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Martha Minow

  • Martha Minow

    Minow in Boston Globe: Keeping stimulus spending in check

    March 2, 2009

    The following op-ed, “Keeping stimulus spending in check,” by HLS Professor Martha Minow appeared in the March 1, 2009, edition of The Boston Globe.

  • Jody Freeman LL.M. ’91 S.J.D. ’95 and Martha Minow

    In a new book, Minow and Freeman look at the issues raised by outsourcing

    February 27, 2009

    Today, the U.S. government outsources a significant portion of its work—in such key areas as national security, military intelligence, environmental monitoring, prison management, and interrogation of terrorism suspects. It’s a reality that's here to stay, according to Professors Martha Minow and Jody Freeman LL.M. ’91 S.J.D. ’95, and it raises important questions about accountability, transparency and the rule of law.

  • 2008 – Year in Review – Books

    December 13, 2008

    2008 was a prolific year for HLS scholars. Here is a roundup of this year’s faculty books.

  • Woman teaches in front of classroom

    A Curriculum of New Realities

    September 2, 2008

    At Harvard Law School, some new answers to the question, What do future lawyers need to know?

  • At Home in the World

    July 29, 2008

    The new curriculum embraces law’s increasingly transnational nature

  • Winter 2008, Features

    The Ultimate Cafeteria

    July 29, 2008

    With the help of Harvard Law School’s new curriculum reforms, it’s getting easier for law students to take part in Harvard University’s intellectual feast.

  • Recent Faculty Books – Summer 2008

    July 1, 2008

    In “Finding Jefferson: A Lost Letter, a Remarkable Discovery, and the First Amendment in an Age of Terrorism” (Wiley, 2007), Professor Alan Dershowitz contemplates modern-day First Amendment…

  • Martha Minow

    Martha Minow discusses equality in education

    June 24, 2008

    Harvard Law School Professor Martha Minow is co-editor of "Just Schools: Pursuing Equality in Societies of Difference," a new book exploring ways to create more equal schools in an increasingly multicultural America.

  • Juvenile Justice

    Panel examines how neuroscience can help judges determine what is in the best interests of the child

    February 14, 2008

    At a February 12 event, Harvard Law School faculty members joined juvenile court judges and experts in child development to discuss how neuroscience can be better used in the courtroom to break the cycle of child maltreatment.

  • Charles Fried

    Hearsay: Short takes from faculty op-eds Spring 2007

    April 1, 2007

    What [Iranian President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad’s conference [of Holocaust deniers] proclaims is that truth has no place in the world of politics; that if your ends are just, you can say anything, no matter how far-fetched.

  • International criminal justice–at home and abroad

    April 23, 2006

    HLS students learn the lessons of Nuremberg in Cambridge, Arusha and The Hague.

  • Friendly fire

    April 23, 2006

    With a little help from your friends: Amicus briefs are meant to offer judges some extra information. But is amicus practice getting out of hand?

  • Illustrations from a 16th century book

    Exhibit highlights the first international war crimes tribunal

    April 1, 2006

    Included in a recent HLS library exhibit, these illustrations from a 16th-century book show instruments of torture and a criminal on the way to…

  • Professor David Barron

    Hearsay: Short takes from faculty op-eds

    September 12, 2005

    “People are rightly concerned that [the Supreme Court decision, in Kelo v. City of New London] will give cities license to take private homes just…

  • Illustration - bubble surrounding book, boy gazing in

    Book Smart

    July 1, 2004

    HLS professor seeks to make copyrighted works accessible to students with disabilities.

  • At Home Abroad

    April 24, 2003

    HLS faculty and students look to other countries to better people's lives and increase their own understanding of the world of law.

  • Professor Philip Heymann

    Hearsay: Summer 2002

    July 1, 2002

    Professor Philip Heymann “[I]f we approve torture in one set of circumstances, isn’t every country then free to define its own exceptions, applicable to Americans…

  • Teaching Lessons

    July 1, 2002

    Guided by their professors, students find HLS a training ground for academic careers.

  • Meltzer and Driver laughing

    The New 1L

    July 1, 2002

    For the first time in decades, HLS has changed the basic structure of its first-year experience, and students and faculty are singing the praises of The New 1L.

  • Recent Faculty Honors

    September 28, 2000

    Professor William Alford ’77 has been named an honorary fellow of the Institute of Law of the Chinese Academy of Social Science, honorary professor of…

  • Celebration 45

    February 25, 1999

    Since the first alumnae of 1953, more than 5,000 women have claimed their place at HLS. Hundreds came back to the School in November to applaud Attorney General Janet Reno '63 as she accepted the Celebration 45 Award, and to connect with the other remarkable women of Harvard Law.