Jonathan Zittrain
An op-ed by Professors John Palfrey and Jonathan Zittrain: Choices for Turkey in the digital age
March 5, 2008
The following op-ed, Choices for Turkey in a digital age, written by Harvard Law School Clinical Professor John Palfrey '01 and Visiting Professor Jonathan Zittrain '95, was published in the Turkish Daily News on March 5, 2008.
Hearsay: Excerpts from faculty op-eds Fall 2004
September 1, 2004
“If the pattern holds, then the record industry’s response to file sharing–trying to block the technology altogether–would generate the worst of all possible results. To…
Up on Downloading
July 1, 2004
HLS professors propose different ways to address the proliferation of music downloading.
The Year of the Copyright
April 24, 2003
In October, the Supreme Court heard a challenge to the constitutionality of a law extending copyright by 20 years. But the question posed by the case, says Assistant Professor Jonathan Zittrain '95, is whether copyright can last forever.
Hearsay: Summer 2002
July 1, 2002
“[I]f we approve torture in one set of circumstances, isn’t every country then free to define its own exceptions, applicable to Americans as well as…
HLS Appoints New Faculty
September 28, 2000
In addition to Janet Halley, HLS has appointed five new professors to the faculty, the largest addition of new faculty members during Robert Clark’s deanship,…