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Jonathan Zittrain

  • Case studies developed at HLS available through new website

    July 31, 2012

    Harvard Law School has launched a new program to develop and distribute case studies, role plays, hypothetical problems and other experiential tools for the classroom. The centerpiece of the program is a website designed as a one-stop-shop for all participant-centered teaching tools developed and sponsored by HLS.

  • iLaw: The next generation

    July 6, 2012

    iLaw: Internet Technology, Law, and Policy, an intensive course run by Harvard’s Berkman Center for Internet & Society, drew an unusual mix of students and professionals from around the world.

  • Jonathan Zittrain

    Zittrain appointed chair of FCC’s Open Internet Advisory Committee

    July 5, 2012

    In late May, Harvard Law School Professor Jonathan Zittrain '95 was appointed chair of the Open Internet Advisory Committee. The committee was called for by the Federal Communications Commission to track and evaluate the effects of the FCC’s Open Internet rules and to provide recommendations to the FCC regarding policies and practices related to preserving the open Internet.

  • Robert Sitkoff and Jonathan Zittrain dressed in purple and green costumes

    More than $80,000 raised for Summer Public Interest Funding at annual auction

    May 21, 2012

    Where can you pick up a lunch with Larry Summers, a fashion-forward shopping spree with a Harvard Law School professor or a Justice David Souter bobblehead? The HLS annual Public Interest Auction, of course.

  • Jonathan Zittrain

    Harvard’s great teachers: Jonathan Zittrain

    April 3, 2012

    Jonathan Zittrain, professor of law in the faculty of Law and the Kennedy School of Government and professor of computer science in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, was featured as one of Harvard’s great teachers in a video series created to mark the 375th anniversary of the founding of Harvard College.

  • Zittrain, Wones to step into leadership roles for Harvard Law School Library

    March 7, 2012

    Dean Martha Minow has announced that HLS Professor Jonathan Zittrain ’95 and HLS Library’s Assistant Director of Research, Curriculum and Publication Services, Suzanne Wones, will take over leadership of the Harvard Law School Library this summer, following the departure of Professor John G. Palfrey ’01 in July.

  • Professors John Palfrey ’01 and Jonathan Zittrain ‘95

    Zittrain and Palfrey in Science Magazine: Better data for a better Internet

    December 13, 2011

    In a recent paper published in the December issue of Science magazine, Harvard Law School Professors Jonathan Zittrain ‘95 and John Palfrey ’01 examine how better forms of measurement of the Internet and the Web can inform Internet policy and regulations.

  • Jonathan Zittrain

    Zittrain in Technology Review: The personal computer is dead

    November 30, 2011

    In a Nov. 30 op-ed in Technology Review, Harvard Law School Professor Jonathan Zittrain discusses the consequences of the rise of mobile devices and the shift in power from the end user and software developers to operating system vendors.

  • Eleven from HLS named to inaugural Fastcase 50 list

    August 3, 2011

    In July, Fastcase, a legal research service that provides a comprehensive online national law library, honored 50 leaders in the world of law, scholarship, and legal technology. From lawyers and judges to librarians and government servants, the inaugural list recognized the law’s “smartest, most courageous innovators, techies, visionaries, and leaders.”

  • Lawrence Lessig and Jonathan Zittrain '95

    Lessig and Zittrain share big ideas at Aspen festival

    July 8, 2011

    Harvard Law Professors Jonathan Zittrain ‘95 and Lawrence Lessig explored the role of journalists and information in the age of blogs, Twitter and Julian Assange, as part of a recent panel at the Aspen Ideas Festival.

  • Jonathan Zittrain '95

    Connecting Across Classrooms and Across Oceans: Zittrain explores the case for a new kind of casebook

    July 1, 2011

    A common lament of law students is that casebooks are expensive and heavy. Others say they are static and slow to evolve. Professor Jonathan Zittrain ’95 has set out to address both complaints.

  • Conference participants Laurent Stalder and Paul Dourish

    At Berkman Center symposium, experts explore the line between public and private in today’s interconnected world

    June 22, 2011

    On June 9 and 10, Harvard Law School’s Berkman Center for Internet & Society hosted “Hyper-Public: A Symposium on Designing Privacy and Public Space in the Connected World.” The event united computer scientists with ethnographers, architects, historians, artists, and legal scholars in discussions about the line between public and private spaces in the digital world.

  • Jonathan Zittrain

    Zittrain in NYT: Encourage more hackathons

    June 16, 2011

    In a June 15 article in the Opinion section of The New York Times, Harvard Law School Professor Jonathan Zittrain ’95 discusses the current state of computer science education, and suggests an alternative approach to teaching that focuses more on the “bigger picture” than “rote work without much prospect for intellectual growth.”

  • Jonathan Zittrain

    Zittrain announced as FCC Distinguished Scholar

    June 7, 2011

    Jonathan Zittrain, HLS professor of law and co-director of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society, has been appointed as the Federal Communications Commission’s Distinguished Scholar, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski announced May 31.

  • Jonathan Zittrain at Public Interest Auction

    At Public Interest Auction, HLS raises money for Summer Public Interest Funding

    April 25, 2011

    Lunch with the NHL commissioner and general counsel. Dining in the U.N. delegates’ dining room. An Apple TV.  New Bergdorf socks. These were just a few of the items auctioned during “Step Right Up! Bids Under the Big Top,” the 18th annual Public Interest Auction on April 7.

  • Professor Jonathan Zittrain '95

    Zittrain on American Public Media’s Marketplace Tech Report: Does the Internet have an off switch? (audio)

    March 9, 2011

    Harvard Law School Professor Jonathan Zittrain appeared on the Mar. 9 edition of American Public Media’s Marketplace Tech Report to discuss the Cybersecurity and Internet Freedom Act of 2011, introduced last year by Senators Joe Lieberman, Susan Collins, and Thomas Carper.

  • Egypt’s Internet lockdown

    News Round-up: Palfrey, Zittrain and Woods on Egypt’s Internet lockdown

    February 1, 2011

    This week, HLS Professors John G. Palfrey, Jonathan Zittrain, and HLS Climenko Fellow and Lecturer on Law Andrew K. Woods each weighed in on the Egyptian government's recent decision to block Internet access to prevent the use of social media outlets in light of escalating protests in the country. 

  • Jonathan Zittrain

    Zittrain on ‘All Things Considered:’ The Pentagon’s options in the WikiLeaks matter

    August 13, 2010

    Harvard Law School Professor Jonathan Zittrain recently appeared on NPR’s “All Things Considered” to discuss the website, and the Pentagon’s recent attempt to stop WikiLeaks from publishing classified documents, many pertaining to the war in Afghanistan.

  • Jonathan Zittrain

    Zittrain on NPR: Copyright decision not a get out of jail free card

    August 5, 2010

    Harvard Law School Professor Jonathan Zittrain recently appeared on NPR’s “On The Media” to discuss the recent decision by the Librarian of Congress that “jailbreaking” a smart phone is not in violation the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), which was enacted in 1998 to prevent the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material via new media.

  • Jonathan Zittrain

    Zittrain wins broadcast debate arguing for realities of a cyber threat (audio)

    July 8, 2010

    In a debate broadcast from Washington, D.C., HLS Professor Jonathan Zittrain ’95 argued that the “Cyber War Threat” is a real and present danger. Zittrain was teamed with former Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell, against Marc Rotenberg, executive director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, and Bruce Schneier, an internationally renowned security technologist.

  • Censorship Without Borders

    July 1, 2010

    When, in February, Internet law expert Professor John G. Palfrey ’01 spoke at a gathering of the Harvard Law School American Constitution Society, he asked his audience to consider this trio of circumstances.