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Jeannie Suk Gersen

  • Law Professors Argue for Teaching Rape Law

    February 5, 2015

    Laws regarding rape should be taught in criminal law classes at Harvard Law School despite its potential to trigger psychological trauma, two Law professors argued at a discussion on the topic Wednesday afternoon. Law professor Jeannie C. Suk, who has taught criminal law and procedure at the Law School, and Andrew M. Crespo ’05, who served as Harvard Law Review’s first Latino president and will teach criminal law for the first time next fall, both stressed the pedagogical value of including rape law in a curriculum. Suk spoke out on the issue when she penned a New Yorker article called “The Trouble with Teaching Rape Law" in December.

  • At Law School, Is Insensitivity Grounds for an Objection?

    December 19, 2014

    On the other side of the country, Harvard law professor Jeannie Suk has taken to the New Yorker to express concern over her perception that students are increasingly likely to object when classroom discussion turns to rape. "Individual students often ask teachers not to include the law of rape on exams for fear that the material would cause them to perform less well," she writes. "One teacher I know was recently asked by a student not to use the word 'violate' in class—as in 'Does this conduct violate the law?'—because the word was triggering."

  • The Trouble with Teaching Rape Law

    December 15, 2014

    An op-ed by Jeannie Suk. Imagine a medical student who is training to be a surgeon but who fears that he’ll become distressed if he sees or handles blood. What should his instructors do? Criminal-law teachers face a similar question with law students who are afraid to study rape law...But my experience at Harvard over the past couple of years tells me that the environment for teaching rape law and other subjects involving gender and violence is changing. Students seem more anxious about classroom discussion, and about approaching the law of sexual violence in particular, than they have ever been in my eight years as a law professor.

  • Two women posing together with marine life puppets, sailor hats, and a life preserver

    “All bids on deck” at the 2014 Public Interest Auction

    April 3, 2014

    View full gallery (29 images) A $400 shopping spree. A Silicon Valley tour of Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn and Facebook. Dinner and “Dungeons and Dragons.” A…

  • William P. Alford, Alonzo Emery, Robert C. Bordone, Michael Stein, Matthew Bugher, Tyler Giannini, Noah Feldman, Vicki Jackson, Howell E. Jackson, David Kennedy, J. Mark Ramseyer, Hal Scott, Matthew C. Stephenson, Jeannie Suk, David Wilkins, and Mark Wu

    HLS Focus on Asia: Faculty and clinical highlights

    January 1, 2014

    Some recent faculty and clinical highlights—from research on anti-corruption efforts to conferences on financial regulation.

  • HLS Faculty assess the week’s legal news

    July 15, 2013

    In a week of many developments in the world of law, Harvard Law School faculty were online, in print, and on-the-air offering analyses and opinions.

  • Professors at “HLS Thinks Big”

    Four HLS professors ‘think big’ at annual event (video)

    July 11, 2013

    “HLS Thinks Big,” an event inspired by the global TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) talks and modeled after the university's “Harvard Thinks Big” event, was held at Harvard Law School on May 28. Four professors—Daniel Nagin, Glenn Cohen '03, Jeannie Suk '02, and James Greiner—presented on some of their recent work and research.

  • Jeannie Suk ’02

    Suk receives intellectual diversity award

    May 9, 2013

    Harvard Law School Professor Jeannie Suk '02 received the Charles Fried Intellectual Diversity Award from the Harvard Federalist Society in April. The award is bestowed upon a faculty member who has furthered the cause of intellectual diversity and free and open debate at Harvard Law School, both inside and outside of the classroom, regardless of that professor's ideological leanings or favored theories of jurisprudence.

  • Jeannie Suk ’02

    NAPABA names Suk among ‘Best Lawyers Under 40’

    December 11, 2012

    The National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) has named Professor Jeannie Suk ’02 among the 2012 recipients of the association’s “Best Lawyers Under 40” awards.

  • Hearsay - Winter 2011 Bulletin

    Hearsay: Faculty short takes

    December 6, 2011

    “Politics and Corporate Money” Professor Lucian Bebchuk LL.M. ’80 S.J.D. ’84 Project Syndicate Sept. 20, 2010 “A recent decision issued by the United States Supreme Court expanded the freedom of corporations to spend money on political campaigns and candidates. … This raises well-known questions about democracy and private power, but another important question is often overlooked: who should decide for a publicly traded corporation whether to spend funds on politics, how much, and to what ends?

  • At HLS, editor of Above the Law weighs blog impact

    November 9, 2011

    In a talk sponsored by the Harvard Federalist Society and moderated by HLS Professor Jeannie Suk, David Lat discussed the impact of blogging on the judiciary.

  • Jeannie Suk ’02

    Professor Suk testifies on copyright law in the fashion industry

    July 15, 2011

    On Friday June 15th, HLS Professor Jeannie Suk ’02 testified before the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Intellectual Property, Competition and the Internet regarding the Innovative Design Protection and Piracy Prevention Act (IDPPPA).

  • Jeannie Suk ’02

    Suk honored by the Korean American Lawyers Association of Greater New York

    June 14, 2011

    The Korean American Lawyers Association of Greater New York recently honored Harvard Law Professor Jeannie Suk ‘02 with its annual Trailblazers award. In 2010, Suk became the first Asian-American woman to receive tenure at Harvard Law School.

  • Jeannie Suk ’02

    Suk honored by Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly and the Korean Economic Institute

    January 24, 2011

    Harvard Law Professor Jeanne Suk ’02 was named a “Top Woman of the Law” by Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly and honored at a reception on Dec. 3.  The award recognizes women who have made inspiring contributions and who are pioneers, educators, trailblazers and role models.

  • Jeannie Suk ’02

    Suk gains tenure as professor of law at Harvard

    October 28, 2010

    Jeannie Suk ’02 has gained tenure as a professor of law at Harvard. The faculty voted to grant tenure on Oct. 14 and Harvard University approved it immediately thereafter.

  • Martha Minow, Jeannie Suk and Noah Feldman

    ‘Life of the Law, Life of the Mind’: A Discussion with Feldman, Suk and Minow

    October 25, 2010

    In an HLS panel discussion titled “Life of the Law, Life of the Mind,” Dean Martha Minow and Professors of Law Jeannie Suk and Noah Feldman stressed the importance of recognizing and embracing the differences between legal training and academic experience.

  • Jeannie Suk and Scott Hemphill

    Suk in WSJ: Schumer’s Project Runway

    September 3, 2010

    If it’s illegal to copy books and paintings, why should fashion designs be any different? That was the question posed by HLS Professor Jeannie Suk ‘02 and Columbia Law Professor C. Scott Hemphill in a recent op-ed in the Wall Street Journal

  • Assistant Professor Jeannie Suk

    Suk Awarded Herbert Jacob Prize for outstanding book on law and society

    June 8, 2010

    Jeannie Suk, an assistant professor of law at Harvard Law School, has been awarded the Herbert Jacob Prize for her book, “At Home in the Law,” by the Law and Society Association. The prize, awarded for the most outstanding book in law and society of the year, was presented to Suk at the Association’s annual meeting in Chicago on May 29.

  • The Green Bag honors HLS faculty and alumni for exemplary writing

    January 13, 2010

    The Green Bag, a quarterly journal devoted to readable, concise, and entertaining legal scholarship, has named a number of HLS faculty members and alumni to its “Exemplary Legal Writing 2009” list.

  • Striving Always to Get It Right: Reflections on David Souter

    January 1, 2010

    Last spring, David Hackett Souter ’66—the U.S. Supreme Court’s 105th justice—announced his retirement and stepped down at the end of the term. We asked four alumni who had firsthand experience with the justice for their reflections.

  • 2009 Year in Review: Faculty Publications

    December 14, 2009

    In their book,“No Place to Hide: Gang, State, and Clandestine Violence in El Salvador” (Harvard University Press, 2009), Clinical Professor James Cavallaro and Spring…