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Lawrence Lessig

  • Harvard professor launches presidential campaign

    September 9, 2015

    First, he started a crowd-sourced campaign to elect members of Congress willing to change the way campaigns are financed. Now, he’s decided to run for office himself, but not just any old office – the presidency. Harvard Law School professor, author, and activist Lawrence Lessig, who now can add Democratic presidential candidate to his resume, is crowd-sourcing his campaign. If it seems familiar, it’s because it is. Lessig adopted a similar formula when he helped start Mayday PAC, billed as the super PAC to end all super PACs.

  • Harvard Law Professor Crowdfunds $1 Million, Launches Presidential Bid

    September 7, 2015

    Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Lessig met his self-imposed goal of crowd-funding $1 million by Labor Day, and Sunday on ABC announced he's running for the Democratic nomination for President. Lessig, an activist with a grassroots following among some progressives, says he's running on a singular platform — the Citizen Equality Act of 2017. It would expand voting access, ban gerrymandering and institute campaign finance reform. "I think I'm running to get people to acknowledge the elephant in the room," Lessig said Sunday on ABC. "This stalemate, partisan platform of American politics in Washington right now doesn't work. And we have to find a way to elevate the debate to focus on the changes that would actually get us a government that could work again, that is not captured by the tiniest fraction of the one percent who fund campaigns."

  • Silicon Valley Icon Wants to Hack His Way to the Presidency

    August 24, 2015

    (Subscription required) Silicon Valley icon Lawrence Lessig knows his moonshot bid for the White House hinges on the innovation and support of the tech industry. Mr. Lessig, a 54-year-old Harvard professor who helped build cyber law, is exploring a run as a Democratic presidential candidate on a narrow platform: overhauling campaign finance law. To do that, he is relying on the Internet. He is crowdsourcing donations and polling his site’s visitors to choose his running mate. He said he is the first candidate to make his campaign entirely open source, in the hopes of collecting more data about potential donors and voters. “We don’t have the advantage of a candidate who has been on the field for the last four years, we don’t have the advantage of a reality TV candidate who is worth $10 billion,” Mr. Lessig said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal. “So one place we might get an advantage is with innovation for software that runs and drives the campaign.”

  • I’m Running for President to Quit

    August 13, 2015

    An op-ed by Lawrence Lessig. Earlier this week I launched a committee to explore the possibility of running in the Democratic Primary to be a very different kind of president. As I explained then, the run would be a referendum around a very simple idea: that if, as Elizabeth Warren puts it, “the system is rigged,” then we need a plan to fix that rigged system. My plan is a referendum. My candidacy would be a referendum. Elected with a single mandate to end this corrupted system, I would serve only as long as it takes to pass fundamental reform. I would then resign, and the vice president would become president. The most common (polite) reaction to this obviously implausible idea was two words: Bernie Sanders.

  • Harvard’s Lawrence Lessig Weighs Campaign for One-Day Presidency

    August 13, 2015

    Lawrence Lessig wants to be president—for a day. The Harvard law professor, who says his top priority is to “unrig this rigged system,” is launching an unconventional bid to be what he calls a “referendum president.” His idea is straightforward: If elected, Mr. Lessig would take action to overhaul campaign-finance laws and end what he describes as voter suppression and partisan gerrymandering. Then — perhaps even after a single day, though he acknowledges that’s “hopeful”—he would step aside and let his vice president lead. He says he would consider Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders or Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren—who has repeatedly said she does not plan to run—to join him on the ticket.

  • UBS Deal Shows Clinton’s Complicated Ties

    August 3, 2015

    A few weeks after Hillary Clinton was sworn in as secretary of state in early 2009, she was summoned to Geneva by her Swiss counterpart to discuss an urgent matter. The Internal Revenue Service was suing UBS AG to get the identities of Americans with secret accounts. If the case proceeded, Switzerland’s largest bank would face an impossible choice: Violate Swiss secrecy laws by handing over the names, or refuse and face criminal charges in U.S. federal court. Within months, Mrs. Clinton announced a tentative legal settlement—an unusual intervention by the top U.S. diplomat. UBS ultimately turned over information on 4,450 accounts, a fraction of the 52,000 sought by the IRS, an outcome that drew criticism from some lawmakers who wanted a more extensive crackdown. From that point on, UBS’s engagement with the Clinton family’s charitable organization increased...The flood of donations and speech income that followed exemplifies why the charity and its fundraising have been a running problem for the presidential campaign of Mrs. Clinton, the Democratic front-runner. Republicans as well as some Democrats have raised questions about potential conflicts of interest. “They’ve engaged in behavior to make people wonder: What was this about?” says Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Lessig, who is a Democrat. “Was there something other than deciding the merits of these cases?”

  • Cellphone Ordinance Puts Berkeley at Forefront of Radiation Debate

    July 24, 2015

    Leave it to Berkeley: This city, which has led the nation in passing all manner of laws favored by the left, has done it again. This time, the city passed a measure — not actually backed by science — requiring cellphone stores to warn customers that the products could be hazardous to their health, presumably by emitting dangerous levels of cancer-causing radiation...Lawrence Lessig, a professor at Harvard Law School, and Robert Post, the dean of Yale Law School and an expert on the First Amendment, have agreed to defend Berkeley pro bono over claims that the legislation is unconstitutional. “The First Amendment is being contorted to all sorts of wrong ends,” Mr. Lessig said. “We’re not intending to challenge the science of cellphones,” Mr. Lessig said. “We’re just making people aware of existing regulations.”

  • The Only Realistic Way to Fix Campaign Finance

    July 23, 2015

    An op-ed by Lawrence Lessig. For the first time in modern history, the leading issue concerning voters in the upcoming presidential election, according to a recent Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, is that “wealthy individuals and corporations will have too much influence over who wins.” Five years after the Supreme Court gave corporations and unions the right to spend unlimited amounts in political campaigns, voters have had enough...Real reform will require changing the way campaigns are funded — moving from large-dollar private funding to small-dollar public funding.

  • Harvard Law School: The road to marriage equality

    June 26, 2015

    Since at least 1983, when Harvard Law student Evan Wolfson ’83 wrote a third-year paper exploring a human rights argument for same-sex marriage, Harvard Law School has participated in anticipating, shaping, critiquing, analyzing and guiding the long path toward marriage equality.

  • Legal Giants Olson, Lessig Square Off Over Mobile Phone Radiation Warning (subscription)

    June 25, 2015

    Two legal heavyweights are poised for battle over just how far the city of Berkeley, Calif. can go in compelling speech by mobile phone retailers...In the other corner, representing Berkeley, is Harvard Law School Professor Lawrence Lessig...‘‘I know both Ted Olson and Larry Lessig well and think extremely well of them both. Both of them are extremely smart, imaginative lawyers who are bound to do excellent work in this lawsuit,’’ Laurence Tribe, another constitutional law professor who works with Lessig at Harvard, told Bloomberg BNA.

  • Cell phone industry sues Berkeley over warning-labels law

    June 9, 2015

    The cell-phone industry, leery of any attempt to link its products to radiation, sued Berkeley on Monday over a new ordinance requiring consumers to be warned that carrying a switched-on phone in their pockets or bra might exceed federal safety standards....Berkeley officials said they were confident the ordinance would be upheld. Councilman Max Anderson, the measure’s lead sponsor, said the warning language was taken directly from manufacturers’ statements in product manuals. Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Lessig, helped to draft the ordinance and has agreed to defend it without charge. “I believe Berkeley has a right to assure its residents know of the existing safety recommendations,” Lessig said by e-mail.

  • Capture the Duggar base: Bobby Jindal’s desperate home-school Hail Mary is 2016′s strangest strategy

    June 8, 2015

    ...But Bobby Jindal, the Ivy League educated Rhodes Scholar who once pilloried his fellow Republicans by demanding they no longer be the “stupid party,” may also have a trick up his sleeve, a legitimate reason to think that he could, at the very least, quickly but quietly build a competitive campaign. That reason’s name is Timmy Teepell, and he is almost certain to be the man behind the curtain of Jindal’s anticipated presidential campaign...“First we have contract soldiers, now we have contract government officials,” Lawrence Lessig, the Harvard Law professor and author of the book “Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress and a Plan to Stop It,” tells me. “It’s a beautiful way to evade the law — and increasingly common.” To be sure, as Lessig implies, evading the law is not the same as breaking the law.

  • Lawrence Lessig at ‘Killswitch’ Seattle premiere: Money, politics and the battle for the Internet

    June 8, 2015

    It’s not often that the talk after a film is the highlight of the night. But judging by audience reaction, that was the case Thursday as Harvard professor Lawrence Lessig stepped onto the stage at Seattle’s Town Hall. The audience roared and lept to its collective feet as Lessig placed his Mac on the lectern. The evening’s first course may have been the awarding-winning documentary, Killswitch, but for many in this audience, Lessig was the real attraction.

  • Lawrence Lessig On Campaign Finance Reform (video)

    June 2, 2015

    ...Harvard Law's Lawrence Lessig (@lessig) talks about money corrupting politics and how to fix it.

  • Grounded gyrocopter pilot won’t end protests

    May 21, 2015

    Doug Hughes, the Florida postal worker who landed a gyrocopter on the U.S. Capitol grounds last month and set off alarms about airspace security, made a lower-key return to the nation's capital Wednesday. He arrived by car, wearing a GPS-enabled ankle bracelet that transmits his every move to federal authorities. He's no less passionate, however, about the cause that could cost him his job and freedom — overhauling the nation's campaign-finance system and ending what he sees as the rampant corruption on Capitol Hill...Lawrence Lessig, a Harvard law professor and a leading voice on campaign reform, emailed Hughes after his arrest and "thanked him for his service," Lessig told USA Today. Sometimes, Lessig said, "you need outrageous behavior to draw attention to the outrageousness of the existing system."

  • Undaunted, Lessig’s group focuses on Congress

    May 15, 2015

    They’re back at it. The super PAC to end all super PACs – Mayday PAC– has started its 2015 grassroots efforts to lobby members of Congress to pass campaign finance reform laws. You might remember that Mayday PAC was started in 2014 by Harvard Law School professor, author, and activist Lawrence Lessig, in part to get candidates elected to Congress who are willing to change the way campaigns are funded. Things didn’t go as planned. Nearly every candidate the group supported in last fall’s elections failed. As the Mayday website says, “… in the campaigns, we didn’t move the ball far enough. So in 2015, we’re doing something different.” The group now wants to help voters connect with the members of Congress it has selected as “potential leaders.” It is asking supporters to sign a letter to the 47 congressional members “who Mayday believes could be the key to unlocking a majority,” according to a PAC statement.

  • Two men speaking at the front of the room

    An experiment in ending institutional corruption

    May 14, 2015

    The Edmond J. Safra Research Lab marked the end of its five-year existence May 1 and 2 with "Ending Institutional Corruption," conference celebrating the lab’s accomplishments and featuring presentations by scholars, researchers, and activists.

  • Berkeley passes cellphone ‘right to know’ law

    May 14, 2015

    Berkeley City Council on Tuesday unanimously passed the first reading of a “Right to Know” ordinance to require cellphone retailers in Berkeley to provide consumers with information that warns them to keep a minimum safe distance between their bodies and their phones...City staff had assistance from Lawrence Lessig, a law professor at Harvard, and Robert Post, dean of Yale Law School, in drafting the ordinance. Lessig has offered to defend the city pro bono if the law is challenged, as expected, by cellphone manufacturers...“How I carry it is how people should not carry it,” Lessig said. “I carry it in my back pocket.”

  • Berkeley Votes to Make Cell Phone Retailers Warn Customers About Health Risks

    May 13, 2015

    The City Council of Berkeley, California last night unanimously voted to require electronics retailers to warn customers about the potential health risks associated with radio-frequency (RF) radiation emitted by cell phones, moving a step closer to becoming the first city in the country to implement a cell phone "right to know" law...The Berkeley law is more narrowly tailored. "This ordinance is fundamentally different from what San Francisco passed," Harvard law professor Lawrence Lessig, who helped draft the Berkeley law, told the council at last night's meeting. He has offered to defend the measure in court pro bono. "San Francisco's ordinance was directed at trying to get people to use their cell phones less. This ordinance is just about giving people the information they need to use their phone the way it is intended."

  • Berkeley passes cell phone safety ordinance

    May 13, 2015

    The Berkeley City Council voted unanimously 9-0 Tuesday night to pass the cell phone "right to know” ordinance that supporters say is about protecting the public....Advocates for the Berkeley ordinance say they are prepared for a legal fight. They've already enlisted the help of Harvard Law School's Lawrence Lessig. "This is not about telling people not to use cell phone. It's just saying here's the information you should know and make your own decision," said Lessig, a constitutional law expert.

  • Are You Doing Enough to Prevent Link Rot?

    May 13, 2015

    Of all the winners of the 2015 Webby Awards, the winner of the law category might have the most lasting effect. And not just because it’s a groundbreaking project. Rather, got the nod for an effort that could help solve a major problem for legal analysts and academics: the tendency, over time, of a hyperlink to “rot,” or lose its original URL...The project emerged from the work of three Harvard Law School researchers—professors Jonathan Zittrain and Lawrence Lessig and student Kendra Albert—who noted that only half of all links used in recent Supreme Court decisions were still active at the time they published a 2013 paper on the topic...“Libraries are in the forever business,” Harvard Library Innovation Lab Director Kim Dulin said in a news release. “We developed to allow our users to protect and preserve their sources, no matter where they originate.”