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John Coates

  • With no leader, commission overseeing virus relief struggles

    May 20, 2020

    Seven weeks after Congress unleashed more than $2 trillion to deal with the coronavirus crisis, an oversight commission intended to keep track of how the money is spent remains without a leader. Four of the five members of the Congressional Oversight Commission have been appointed, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., have not agreed on a chair, leaving the commission rudderless as the federal government pumps unprecedented sums into the economy. Without a leader, the panel’s remaining members can still do some oversight work, but cannot hire staff or set up office space. The four members have not met as a group since the economic rescue law was passed by Congress and signed by President Donald Trump in late March. “If the commission is not functioning — which it is not — then there is no oversight” on a huge part of the economic rescue law, said John Coates, a professor of law and economics at Harvard Law School. So far, “it’s a non-oversight, oversight commission,″ added Kimberly Wehle, a visiting professor at American University Law School. Lawmakers trying to oversee the spending law “are surging down the rapids without a raft,″ she said. Congress created the panel to watch over $500 billion in lending to distressed industries backed by the Treasury Department and Federal Reserve. The Fed has said the money can be leveraged to offer more than $2 trillion in loans to U.S. companies.

  • With No Leader, Commission Overseeing Virus Relief Struggles

    May 18, 2020

    Seven weeks after Congress unleashed more than $2 trillion to deal with the coronavirus crisis, an oversight commission intended to keep track of how the money is spent remains without a leader. Four of the five members of the Congressional Oversight Commission have been appointed, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., have not agreed on a chair, leaving the commission rudderless as the federal government pumps unprecedented sums into the economy. Without a leader, the panel's remaining members can still do some oversight work, but cannot hire staff or set up office space. The four members have not met as a group since the economic rescue law was passed by Congress and signed by President Donald Trump in late March. “If the commission is not functioning — which it is not — then there is no oversight” on a huge part of the economic rescue law, said John Coates, a professor of law and economics at Harvard Law School.

  • Cartoon of a hand holding up a white flag

    Easing the economic aftermath of a global pandemic

    April 28, 2020

    Mark Roe and John Coates recently spoke with Harvard Law Today about what could be done to lower the chances of a U.S. bankruptcy backlog and how other corporate governance challenges posed by the pandemic should be handled.

  • John ‘Jack’ Cogan Jr. ’52 (1926-2020)

    January 29, 2020

    John F. Cogan, Jr. ’52, a legal leader, civic activist and dedicated supporter of Harvard Law School, has died. He was 93.

  • SEC investor group seeks rework on 2 proposals

    January 27, 2020

    The SEC should rethink proposed rules that impose new requirements on proxy advisory firms and raise thresholds for submitting shareholder proposals, members of the agency's investor advisory committee said Friday. A divided committee voted 10-to-5 to support a recommendation of the group's investor-as-owner subcommittee that SEC officials rework the two proposals and in the meantime address more pressing issues such as "proxy-plumbing" reforms, including ways to correctly count votes and universal proxies...Committee members supporting the recommendation also would like to see the SEC consider "reasonable alternatives" to address the issues raised, including ways to correct errors made by proxy advisers and adjustments to shareholder proposal thresholds. "We do believe the commission could improve conflict of interest disclosure for proxy advisers. Right now, they simply haven't laid out (the case)," said John Coates, John F. Cogan Jr., professor of law and economics at Harvard Law School and research director of the Center on the Legal Profession. In addition to making proxy plumbing a higher priority, the committee recommended that SEC officials "do a better job of analyzing the issues" that led to the two proposed rule- makings, including following SEC guidance on cost-benefit analysis. "The current draft proposals lack what we would like to see added as basic components, such as a statement of the market failure that is creating a need for regulation," Mr. Coates said during a committee telephone conference call.

  • Vanguard and the US financial system: too big to be healthy?

    January 13, 2020

    Malvern, Pennsylvania is the quintessential small-town America: verdant, quiet and lined with 19th-century streetlamps. But just outside the town lies the sprawling campus of Vanguard, a $6tn asset manager that is reshaping the sleepy town and the surrounding area. ... Yet concerns of increasingly concentrated corporate power are unlikely to go away. John Coates, a professor at Harvard Law School, points out that despite being a Vanguard fan there is a “governance risk” inherent in one company that may eventually control a big chunk of every major US company. “Then they become the focal point for everyone that is unhappy about how any of these companies are run. There’s a real political risk there,” he says. “It’s a dilemma: What do you do with immense success?”

  • The Hidden Dangers of the Great Index Fund Takeover

    January 10, 2020

    The potential impact of common ownership reaches beyond antitrust matters to questions about how companies are run. Index fund managers may follow passive investment strategies, but they don’t blindly choose stocks and sit back, says John Coates, a Harvard law professor. Fund companies have multiple tools to influence corporate behavior, such as developing preferred policies on executive compensation, carbon footprints, gender diversity, and other governance matters. They often do this in coordination with other industry leaders, Coates says. “A small number of unelected agents, operating largely behind closed doors, are increasingly important to the lives of millions who barely know of the existence much less the identity or inclinations of those agents,” Coates wrote in a widely cited 2018 paper. The agents, in this case, are the managers of fund companies—and the most important of those are the index giants...Lucian Bebchuk, a Harvard law professor, says index fund managers don’t have incentives to invest the time into actively supervising companies. That’s because any effort to increase the value of a company would also increase the value of the index, which in turn benefits every fund that tracks the index. As a result, the fund that pushes management can’t stand out from its peers and attract more money—yet it incurs higher stewardship costs. The concern is that such deference will “result in insufficient checks on corporate managers,” Bebchuk says. In a 2019 paper, he writes that the Big Three spent minuscule amounts on stewardship. According to Morningstar, Vanguard employed 21 people to do the work of corporate oversight at a cost, by Bebchuk’s estimate, of about $6.3 million—a drop in the bucket considering Vanguard’s trillions of dollars under management.

  • Shareholders, proxy advisers roiled by SEC

    November 11, 2019

    To the Republican members of the Securities and Exchange Commission, new rules for the shareholder proposal process and proxy advisers are simply a matter of achieving needed updates and ensuring efficient markets. Institutional investors see it quite differently, as a capitulation to corporate pressure in Washington at the expense of shareholder rights. ... The SEC should expect legal challenges, said John Coates, vice dean for finance and strategic initiatives at Harvard Law School. There is "almost no material evidence of errors (by proxy advisers) … there are differences of opinion. I really do think these rules are vulnerable to legal challenge. It's very likely they will not be sustained."

  • Fox News legal expert says Constitution’s impeachment process ‘intended to stop Trump’s reckless’ behavior

    October 3, 2019

    Fox News senior judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano slammed Donald Trump's "allusions to violence" and reference to a "civil war," arguing that the president's actions toward Ukraine constituted "impeachable behavior." "The president's allusions to violence are palpably dangerous. They will give cover to crazies who crave violence, as other intemperate words of his have done," Napolitano warned in an op-ed published by Fox News on Thursday. He pointed out that "bounties" have already been offered for information that could lead to identifying the anonymous whistleblower at the center of the Ukraine scandal. ... Harvard Law professor John Coates argued that Trump's tweet was grounds for impeachment on its own. "This tweet is itself an independent basis for impeachment - a sitting president threatening civil war if Congress exercises its constitutionally authorized power," he posted to Twitter.

  • Donald Trump is ‘threat to national security’ and ‘integrity of our elections,’ says constitutional law professor

    October 2, 2019

    As the Ukraine controversy continues to unfold, one constitutional law professor has asserted that President Donald Trump is a "threat to national security" and puts the country at risk every day he is in the Oval Office .... The president has slammed the impeachment inquiry as a "Democratic witch hunt." In one tweet, Trump quoted an evangelical pastor who compared removing the president to initiate a "civil war." Harvard Law professor John Coates argued that Trump's tweet itself was actually grounds for impeachment.

  • Trump’s ‘Civil War’ Tweet May Be Grounds For Impeachment: Harvard Law Professor

    October 1, 2019

    It could also be grounds for impeachment, according to Harvard Law professor John Coates, who responded to the president’s tweet with a little bit of constitutional law. "This tweet is itself an independent basis for impeachment - a sitting president threatening civil war if Congress exercises its constitutionally authorized power." So far, no congressional lawmakers have commented publicly over whether Coates’ legal opinion is a path worth pursuing. But fellow Harvard Law faculty member Laurence Tribe did support the idea in theory ― though he suggested it may not be practical. I agree with @jciv here, though this is far from the strongest ground for impeachment because it’s much too easy to dismiss as typical Trumpian bloviating, not to be taken seriously OR literally.

  • Trump’s ‘Civil War’ quote tweet is actually grounds for impeachment, says Harvard Law Professor

    September 30, 2019

    President Donald Trump's recent tweet quoting a longtime evangelical pastor who warned of a "Civil War" if Democrats seriously pursue removing him from office could actually be grounds for impeachment, one Harvard Law professor said. "If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal," Trump tweeted on Sunday night. ... The president's tweet was immediately met with backlash, and Harvard Law professor John Coates argued that the social media post itself is an "independent basis" for lawmakers to remove him from the White House. "This tweet is itself an independent basis for impeachment - a sitting president threatening civil war if Congress exercises its constitutionally authorized power," Coates wrote on Twitter on Monday.

  • JET-Powered Learning

    August 21, 2019

    1L January Experiential Term courses focus on skills-building, collaboration and self-reflection

  • Can Cravath and Wachtell’s Lean Lockstep Approach Keep Them on Top?

    April 23, 2019

    Global M&A deal volume reached nearly $4 trillion in 2018—a hot year for the most lucrative practice at elite law firms. For two of those firms, Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz and Cravath, Swaine & Moore, the boom pushed profits per equity partner to new heights—$6.53 million at Wachtell and $4.62 million at Cravath. ... Wachtell has previously considered other locations, including London. It had a small office in Chicago, but closed it about two decades ago, according to John Coates, a former Wachtell partner who teaches corporate law and M&A at Harvard Law School. ... Coates, at Harvard, says he sometimes poses a question to law firm partners who attend his seminars: If their own firm had a conflict on a client matter and had to refer it to a global firm or Wachtell, which would they choose? “They always pick Wachtell,” he says, because they believe the firm won’t try to take the whole client relationship.

  • Analysis: Shutdown & New Legal Bulletin Shape 2019 Proxy Season

    April 18, 2019

    The 2019 proxy season is well underway, and it will be a memorable one for many reasons. Initially, the government shutdown stalled the staff’s review process by closing the Division of Corporation Finance for most of January, thereby putting some issuers at risk of acting on proxy matters without definitive guidance. Issuers must also deal with a new staff legal bulletin that adds complexity, requiring board input on two common exclusionary bases. ... Roundtable participants from both the issuer and investment communities agreed that the proxy system faces several structural problems. As Professor John Coates of Harvard Law School said at the roundtable, “there’s room for improvement; no one, I think, has ever said publicly that they would create the system that we have today if they were doing it from scratch.”

  • HLS faculty maintain top position in SSRN citation rankings 2

    HLS faculty maintain top position in SSRN citation rankings

    January 18, 2019

    Statistics released by the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) indicate that, as of the end of 2018, Harvard Law School faculty members have continued to feature prominently on SSRN’s list of the 100 most-cited law professors.

  • Your love of index funds is terrible for our economy

    December 12, 2018

    Vanguard’s John Bogle didn’t know it at the time, but when he created the first index fund in 1975 he unleashed a monster. Stock index funds have grown so popular that they now command $4.6 trillion in assets. That might seem like a good thing. After all, index funds have “democratized” investing and simplified the process for the average person. But the truth is that index funds have gotten so big that they now pose a major risk to our economy — and even to capitalism itself. Here are three reasons why. ... Harvard Law School professor John Coates likes to say that index funds create “social benefits” in the form of lower expenses. That’s true, but it is only captures a piece of the picture.

  • Stock Market Distress Signal: How Low-Cost Index Funds Are Taking Over

    December 12, 2018

    Sounding the alarm on index funds. How their runaway success has reshaped power and accountability in boardrooms and on Wall Street. Guests: John Coates, professor of law and economics at Harvard Law School where he teaches corporate governance, mergers and acquisitions and finance. Member of the Investor Advisory Committee of the Securities and Exchanges Commission.

  • Your love of index funds is terrible for our economy

    December 11, 2018

    Stock index funds have grown so popular that they now command $4.6 trillion in assets. That might seem like a good thing. After all, index funds have “democratized” investing and simplified the process for the average person. But the truth is that index funds have gotten so big that they now pose a major risk to our economy — and even to capitalism itself. ... Harvard Law School professor John Coates likes to say that index funds create “social benefits” in the form of lower expenses. That’s true, but it is only captures a piece of the picture.Because even when active managers underperform as they charge higher fees than index funds, they are still adding lots of value in our economic system.

  • Bogle Sounds a Warning on Index Funds

    November 29, 2018

    ...My concerns are shared by many academic observers. In a draft paper released in September, Prof. John C. Coates of Harvard Law School wrote that indexing is reshaping corporate governance, and warned that we are tipping toward a point where the voting power will be “controlled by a small number of individuals” who can exercise “practical power over the majority of U.S. public companies.” Professor Coates does not like what he sees, and offers tentative policy options—some necessary, often painful to contemplate. His conclusion—“The issue is not likely to go away”—is unarguable.

  • Does Delaware law preclude mandatory arbitration of federal securities claims?

    November 29, 2018

    The debate over corporations imposing arbitration on shareholders through corporate charters and bylaws is still mostly in the realm of theory and academic furor. The Securities and Exchange Commission, as you know, is contemplating the issue, though SEC Chair Jay Clayton has said he’s in no rush to decide whether the commission will end its longtime policy of squelching proposed mandatory arbitration provisions for companies going public...In the new paper, the securities law professors – including, among other luminaries, John Coffee of Columbia, Lucian Bebchuk and John Coates of Harvard, Ann Lipton of Tulane, James Cox of Duke and Donald Langevoort of Georgetown - contend that federal securities claims are outside the scope of corporate charters and bylaws governed by Delaware law. Corporations can’t impose mandatory arbitration of federal securities claims through charters and bylaws, according to the profs’ argument, because compacts between corporations and shareholders are limited to state law governance issues, not disputes under federal securities law.