Laurence Tribe
Vox Populi
September 2, 2007
For students in Harvard Law School's Supreme Court litigation clinic, helping Laurence Tribe get ready for a constitutional argument is like being in the eye of a storm.
Lawyers, Guns and Money
July 1, 2007
Finally, the Supreme Court may have to decide what the Second Amendment means. But how much will really change?
Op-ed by Laurence Tribe: Alito’s world
November 7, 2005
The following op-ed by Professor Laurence Tribe, Alito's world, appeared in The Boston Globe on November 7, 2005: You can't help doing a double-take when you read Judge Samuel Alito's opinion holding Congress powerless to compel states to provide family medical leave to their employees.
Hearsay: Short takes from faculty op-eds
September 12, 2005
“People are rightly concerned that [the Supreme Court decision, in Kelo v. City of New London] will give cities license to take private homes just…
Op-ed by Professor Tribe: Gentleman of the Court
September 7, 2005
The following op-ed by Professor Laurence Tribe, Gentleman of the Court, originally appeared in The New York Times on September 6, 2005: In October 1971, the White House tapped Assistant Attorney General William H. Rehnquist to respond to my critique of someone at the top of its short list for one of the two vacancies created by the nearly simultaneous resignations of two justices.
Hearsay: Excerpts from faculty op-eds Fall 2004
September 1, 2004
“If the pattern holds, then the record industry’s response to file sharing–trying to block the technology altogether–would generate the worst of all possible results. To…
A Marriage Contrast
July 1, 2004
The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court decision in Goodridge v. Department of Public Health last fall has allowed gay marriage in the commonwealth--at least for now.
Hearsay: Spring 2002
April 1, 2002
Several HLS faculty members have written about the response to the terrorist attacks of September 11. Excerpts from selected opinion pieces follow.
HLS Makes Its Mark on Presidential Contest
April 27, 2001
In the dispute over the results of the 2000 presidential election, political affiliation could almost uniformly predict one’s position. While Laurence Tribe ’66, a…
Hearsay: Summer 1999
September 25, 1999
“Outside of this context of shared assumptions, e-mail functions like bad poetry where any meaning can be put into the e-mail depending on what you’re…