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Martha Minow

  • Dean Martha Minow

    In interview, Minow discusses legal education and Legal Services Corporation

    August 17, 2011

    In a recent interview for the Spindle Law Blog, Harvard Law School Dean Martha Minow discussed her experience teaching, her work with the Legal Services Corporation, and the future of legal education.

  • Seal of the President of the United States

    White House veterans headed to Harvard Law School

    July 14, 2011

    This fall, Susan Davies, currently serving as Deputy Counsel to President Barack Obama ’91, will join the HLS faculty as a Lecturer on Law. Vivek Kundra, the U.S. Chief Information Officer at the White House for the past two-and-a-half years, will hold a joint fellowship this fall, splitting his time between the Berkman Center for Internet & Society and the Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School.

  • HLS 2011 Graduate

    HLS Commencement 2011

    July 7, 2011

    This May, Harvard Law School celebrated the class of 2011, conferring a total of 790 degrees—585 J.D.s, 195 LL.M.s, and 10 S.J.D.s during an afternoon ceremony in front of Langdell Library. Here, we present a video retrospective of the day's events, which included an impromptu appearance by Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg ’56-'58.

  • Summer 2011

    A Supreme Reunion: A view from the bench

    July 1, 2011

    Harvard Law School Spring Reunions this year brought back a record number of alumni, nearly 800. Among them were U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justices Anthony M. Kennedy ’61 and Elena Kagan ’86, the law school’s former dean.

  • Minow presents award to Tony Curcio

    Winners of the 2011 Dean’s Award for Excellence honored in ceremony at HLS

    June 30, 2011

    On June 28, HLS Dean Martha Minow presented the 2011 Dean’s Award for Excellence to seven individuals and one team of staff members at an awards ceremony in Ames Courtroom.

  • Town hall event panel

    Educational equality for foster care children: HLS hosts a town hall (video)

    June 22, 2011

    Children in foster care experience daunting challenges of stability and security in the school system, according to participants in the program “On the Road to Educational Equality,” held at Harvard Law School on May 24.

  • Reginald F. Lewis ’68

    Reginald F. Lewis Foundation Gifts $1.5 Million to Harvard Law School

    June 17, 2011

    The Reginald F. Lewis Foundation has made a gift of $1.5 million to Harvard Law School to continue the Reginald F. Lewis Fellowships, an 18-year-old program that has offered fellowships annually to law graduates who have demonstrated a strong interest in law scholarship and teaching.

  • HLS Dean Martha Minow

    Six Harvard Law School professors and six ideas worth spreading, in 60 minutes (video)

    June 17, 2011

    This year’s “HLS Thinks Big” event, inspired by the global TED (Technology Entertainment and Design) talks and modeled after the College’s “Harvard Thinks Big” event first held last year, took place on May 23, featuring topics ranging from legal assistance for undocumented students to risk analysis in constitutional design.

  • Martha Minow

    Minow on the convergence between law and education (podcast)

    June 14, 2011

    Harvard Law School Dean Martha Minow was recently interviewed on the Harvard EdCast, a weekly podcast presented by the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Host Matt Weber described her as the "quintessential spokesperson” for law and education due to her scholarship in both fields; in addition to her role in legal education, she is also a graduate of and lecturer at Harvard Graduate School of Education.

  • Jackson named 2019 president of the Association of American Law Schools

    Vicki C. Jackson appointed Professor of Law at Harvard

    June 13, 2011

    Harvard Law School Professor Vicki Jackson marked her appointment to the Thurgood Marshall Professorship of Constitutional Law with an Oct. 3 lecture titled "Proportionality and Judging in American Constitutionalism."

  • Gertner, Feldman Minow; Warren, Tribe Gordon-Reed

    HLS professors receive honorary degrees, deliver commencement addresses

    June 10, 2011

    Harvard Law School Dean Martha Minow and Professors Elizabeth Warren, Laurence Tribe ’66, Nancy Gertner, and Noah Feldman all received honorary degrees at college and law school commencement ceremonies this spring.

  • Exit Interviews: A look at seven new graduates and where they’re headed

    June 10, 2011

    In her commencement address to the Class of 2011 on May 26, Dean Martha Minow praised students’ accomplishments at HLS and their vast array of skills and achievements. As they prepared to receive their diplomas, she urged them to cherish their talent for asking good questions: “Indeed, the questions asked by Harvard Law School’s Class of 2011, now and in the future, will define law and leadership in the years to come. Your influence reflects what Harvard Law School is and who you are and who you will become. I simply ask you to use your influence to better your communities and the world,” she said. Here, seven members of the class reflect on influences during their educational journey and how they intend to use their education to influence others.

  • Commencement 2011

    Commencement 2011 (slideshow)

    June 1, 2011

    On Thursday, May 26, 2011, Harvard Law School celebrated the class of 2011, conferring a total of 790 degrees—585 J.D.s, 195 LL.M.s, and 10 S.J.D.s during an afternoon ceremony in front of Langdell Library. HLS takes a look back at the day in pictures.

  • HLS Dean Martha Minow

    Dean Martha Minow to the Class of 2011: ‘Cherish and cultivate your talent for asking good questions’

    May 27, 2011

    In her address to the Class of 2011, Dean Martha Minow praised the students’ accomplishments at HLS and their vast array of skills and achievements. But as they prepared to receive their diplomas, she emphasized the importance of one skill in particular, urging them to “cherish your talent for asking good questions.”

  • 2011 Commencement

    Harvard Law School celebrates 2011 Commencement (video)

    May 25, 2011

    Harvard Law School graduation festivities began on Class Day, Wednesday, May 25, and continued through Commencement Day on Thursday, May 26. This year, the Law School conferred a total of 790 degrees—585 J.D.s, 195 LL.M.s, and 10 S.J.D.s.

  • Brig. Gen. Mark Martins ’90

    Rule of law in Afghanistan is critical to an enduring transition of governance, says HLS Medal of Freedom recipient Brig. Gen. Mark Martins ’90 (video)

    May 22, 2011

    Army Brigadier General Mark Martins ’90 accepted the Medal of Freedom, the highest honor conferred by Harvard Law School, and gave the inaugural Dean’s Distinguished Lecture on April 18 at HLS.

  • HBS’s Mihir A. Desai accepts joint tenured professorship with HLS

    May 17, 2011

    Mihir A. Desai, who currently serves as the Mizuho Financial Group Professor of Finance, the Senior Associate Dean for Planning and University Affairs, and the Chair of Doctoral Programs at Harvard Business School, has accepted a joint appointment to the faculty of Harvard Law School as a tenured Professor of Law.

  • Robert Greenwald appointed Clinical Professor of Law at Harvard

    May 9, 2011

    Robert Greenwald, director of Harvard Law School’s Health Law and Policy Clinic, has been promoted to full Clinical Professor of Law, Dean Martha Minow has announced.

  • Holger Spamann LL.M. '01 S.J.D. '09

    Holger Spamann appointed as Assistant Professor of Law at Harvard

    April 22, 2011

    Holger Spamann L.L.M. ’01 S.J.D. ’09, an expert in corporate governance and finance, will join the Harvard Law School faculty in July as an Assistant Professor of Law.

  • Richard J. Lazarus '79

    Richard J. Lazarus appointed Professor of Law at Harvard

    April 20, 2011

    Richard J. Lazarus ’79, one of the nation’s foremost experts on environmental law and also a leading practitioner in the U.S. Supreme Court, will join the Harvard Law School faculty this summer as a tenured Professor of Law.

  • Dean Martha Minow

    Martha Minow named co-chair of LSC Pro Bono Task Force

    April 12, 2011

    Harvard Law School Dean Martha Minow, who serves on the board of directors for the Legal Services Corporation (LSC), was selected as co-chair of an LSC task force to develop additional resources to help low-income Americans facing serious civil legal problems.