Kennedy, a Harvard law professor, takes up everything from Frederick Douglass to George Floyd’s legacy in this collection of new and previously published essays.
Harvard Law faculty summer 2021 book recommendations
July 1, 2021
Looking for a new book to enjoy at the beach, park, or on your couch? Six HLS faculty members share what they’re reading this summer.