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Jon Hanson

  • Jon D. Hanson in conversation at his desk

    At HLS, a conference on the free market mindset

    March 17, 2009

    On Saturday, March 7, Harvard Law School’s Program on Law and Mind Sciences held its third annual conference, “The Free Market Mindset: History, Psychology and Consequences.”

  • Jon D. Hanson in conversation at his desk

    In chair lecture, Hanson explores the mechanics of human decision-making and its impact on the law

    November 10, 2008

    Individual free choice, an idea that permeates common sense and legal theory, assumes that actions reflect the stable preferences of individual actors. Individuals are responsible for their actions (that is, their preference-driven choices), and laws can therefore be designed on that assumption.

  • Jon D. Hanson in conversation at his desk

    Hanson warns that bailout plans do not go far enough

    October 2, 2008

    The following op-ed written by Professor Jon Hanson, "In crisis, beware illusion of reform," was published in the October 2, 2008, edition of the Providence Journal.

  • Hearsay: Short takes on the financial crisis

    September 1, 2008

    Who Will Bail Out American Families? Professor Elizabeth Warren
    Chicago Tribune, Sept. 22, 2008 “Lost in the headlines are the families who signed their names…

  • “Here, Have a Seat”

    July 1, 2008

    Often, there’s a bond between the donor of a new chair and the scholar who occupies it.

  • Diversified Portfolio

    April 1, 2007

    Harvard Law School's corporate law scholars like to collaborate--across a global array of subjects.

  • Jon D. Hanson in conversation at his desk

    Hanson examines downsides of athlete worship

    August 28, 2006

    An op-ed co-written by Professor Jon Hanson: To sports fans, it probably wasn't a surprise to learn that former Ohio State University football star Maurice Clarett was arrested again the other week. The evasive running back who had carried the Buckeyes to the 2002 National Championship was unsuccessful in evading the police in a car chase that occurred near the home of a witness in his upcoming robbery trial.

  • Professor Charles Fried

    Hearsay: Short takes from faculty op-eds

    April 23, 2006

    Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr.'s opponents have seized upon two memorandums he wrote when he was a junior lawyer in the office of the solicitor general....

  • Jon D. Hanson in conversation at his desk

    Professor Hanson on the Supreme Court’s ‘drifters’

    January 9, 2006

    When Justices William Rehnquist and Sandra Day O’Connor left the bench last year, conservatives were in an anxious mood: though pleased at the prospect of shifting the Supreme Court to the right, they were worried by the record of past Republican appointments. The refrain in conservative commentary, repeated with special intensity during the Harriet Miers affair, was: Not another Souter. Not another Kennedy. Not another O’Connor.

  • Jon D. Hanson in conversation at his desk

    Professor Hanson on Supreme Court politics

    December 12, 2005

    When it comes to Supreme Court nominees, conservatives are in agreement: Situation matters. Pundits on the right shouted down Harriet E. Miers over concerns that her evangelical backbone would whither under Washington winds. Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr. stepped into her spot seeming of far more stalwart vertebrae, but as his backers have stressed recently, he is a creature of situation as well.

  • Teaching Lessons

    July 1, 2002

    Guided by their professors, students find HLS a training ground for academic careers.

  • The Dean Saves the Day

    July 1, 2001

    For Dean Robert Clark ’72 it was just another day at the office when students in the Drama Society’s spring parody, License to Bill, called…

  • Hanson and Co. Go Hollywood

    July 26, 1999

    The first and last annual report from Class Action CEO Heather Thompson ’00, “the hardest-working and lowest-paid CEO in the country,” according to Professor Jon Hanson.