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Jody Freeman

  • Bruce Babbitt ’65

    At HLS award ceremony, Babbitt challenges ‘haphazard infrastructure decisions’ (video)

    March 19, 2013

    On March 14, the Harvard Law School Environmental Law Society presented its annual Horizon award to Bruce Babbitt ’65, who previously served as secretary of the interior and governor of Arizona.The award is a means of recognizing great people who have accomplished great things in the field of environment and natural resources law, and to provide a forum in which to discuss those achievements.

  • Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. at HLS

    Briefs: Some memorable moments, milestones and a Miró

    October 1, 2012

    In October 1962, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke at Harvard Law School on “The Future of Integration.” It was six months before he would be imprisoned in a Birmingham jail, 10 months before the March on Washington, almost two years before the signing of the Civil Rights Act and almost six years before his assassination. “It may be that the law cannot make a man love me,” he said, “but it can keep him from lynching me.”

  • HLS Environmental Law Clinic wins victory for renewable energy

    August 8, 2012

    For more than two years, Harvard Law School’s Emmett Environmental Law & Policy Clinic has represented a group of general contractors who specialize in renewable energy projects but were being blocked from installing solar power by a state licensing board. Led by Clinic Director and Clinical Professor Wendy Jacobs, Harvard Law School students have prevailed in a two-year battle to lift restrictions on the installation of solar power in Massachusetts.

  • Professor Jody Freeman LL.M. ’91 S.J.D. ’95

    Freeman in NYT: ‘The Wise Way to Regulate Gas Drilling’

    July 6, 2012

    The op-ed "The Wise Way to Regulate Gas Drilling," by Professor Jody Freeman LL.M. ’91 S.J.D. ’95, appeared in the July 6, 2012, edition of the New York Times.

  • Professor Jody Freeman LL.M. ’91 S.J.D. ’95

    Plugged In: Lazarus and Freeman bring experience shaping environmental law and regulation

    July 1, 2012

    This spring, hundreds of people packed the Washington, D.C., Circuit Court to hear a challenge to the Environmental Protection Agency’s authority to regulate greenhouse gases, in one of the most closely watched cases of the year. Among them were the students in Professor Richard Lazarus’ Advanced Environmental Law in Theory and Application class.

  • The Ripple Effect: A watershed year for the Environmental Law Program

    June 11, 2012

    The scope of Harvard Law School's Environmental Law Program has grown significantly since Professor Jody Freeman LL.M. ’91 S.J.D. ’95 launched it six years ago “with the ambition of building the best environmental law and policy program in the world.”

  • HLS Professor Jody Freeman, ELI President John Cruden, and HLS Professor Richard Lazarus

    Environmental Law experts review cases before the Court

    October 4, 2011

    On September 28, the Harvard Law School Environmental Law Program and Environmental Law Institute hosted a Supreme Court Review and Preview to discuss the implications of recent Supreme Court decisions on the field of environmental law. Harvard Law School Dean Martha Minow introduced the event, and emphasized the Supreme Court’s role in the formation of environmental policy in the United States.

  • White House

    Stories from the West Wing

    January 21, 2011

    Three faculty who served in the Obama administration, and recently returned to HLS, talk to writer Elaine McArdle about gridlock, being part of history, living life at warp speed and the day the Easter Bunny blacked out the White House.

  • Recent Faculty Books – Fall 2014

    November 21, 2010

    In his essays, Samuel Moyn considers topics such as human rights and the Holocaust, international courts, and liberal internationalism. Skeptical of humanitarian justifications for intervention, he writes,“[H]uman rights history should turn away from ransacking the past as if it provided good support for the astonishingly specific international movement of the last few decades.”

  • Professor Jody Freeman LL.M. ’91 S.J.D. ’95

    Freeman selected as public member of the Administrative Conference of the U.S.

    November 10, 2010

    Harvard Law School Professor Jody Freeman has been selected as a public member of the Council of the Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS), an independent agency of the United States government tasked with improving the efficiency and fairness of federal agencies.

  • Professor Jody Freeman LL.M. ’91 S.J.D. ’95

    Freeman in NYT: The good driller award

    July 2, 2010

    "The Good Driller Award,” an op-ed by Professor Jody Freeman LL.M. ’91 S.J.D. ’95, appeared in the July 1, 2010 edition of the New York Times.

  • Henry Smith and Jody Freeman

    Freeman and Smith appointed to faculty chairs

    July 1, 2010

    Two Harvard Law School professors have been appointed to faculty chair positions: Jody Freeman LL.M. ’91 S.J.D. ’95 is the Archibald Cox Professor of Law, and Henry Smith is the Fessenden Professor of Law. Freeman and Smith took their new chairs on July 1.

  • Professor Jody Freeman LL.M. ’91 S.J.D. ’95

    Jody Freeman to return in March after serving in the White House

    February 24, 2010

    Professor Jody Freeman will return to the Harvard Law School faculty in March 2010, after serving in the White House as Counselor for Energy and Climate Change since January, 2009.

  • HLS alumni and faculty serve in Obama administration

    August 3, 2009

    This year, Harvard Law School alumni continued to make an impact in a variety of ways. Most notably, HLS alumni have filled the halls of…

  • Summer 2009

    Recent Faculty Books – Summer 2009

    July 1, 2009

    “No Place to Hide: Gang, State, and Clandestine Violence in El Salvador” (Harvard University Press, 2009), by Clinical Professor James Cavallaro and Spring Miller ’07, analyzes the…

  • Jody Freeman LL.M. ’91 S.J.D. ’95 and Martha Minow

    In a new book, Minow and Freeman look at the issues raised by outsourcing

    February 27, 2009

    Today, the U.S. government outsources a significant portion of its work—in such key areas as national security, military intelligence, environmental monitoring, prison management, and interrogation of terrorism suspects. It’s a reality that's here to stay, according to Professors Martha Minow and Jody Freeman LL.M. ’91 S.J.D. ’95, and it raises important questions about accountability, transparency and the rule of law.

  • Professor Jody Freeman LL.M. ’91 S.J.D. ’95

    Jody Freeman explains why there’s no time to waste in the field of environmental law

    August 22, 2008

    Professor Jody Freeman LL.M. ’91 S.J.D. ’95 joined the faculty in 2005. She recently told the Harvard Law Bulletin why climbing Mount Kilimanjaro didn’t turn her into an environmentalist—and what did.

  • Startup for an Ailing Planet

    July 28, 2008

    Harvard Law School’s new program, and its faculty director, aim to change the way we think about environmental law

  • Jody Freeman

    Everything … and Right Now

    July 1, 2008

    The founding director of Harvard’s new Environmental Law Program wastes no time—and says there’s no time to waste. Professor Jody Freeman LL.M. ’91 S.J.D. ’95

  • Recent Faculty Books – Fall 2006

    September 1, 2006

    In “Judging under Uncertainty: An Institutional Theory of Legal Interpretation” (Harvard University Press, 2006), Professor Adrian Vermeule ’93 takes up the question: How should judges interpret statutes and the Constitution?

  • Professor Jody Freeman

    Cooling Off the Planet

    September 1, 2005

    Which works better--regulation or market-based initiatives? We ask Jody Freeman, who joined the HLS faculty this year.