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Jonathan Zittrain

  • Lily Cole speaking at Harvard

    Help you? Love to: Wish-list website launches at HLS

    March 10, 2014

    Lily Cole’s brainchild, the altruistic website and app, is based on an almost impossibly simple premise: the conviction that people can and should help each other, for free.

  • Jonathan Zittrain

    Jonathan Zittrain on the rise of a social media giant, born at Harvard

    February 4, 2014

    A decade ago, when people wanted to share vacation photos or muse about new movies online, they used MySpace or Friendster. Those star Internet destinations

  • Illustration

    The Paper Chase Post-Paper

    January 1, 2014

    At Harvard Law School and its library, digital experts are busy inventing the future of textbooks, the classroom and information access.

  • Berkman’s Internet Monitor project publishes “Reflections on the Digital World”

    December 19, 2013

    The Internet Monitor project at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University recently released its first annual report, “Internet Monitor 2013: Reflections on the Digital World.” The project evaluates, describes, and summarizes the means, mechanisms, and extent of Internet content controls and Internet activity around the world.

  • HLS Faculty assess the week’s legal news

    July 15, 2013

    In a week of many developments in the world of law, Harvard Law School faculty were online, in print, and on-the-air offering analyses and opinions.

  • HLS faculty assess Zimmerman case, Bulger trial and the week’s legal news

    July 11, 2013

    In a week of many developments in the world of law, Harvard Law School faculty were online, in print, and on-the-air offering analyses and opinions.

  • Jonathan Zittrain

    Zittrain delivers keynote at Harvard IT Summit

    June 21, 2013

    Harvard Law School Professor Jonathan Zittrain '95 delivered the keynote speech at the recent Harvard IT Summit, devoting his lecture to the potential “end of .edu.” Zittrain is also a professor at Harvard Kennedy School, and the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, as well as the co-founder of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University.

  • Harvard Law School media roundup: From the NSA scandal to the regulatory battles of a new taxi cab app

    June 17, 2013

    Over the past week, a number of HLS faculty members shared their viewpoints on events in the news. Here are some excerpts.

  • Cass Sunstein, Alex Macgillivray, Elliot Schrage

    Experts explore how social networks can influence behavior and decision-making (video)

    February 15, 2013

    Scholars and social media experts convened at Harvard Law School Feb. 6 to examine the ways in which electronic interactive media can sway human decision-making and behavior. The conference, “Social Media and Behavioral Economics,” was sponsored by Harvard Law School's new Program on Behavioral Economics and Public Policy and created by the program’s director, Cass Sunstein ’78.

  • Social Media and Behavioral Economics Conference

    February 4, 2013

    On Wednesday, Feb. 6, scholars from across Harvard University joined social media experts from Facebook, Twitter, Socialflow and Microsoft Research for a conference on social media, theory and practice, and their potential effects on voting behavior, electricity consumption, pro-social behavior and privacy. The event, “Social Media and Behavioral Economics Conference,” sponsored by Harvard Law School’s new Program on Behavioral Economics and Public Policy, was held at Harvard Law School.

  • Berkman Center for Internet & Society

    Symposium at HLS marks launch of global network of interdisciplinary centers focused on the Internet and society

    January 14, 2013

    On Dec. 6-8, 2012, the Berkman Center for Internet & Society, together with seven international co-organizers, hosted a symposium at Harvard Law School titled Internet-Driven Developments: Structural Changes and Tipping Points, convening representatives from Internet and society research centers spanning 5 continents and 22 countries.

  • Jonathan Zittrain

    Zittrain named one of Foreign Policy’s Top 100 Global Thinkers

    December 6, 2012

    Harvard Law School Professor Jonathan Zittrain has been named among the 100 Foreign Policy Global Thinkers for 2012.

  • In a hands-on workshop, students use case studies to explore information law and policy

    December 5, 2012

    Based on a workshop taught at Harvard Law School for the first time last spring by Professor Jonathan Zittrain ’95 and John Palfrey ’01, Information Law and Policy: Advanced Problem Solving Workshop (taught this fall by Visiting Professor Susan Crawford) presents students with several case studies and asks them to complete team exercises, which include conducting negotiations, writing legal briefs, and drafting policies and legislation.

  • Case studies developed at HLS available through new website

    July 31, 2012

    Harvard Law School has launched a new program to develop and distribute case studies, role plays, hypothetical problems and other experiential tools for the classroom. The centerpiece of the program is a website designed as a one-stop-shop for all participant-centered teaching tools developed and sponsored by HLS.

  • iLaw: The next generation

    July 6, 2012

    iLaw: Internet Technology, Law, and Policy, an intensive course run by Harvard’s Berkman Center for Internet & Society, drew an unusual mix of students and professionals from around the world.

  • Jonathan Zittrain

    Zittrain appointed chair of FCC’s Open Internet Advisory Committee

    July 5, 2012

    In late May, Harvard Law School Professor Jonathan Zittrain '95 was appointed chair of the Open Internet Advisory Committee. The committee was called for by the Federal Communications Commission to track and evaluate the effects of the FCC’s Open Internet rules and to provide recommendations to the FCC regarding policies and practices related to preserving the open Internet.

  • Robert Sitkoff and Jonathan Zittrain dressed in purple and green costumes

    More than $80,000 raised for Summer Public Interest Funding at annual auction

    May 21, 2012

    Where can you pick up a lunch with Larry Summers, a fashion-forward shopping spree with a Harvard Law School professor or a Justice David Souter bobblehead? The HLS annual Public Interest Auction, of course.

  • Jonathan Zittrain

    Harvard’s great teachers: Jonathan Zittrain

    April 3, 2012

    Jonathan Zittrain, professor of law in the faculty of Law and the Kennedy School of Government and professor of computer science in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, was featured as one of Harvard’s great teachers in a video series created to mark the 375th anniversary of the founding of Harvard College.

  • Zittrain, Wones to step into leadership roles for Harvard Law School Library

    March 7, 2012

    Dean Martha Minow has announced that HLS Professor Jonathan Zittrain ’95 and HLS Library’s Assistant Director of Research, Curriculum and Publication Services, Suzanne Wones, will take over leadership of the Harvard Law School Library this summer, following the departure of Professor John G. Palfrey ’01 in July.

  • Professors John Palfrey ’01 and Jonathan Zittrain ‘95

    Zittrain and Palfrey in Science Magazine: Better data for a better Internet

    December 13, 2011

    In a recent paper published in the December issue of Science magazine, Harvard Law School Professors Jonathan Zittrain ‘95 and John Palfrey ’01 examine how better forms of measurement of the Internet and the Web can inform Internet policy and regulations.

  • Jonathan Zittrain

    Zittrain in Technology Review: The personal computer is dead

    November 30, 2011

    In a Nov. 30 op-ed in Technology Review, Harvard Law School Professor Jonathan Zittrain discusses the consequences of the rise of mobile devices and the shift in power from the end user and software developers to operating system vendors.