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Mark Tushnet

  • American Constitution Society hosts “The Constitution in 2020”

    November 16, 2009

    The American Constitution Society of HLS sponsored “The Constitution in 2020,” a panel discussion in November featuring Harvard Law School Professors Yochai Benkler ’94, Frank Michelman ’60, Mark Tushnet, and Noah Feldman, all contributors to a recently published book of the same title. The book’s goal is to contest the conservative idea that constitutional law should not be influenced by contemporary understandings of law and the political landscape.

  • Panelists debate the merits and shortcomings of the Constitution

    September 23, 2009

    The resilience of the U.S. Constitution, the nation’s founding document, was put to the test Sept. 17 by a number of scholars who challenged its legacy and effectiveness.

  • U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice David Souter

    LIVE WEBCAST: Justice Souter discusses U.S. Constitution with Feldman

    September 17, 2009

    The U.S. Constitution, the cornerstone of the American federal system of government, will be under close scrutiny at Harvard on Thursday (Sept. 17) as a collection of scholars examines both its merits and shortcomings. A live webcast of the event will be available beginning at 1 p.m.

  • Tushnet weighs in on Citizens United v. FEC

    September 14, 2009

    On Wednesday, September 9, the High Court heard reargument in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. Harvard Law School Professor Mark Tushnet, a constitutional law scholar and a leading expert on the First Amendment, answers some questions and offers an assessment of what’s at stake in the case.

  • 2008 – Year in Review – Books

    December 13, 2008

    2008 was a prolific year for HLS scholars. Here is a roundup of this year’s faculty books.

  • Woman teaches in front of classroom

    A Curriculum of New Realities

    September 2, 2008

    At Harvard Law School, some new answers to the question, What do future lawyers need to know?

  • Battlegrounds

    September 2, 2008

    On executive power, war and anti-terrorism, scholars have a lot to say--and lawmakers are listening.

  • Recent Faculty Books – Fall 2008

    September 1, 2008

    “Security in Paraguay: Analysis and Responses in Comparative Perspective” (Harvard University Press, 2008) is based on two years of research by the HLS International…

  • Recent Faculty Books – Summer 2008

    July 1, 2008

    In “Finding Jefferson: A Lost Letter, a Remarkable Discovery, and the First Amendment in an Age of Terrorism” (Wiley, 2007), Professor Alan Dershowitz contemplates modern-day First Amendment…

  • In ‘I Dissent,’ Tushnet looks at the great ‘nays’ in history

    June 5, 2008

    In his most recent book, “I Dissent: Great Opposing Opinions in Landmark Supreme Court Cases” (Beacon Press 2008), Professor Mark Tushnet offers an anthology of dissenting opinions, putting them in political context and examining their impact on constitutional law.

  • Lawyers, Guns and Money

    July 1, 2007

    Finally, the Supreme Court may have to decide what the Second Amendment means. But how much will really change?

  • Recent Faculty Books – Fall 2006

    September 1, 2006

    In “Judging under Uncertainty: An Institutional Theory of Legal Interpretation” (Harvard University Press, 2006), Professor Adrian Vermeule ’93 takes up the question: How should judges interpret statutes and the Constitution?