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Phil Torrey

  • Photograph of Geehyun Sussan Lee '15 posing outside

    Geehyun Sussan Lee ’15

    January 7, 2020

    It helped that she was a first-generation immigrant herself. Sussan Lee could settle into a conversation with her client, a West African immigrant, about the…

  • Border patrol agent taking man into custody

    Harvard Law Crimmigration Clinic is moving the needle on the criminalization of immigration

    August 9, 2019

    Criminalizing immigration status has been increasing over the past twenty-five years, according to Phil Torrey, managing director of the Crimmigration Clinic at Harvard Law School.

  • Crimmigration Clinic issues resources for advocates defending the rights of immigrants

    Crimmigration Clinic issues resources for advocates defending the rights of immigrants

    October 2, 2018

    The Harvard Immigration and Refugee Clinical Program’s Crimmigration Clinic and the Immigrant Defense Project issued two new resources for advocates and attorneys defending the rights of immigrants fighting removal to countries where they will be persecuted.

  • Withdrawal From DACA Litigation Becomes Key Point In Texas Attorney General Race

    September 17, 2018

    An op-ed by Samuel Garcia `19. “Why do you think that you can win as a Democrat in Texas?” This is the biggest question hanging over Justin Nelson, Democratic candidate for Texas Attorney General. His response: “I will withdraw Texas from the DACA suit on my first day in office.” Figures from the Department of Homeland Security show that there are approximately 690,000 children in the United States under the protection of DACA (Deferred Action for Children Arrivals). Although altering immigration policy is usually the responsibility of the federal government, children under the protection of DACA may have their status in this country impacted by the results of the Texas Attorney General race. This is because Texas is the lead plaintiff in a multi-state lawsuit to end DACA...According to Phil Torrey, Managing Attorney of the Harvard Immigration and Refugee Clinical Program, the outcome of the Texas Attorney General race may have fatal consequences to the DACA suit since other states may not be willing to put forth the resources necessary to litigate.

  • Four images from the feature in a series

    Experiential and Essential

    August 30, 2018

    Clinical education at HLS: Four experiences

  • Phil Torrey on 'crimmigration'

    Phil Torrey on ‘crimmigration’

    June 22, 2018

    ‘Crimmigration’—the intersection of criminal and immigration law—is the newest policy area for the Harvard Immigration and Refugee Clinical Program (HIRC). In addition to its broader advocacy clinic, HIRC offers Phil Torrey’s crimmigration clinic in the spring: an opportunity for students to gain direct experience working on and contributing to case law in this young field.

  • “Crimmigration”

    June 19, 2018

    "It often happens," says Phil Torrey, managing attorney of the Harvard Immigration and Refugee Clinical Program (HIRC), “that I’ll get a phone call from criminal-defense counsel somewhere random in the country, like the one last week I got from Tennessee. The lawyer says, ‘Hey, I’m about to go into the courtroom, here’s the plea deal that’s on the table—and my client’s not a U.S. citizen. What’s gonna happen?’” Torrey is addressing the four law students in his “crimmigration” clinic, who are learning how to advocate for criminal defendants who are not American citizens...In addition to its broader Immigration and Refugee Advocacy clinic, HIRC offers Torrey’s crimmigration clinic in the spring: an opportunity for students to gain direct experience working on and contributing to case law in this young field. When she co-founded HIRC in 1984, says clinical professor of law Deborah Anker, it “was at the bottom of the pile”; immigration issues were barely recognized as a subfield of law. But student interest has spiked since the 2016 election, and now, she says, the Immigration and Refugee Advocacy clinic has one of “the longest waiting lists among [HLS] clinics—about 100 students.”...As Nancy Kelly, a clinical instructor and lecturer on law, puts it, Donald Trump “ran on a platform of immigrants being criminals, and now he’s doing his best to make that a reality.”... The clinic hired a staff attorney, Jason Corral, in January 2017 to represent members of the University community; soon after, a number of additional Trump administration executive orders affected various Harvard students and staff members: the ban on travel from seven majority-Muslim countries (HIRC wrote an amicus brief challenging that order), the repeal of DACA (now under challenge in courts), and the revocation of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for 400,000 immigrants from El Salvador, Haiti, Nicaragua, Nepal, and, most recently, Honduras...If the repeal proceeds without challenge, Corral says, HIRC may consider building asylum arguments for TPS holders.

  • Blue sky thinking and beyond at Harvard Law hackathons 1

    Blue sky thinking and beyond at Harvard Law hackathons

    May 2, 2018

    As part of the “HLS in the Community” bicentennial event, HLS brought the hackathon concept to the legal space. Instead of writing code, alumni and other professionals worked together on April 20 to hack out legal solutions to social and political issues.

  • Chicago is taking Jeff Sessions to court. Will Boston follow suit?

    August 15, 2017

    Earlier this week, Chicago made national headlines when it announced it was suing Attorney General Jeff Sessions over the Department of Justice’s threat to pull some federal funding from so-called sanctuary cities...Phil Torrey, an immigration lawyer and Harvard Law School lecturer, says its likely other cities will follow suit with Chicago and bring similar lawsuits if the Justice Department doesn’t change its tactics. “Chicago has advanced a strong claim that the DOJ’s new restrictions were not contemplated by Congress when it appropriated [Justice Assistance Grant] funds and the DOJ is acting outside of its authority when placing new conditions on those funds that target sanctuary jurisdictions,” Torrey told

  • Outside of the Adams Courthouse, Boston

    In Crimmigration Clinic victory, Supreme Judicial Court rules state law enforcement lacks ‘detainer’ authority

    August 1, 2017

    In a victory for Harvard Law School’s Crimmigration Clinic, the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts ruled that state authorities cannot detain someone for a U.S. immigration violation based solely on a Detainer.

  • Scholars: DACA Reprieve No Reason for Dreamers to Relax

    June 19, 2017

    Even though the Trump Administration gave Dreamers a bit of a reprieve last week through its continuance of DACA — the Obama-era program that lets certain young people brought to the United States illegally as children to remain in the country and work — Dreamers still shouldn’t get too comfortable...Philip L. Torrey, managing attorney at the Harvard Law School’s Immigration and Refugee Clinical Program, raised concerns about the still-tentative nature of DACA. “I think it’s certainly good news for DACA recipients that the administration will be issuing work authorization extensions,” Torrey said. However, Torrey noted that President Donald Trump could alter the DACA policy “at any moment” — which he said shows the need for Congress to act on immigration reform.

  • Sabrineh Ardalan

    Sabrineh Ardalan named assistant clinical professor of law

    May 31, 2017

    Sabrineh Ardalan ’02, assistant director of the Harvard Immigration and Refugee Clinical Program and a lecturer in the fields of immigration and refugee law and advocacy and trauma, refugees, and the law has been appointed assistant clinical professor at Harvard Law School.

  • Mana Azarmi '17 in London

    Mana Azarmi wins CLEA’s Outstanding Clinical Student Award

    May 22, 2017

    Mana Azarmi ’17 is the winner of the Outstanding Clinical Student Award from the Clinical Legal Education Association (CLEA) of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS), presented annually to one student from each law school for his/her outstanding clinical coursework and contributions to the clinical community.

  • What happens to Boston and other sanctuary cities named on ICE’s detainer report?

    March 23, 2017

    Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s first list of so-called sanctuary cities produced a lot of names — and not a ton of immediate clarity. The reported inaccuracies notwithstanding, the list — released as part of ICE’s first weekly “detainer” report Monday — of self-identified sanctuaries was just that. It included no information about what might happen to the 118 listed localities — including Boston and four other Massachusetts cities — where law enforcement limits their cooperation with ICE efforts to deport undocumented immigrants...However, Phil Torrey, an immigration lawyer and Harvard Law School lecturer, says the report has another purpose. “Trump is trying to shame localities into using their resources to help ICE arrest and deport individuals,” he said.

  • What’s Next for Trump’s Travel Ban?

    March 20, 2017

    The Trump administration filed notice Friday that it plans to appeal a preliminary injunction issued this week in Maryland, and it's widely expected to do the same in Hawaii. But no matter the outcome before the federal appeals courts, experts agree that the matter will ultimately be decided by the Supreme Court..."This is such new territory and such broad use of that power – it's likely [the court will side with the administration], but it's not a slam dunk," says Phil Torrey, a lecturer at Harvard Law School who specializes in criminal and immigration law.

  • With Trump’s changes, the deportation process could move much faster

    February 27, 2017

    On Tuesday, the Trump administration released a pair of memos authorizing federal authorities to deport undocumented immigrants more aggressively, directives that are in line with President Trump’s executive orders on border security and immigration. The measures laid out in the memos seek to shorten the sometimes years-long deportation process for many immigrants, often to the detriment of immigrants’ existing due process rights. As the changes roll out, they’ll reverberate throughout the deportation pipeline, affecting the numerous government agencies and courts involved...When government officials try to deport someone, there are two paths they can take. The expedited process, which bypasses the court system, is quicker — it typically takes about two weeks, according to Phil Torrey, the supervising attorney for the Harvard Immigration Project — and is used to deport people who haven’t been in the country very long.

  • Law School Clinic Files Amicus Brief Against Trump’s Immigration Order

    February 21, 2017

    The Harvard Immigration and Refugee Clinic filed Thursday an amicus brief challenging President Donald Trump’s seven-country immigration order. A team of clinic staff, Law School students, and attorneys at New York-based firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom filed the brief supporting a New York lawsuit against Trump’s order, which has faced legal challenges across the country. They argue that Trump’s order violates federal immigration statutes...Nate MacKenzie '17, a Law School student who directed the team of student researchers who worked on the brief, said the clinic filed it to help the court better understand the various statutory arguments related to the suit...MacKenzie said he worked closely with Phil Torrey, a clinical instructor at the Law School, and Sabi Ardalan, the assistant director of HIRC, along with four student research teams, to send memos to the law firm, which turned the research into the formal brief submitted to the court.

  • US lawmakers target undocumented student ‘sanctuaries’

    February 21, 2017

    ...A "sanctuary", though commonly known as a place of refuge, has no legal definition in the US. "Sanctuary cities" became a term used to describe jurisdictions that employ varying policies of lawful non-cooperation with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials. Some declared themselves sanctuaries, but not all did. After the 2016 elections, a small number of colleges, including Swarthmore, also declared themselves sanctuaries in opposition to US President Donald Trump's stance on immigration. Like sanctuary cities, these schools employ differing policies of noncompliance with ICE, experts say...Trump's executive order denying federal funding to sanctuary jurisdictions also did not clearly define a "sanctuary", which has led to further confusion and fear, says immigration expert Phil Torrey, of Harvard Law School.

  • HIRC group at conference table

    HIRC files amicus curiae brief in NY case against Trump’s executive orders on immigration

    February 17, 2017

    The Harvard Immigration and Refugee Clinical Program filed an amicus curiae brief on February 16 in the Eastern District of New York case against President Trump’s executive orders on immigration -- one of several cases currently challenging the president’s actions on immigration.

  • What do sanctuary cities really offer? At what cost? (audio)

    February 8, 2017

    By signing an executive order, President Trump has created confusion for many so-called "sanctuary cities" regarding their roles in enforcing federal immigration laws. Many cities, including a few here in Minnesota, are left to wonder what it might mean in terms of federal funding and community safety. MPR News host Marianne Combs spoke with...Phil Torrey, supervising attorney for the Harvard Immigration Project, about the confusion and the potential outcome for families, neighborhoods, communities and their safety.

  • How sanctuary cities work and what might happen to them under Trump

    January 19, 2017

    On the campaign trail, President-elect Donald Trump promised to punish local governments that don’t comply with federal immigration authorities. In some so-called “sanctuary cities,” officials refuse to hand over illegal immigrants for deportation. ...Police and politicians in these areas say that honoring ICE detainer requirements could scare people away — they don’t want undocumented people to be afraid to contact the police if they need help. “They are relying on folks to not be afraid of the police to report crimes,” said Phil Torrey, a lecturer at Harvard Law School who specializes in criminal and immigration law.