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Mark Roe

  • HLS Professor Mark Roe

    A roundtable at HLS on corporate time horizons

    October 22, 2012

    A group of senior corporate managers, finance practitioners, and academics from Europe and the U.S. gathered at HLS on Sept. 14-15 for a conference on the role of corporate governance in encouraging long-term value in public corporations.

  • Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. at HLS

    Briefs: Some memorable moments, milestones and a Miró

    October 1, 2012

    In October 1962, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke at Harvard Law School on “The Future of Integration.” It was six months before he would be imprisoned in a Birmingham jail, 10 months before the March on Washington, almost two years before the signing of the Civil Rights Act and almost six years before his assassination. “It may be that the law cannot make a man love me,” he said, “but it can keep him from lynching me.”

  • Eight HLS faculty ranked in "High-Impact List" for corporate governance field

    August 30, 2012

    Eight Harvard Law School faculty members were recently ranked among the top 100 corporate governance scholars in the world, in all corporate areas, including management, law, economics, and finance. Included on the American Academy of Management’s list of 100 “high-impact scholars” were HLS Professors Lucian Bebchuk, John Coates, Reinier Kraakman, Mark Roe '75, Steven Shavell and Cass Sunstein '78. Former HLS Dean and current Visiting Professor Elena Kagan '86 and HLS Lecturer on Law Leo Strine also were featured on the list.

  • Roe in Project Syndicate: Tobin Trouble

    February 24, 2012

    In a Feb. 20 opinion piece for the online journal Project Syndicate, Harvard Law School Professor Mark Roe ’75 addresses European leaders’ support for imposing a “Tobin tax” on financial transactions.

  • Bruno Salama

    The end of corporate limited liability in Brazil

    February 6, 2012

    Whether owners of limited liability companies should be subject to personal liability has been the subject of much controversy lately, in the U.S. and around the world. On Jan. 25, Bruno Salama, spoke to an HLS audience on the topic in the context of his research project and book “The End of Limited Liability in Brazil” tracing the status of corporate limited liability and veil piercing in Brazil. A professor of law at the Fundação Getulio Vargas in Sao Paulo, Salama was joined by HLS Professors Reinier Kraakman and Mark Roe ’75 at an event organized by the Harvard Law School Brazilian Studies Association.

  • Bridging theory and practice in corporate law

    January 24, 2012

    For the last several years, former Harvard Law School Dean Robert C. Clark ’72 has broken with tradition in teaching his mergers and acquisitions course. It isn’t enough to read leading cases, he realized; students still may leave the classroom without any real understanding of how to structure a deal, identify and avoid pitfalls, and recognize why personalities matter—in short, how M&As work in the real world.

  • Exceptional Derivatives

    December 6, 2011

    Although the sweeping financial reform package that President Obama ’91 signed into law in July contained hundreds of provisions in its 848-page final version, Professor Mark Roe ’75 says it’s still not long enough.

  • Roe in Project Syndicate: America’s first debt crisis

    August 9, 2011

    In an August 8 op-ed written for Project Syndicate, HLS Professor Mark Roe looks at the current U.S. debt crisis through the lens of what he calls ‘America’s first debt crisis:’ the one following the Revolutionary War.

  • Roe in Project Syndicate: How capitalist is America?

    June 28, 2011

    In his June 20 opinion piece in Project Syndicate, “How capitalist is America?,” Harvard Law School Professor Mark Roe '75 looks into the question of ‘how capitalist’ the United States is, and explores the idea of U.S. capitalism not only within a global context, but within a corporate one, as well. The article is the latest in a monthly series for the publication, titled The Rules of the Game.

  • HLS Dean Martha Minow

    Six Harvard Law School professors and six ideas worth spreading, in 60 minutes (video)

    June 17, 2011

    This year’s “HLS Thinks Big” event, inspired by the global TED (Technology Entertainment and Design) talks and modeled after the College’s “Harvard Thinks Big” event first held last year, took place on May 23, featuring topics ranging from legal assistance for undocumented students to risk analysis in constitutional design.

  • Harvard Law School Building

    Harvard faculty and fellows contribute most of the ‘Top Ten Corporate and Securities Law Articles’ of 2010

    June 3, 2011

    This year’s list of “Top Ten Corporate and Securities Articles” based on an annual poll of corporate and securities law academics includes six articles authored or co-authored by Harvard Law faculty and fellows. The top ten articles, selected from a field of more than 440 pieces, will be reprinted in an upcoming issue of the Corporate Practice Commentator.

  • Roe analyzes Senate financial reform bill in Wall Street Journal

    May 6, 2010

     The following op-ed by Professor Mark Roe, “Derivatives Clearinghouses are No Magic Bullet,” appeared in the May 6, 2010, edition of the Wall Street Journal. Roe looks at the Senate financial overhaul bill, part of which is built around an emerging Washington consensus that a clearinghouse for derivatives could stem a financial crisis such as that which we just experienced.  Roe argues that while a clearinghouse can be a useful step in the right direction, it's incomplete, with other legal improvements needed to make it work well.

  • Roe in Financial Times: End bankruptcy priority for derivatives, repos and swaps

    December 16, 2009

    Professor Mark Roe's op-ed entitled “End bankruptcy priority for derivatives, repos and swaps,” appeared in the Dec. 16, 2009, edition of the Financial Times.

  • Roe and Klarman inducted into American Academy of Arts and Sciences

    October 15, 2009

    On Saturday, October 10, 2009, Professors Mark Roe ’75 and Michael Klarman were inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. This year the academy, an honorary society of scholars and an independent policy research center, selected 210 new members for “pre-eminent contributions to their disciplines and to society at large.”

  • HLS and HBS professors submit open letter to SEC

    August 21, 2009

    A group of Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School professors submitted an open letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission last week offering changes to a new SEC policy proposal that would allow shareholders to nominate directors.

  • Roe in Forbes: What happens when the government enters the ring?

    July 21, 2009

    The following op-ed by Harvard Law School Professor Mark Roe ’75, “What happens when the government enters the ring?” appeared in the July 21, 2009, edition of Forbes.

  • Roe in Financial Times: How to make a petrol tax politically viable

    July 7, 2009

    In a follow up to their May 21, 2009, Financial Times’ op-ed, Harvard Law School Professor Mark Roe ’75 and New York University School of Law Professor Michael Levine discuss how to make a petrol tax politically viable. Their op-ed appeared in the July 7, 2009 edition of the Financial Times.

  • Roe assesses the Chrysler bankruptcy sale in Forbes

    June 15, 2009

    The following op-ed, by Harvard Law School Professor Mark Roe ’75, “The Chrysler Bankruptcy Sale: An Assessment,” appeared in the June 15, 2009 edition of Forbes.

  • Mark Roe on the role of the government in automaker bankruptcy

    June 8, 2009

    In a recent podcast for the American Bankruptcy Institute, HLS Professor Mark Roe ’75 along with Professor David Skeel of the University of Pennsylvania Law School and Professor Todd Zywicki of the George Mason University School of Law give their thoughts on the manner in which the federal government has inserted itself into the Chapter 11 process in recent automaker bankruptcies. The experts touch on such topics as whether the government has the power to pick the winners and losers among the stakeholders in bankruptcy cases, if the process engineered for Chrysler is a violation of the code’s absolute priority rule and what the future effects are on lenders who now must weigh new potential risks of their investments.

  • Roe in Financial Times examines why a gas tax makes the new auto fuel standards work

    May 21, 2009

    In an op-ed, “Delayed petrol tax beats CAFE plan,” that appeared in the May 21, 2009, edition of The Financial Times, Harvard Law School Professor Mark Roe ’75 and Michael Levine of New York University School of Law discuss the need for a petrol tax in order to make the Obama Administration’s automotive goals work well.

  • Roe in Forbes: Stress Testing the Government’s Chrysler Plan

    May 13, 2009

    The following op-ed written by Professor Mark Roe ’75, “Stress testing the government’s Chyrsler plan,” appeared in the May 13, 2009, edition of Forbes.