Noah Feldman
The following op-ed piece, Indecisive Moments, written by Harvard Law School Professor Noah Feldman, was published in the New York Times Magazine on April 6, 2008.
Sharia as Backlash
April 2, 2008
Professor Noah Feldman has done plenty of thinking about the intersection of religion and law, particularly in the Arab World.
Associate Justice Anthony M. Kennedy ’61 of the U.S. Supreme Court came to Harvard Law School this week for a two-day celebration of the 20th anniversary of his appointment to the Court.
The West doesn't know quite what to think of Turkey's Islamic-oriented ruling party: does it envision a liberal, European future for Turkey or an Islamist one? A vote this week on the seemingly minor issue of whether head scarves should be allowed at universities will help us begin to answer that question.
Iraq is a vanishing issue in the presidential election, Professor Noah Feldman says
January 14, 2008
The following article, Vanishing Act , written by Harvard Law School Professor Noah Feldman, was published in the New York Times Magazine on January 13, 2007.
The following article, What is it about Mormonism?, written by Harvard Law School Professor Noah Feldman, was published in the New York Times Magazine on January 6, 2007.
Six questions for Professor Noah Feldman
December 21, 2007
The following interview will be published in the January 2008 issue of Harvard Law Today. Professor Noah Feldman, who joined the faculty in 2007, is an expert in constitutional law -- with a special focus on the interplay between law and religion -- and international and comparative law.
Hearsay: Short takes from faculty op-eds Summer 2007
July 1, 2007
Supreme Confusion Professor Charles Fried
The New York Times, April 26 “[The Supreme Court’s decision in the partial-birth abortion case is] disturbing because Justice Kennedy…