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Emily Broad Leib

  • 2018 Farm Bill would extend rural development grants, establish Food Waste Liaison

    April 19, 2018

    While in large part a spending bill, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office says H.R. 2 would have a minimum impact on overall federal spending. It doesn't have the kind of budget-expanding numbers some departments see, but the farm bill still provides vital funding for rural waste management projects, which can be prohibitively expensive to start from scratch. More notable than routine spending and grant programs, however, is the establishment of a dedicated position within the federal government, which focuses exclusively on food waste and food loss prevention. The food waste liaison would be tasked with sharing information across government agencies and working to reduce food waste at the national level...Emily Broad Leib, director of the Food Law and Policy Clinic at Harvard Law School, said the liaison "represents a step in the right direction," but "we hoped to see more, and will continue to work with members of Congress to understand the importance of food waste reduction and these key ways that the farm bill can make a difference in this fight."

  • Grocery stores could be donating way more food

    April 13, 2018

    Grocery stores could be donating way more of the food they don’t sell. What’s stopping them? A patchwork of inconsistent and unclear food safety laws. A new report conducted by researchers at the Harvard Food Law and Policy Clinic has found that very few states give businesses any instruction on how to donate food safely...Emily Broad Leib, director of the clinic and the study’s lead author, wanted to find out exactly where companies were getting hung up. “We kept hearing from businesses that they weren’t allowed to donate certain things, or being told that they had to follow really strict rules. Sometimes there’d be a business that said different parts of the country or even different cities in the same state have different rules.”

  • Can this Boston grocery store change the way we eat?

    March 4, 2018

    ...Daily Table doesn’t look like a typical supermarket; It is smaller and laid out more like a Trader Joe’s, where Rauch was president for 14 years. In 2013, Rauch went on a national media tour to explain his mission: a store that would stock food that had passed its sell-by date, salvaging still perfectly good food from the landfill and getting it to people who need it. Some hailed the idea as a breakthrough. Others worried that selling expired food to poor people was demeaning. But Rauch argued that he could create a sustainable business model that could to solve food waste and hunger at the same time...Sell-by dates result in over 160 billion pounds of healthy food that’s discarded each year, said Emily Broad Leib, director of Harvard’s Food Law and Policy Clinic, who has worked with Rauch to push for national changes to the regulations.

  • This startup brews beer with surplus bread. Here’s why.

    February 22, 2018

    If you're passionate about craft brews and green living, how about raising a glass of beer made from leftover bread? Toast Ale launched in the U.K. in 2015 in part to help bakeries recycle bread that otherwise would have been wasted — and to help raise public awareness about wasted food...But can a small company like Toast Ale really make a difference? Emily Broad Leib, director of the Food Law and Policy Clinic at Harvard Law School in Cambridge, Massachusetts, certainly thinks so. “Grain products such as bread are some of the most commonly wasted food products in both the U.S. and the U.K.,” Broad Leib told NBC News MACH in an email.

  • The simple way we might turn food waste into green energy

    December 13, 2017

    Americans waste a lot of food — about 133 billion pounds a year, or roughly one-third of all the food produced in the U.S. In addition to wasting money and squandering a precious resource, all that waste creates an enormous environmental problem. Food waste often winds up in landfills, where it rots and releases large quantities of methane, a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming...Emily Broad Leib, director of the Food Law and Policy Clinic at Harvard Law School in Cambridge, Massachusetts, said the plan has promise. “In particular, one of the challenges with anaerobic digestion has been that many AD facilities are unwilling or unable to process food scraps at this time,” Leib told MACH in an email. “If this process is tailored specifically to utilize food scraps… that could help to increase capacity to process food scraps and really fill that gap, especially if it is cost-effective.”

  • It’s Time for Congress to Join the Fight Against Food Waste

    August 1, 2017

    An op-ed by Emily Broad Leib. This week, I am excited to join a group of advocates and chefs from Food Policy Action, the National Resource Defense Council, ReFed, and the James Beard Foundation in Washington, D.C. to put food waste on the plates of Congress. In 2015, the Environmental Protection Agency and United States Department of Agriculture announced a national goal to halve food waste by 2030, but these agencies and Congress have not yet adopted policies to help us meet this ambitious goal. We are now approaching a critical opportunity to implement such policy change: the U.S. Farm Bill, expected to pass in 2018. This legislation shapes our food and agriculture system, covering everything from rural broadband to food assistance programs—yet the last Farm Bill, enacted in 2014, didn’t put a single dollar towards food waste reduction efforts.

  • What ‘Sell By,’ ‘Best Before’ And ‘Use By’ Dates Really Mean

    June 30, 2017

    I find the dates on food labels highly confusing. Why are there “sell by,” “display until,” “best before” and “use by” dates?...To understand this, Emily M. Broad Leib—Assistant Clinical Professor of Law, Director of Harvard Law School Food Law and Policy Clinic, and Deputy Director of the Harvard Law School Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation—believes consumers should first understand that none of these labels are regulated by federal law...Given there’s no federal regulation, consumers should be wary that these labels don’t necessarily offer a safe-to-eat date. “The reason companies are including dates at all comes from a valid business purpose in wanting consumers to eat food while the flavor is best,” said the legal expert.

  • America Needs To Get More Strategic About Food Policy

    June 16, 2017

    An op-ed by Emily Broad Leib. "Eat your fruits and vegetables” is a simple-enough piece of nutritional advice most Americans have heard since they were young. When you look at America’s food policies, however, that straightforward missive gets incredibly complicated. Though our national nutrition guidance recommends that fruits and vegetables make up more than 50% of our dietary intake, the lion’s share of federal funding for farmers goes to soy, cotton, and corn. In fact, as a nation we produce 24% fewer servings of fruits and vegetables than would be necessary for us to meet that nutrition guidance.

  • Trying to Reverse Americans’ Rotten Record on Food Waste

    May 17, 2017

    Every day, American families throw out tons of spoiled food — or food they think is spoiled because they misunderstand “sell by” labels. Restaurants dispose of usable leftovers, and farmers toss imperfect produce. In the United States, about 30 to 40 percent of all food is not eaten. About 95 percent of that wasted food, 38 million tons in 2014, ends up in landfills or incinerators, where it produces methane, a gas that is one of the most potent contributors to climate change...The Food Waste Reduction Alliance, which represents the food industry and restaurant trade associations, recently worked with Harvard Law School’s Food Law and Policy Clinic to simplify and standardize “use by” and “sell by” labels, which befuddle many consumers. People toss a lot of edible food because they misunderstand the difference between the two terms. “There has been an enormous amount of change over the past two or three years,” said Emily Broad Leib, director of the clinic.

  • How To Combat Both Wasted Food And Wasted Opportunities In The Next Farm Bill

    May 8, 2017

    An article by Emily Broad Leib. Ready your tractors and plows—the farm bill is upon us. This omnibus package of legislation, reauthorized every 5 to 7 years, shapes virtually every aspect of our food and agricultural system. Yet this wide-ranging, $500 billion piece of legislation, which aims to ensure a safe and sufficient food supply for our nation, fails to take steps to guarantee that the food we produce actually makes it to our plates. Congressional agriculture committees recently commenced hearings to begin preparation for the 2018 Farm Bill, which makes this the perfect time to discuss how the next farm bill can invest in solutions to reduce the nearly 40% of food that goes to waste in the U.S.

  • In Trump’s America, Navigating a Path for a Progressive National Food Strategy

    April 18, 2017

    Over the last eight years, food policy has gone from being a topic for industry insiders and wonks, to a regular staple on mainstream America’s menu of interests. Case in point: A plurality of Americans now believe healthy food should be more affordable, farm subsidies should be used to grow that healthy food, farming should happen in harmony with the environment, and food system workers should be treated—and paid—fairly...Emily Broad Leib thinks it can be done...“This isn’t pie in the sky—we have the tools in the U.S. and have used them to create national strategies on lots of other things that are not as foundational as food,” Leib said.

  • 'Don't Waste, Donate' March 2017 Cover

    In new report, Food Law and Policy Clinic calls for federal action on food recovery

    March 13, 2017

    On March 9, the Food Law and Policy Clinic of Harvard Law School and the Natural Resources Defense Council, released “Don’t Waste, Donate: Enhancing Food Donations through Federal Policy,” presenting actions the federal government should take to better align federal laws and policies with the goal of increasing the donation of safe surplus food.

  • ‘Don’t Waste, Donate:’ New report shows how government can help reduce food waste

    March 10, 2017

    It seems like a simple solution: Companies with excess food should just donate it to people in need. So why don’t they? Maybe they’re worried about liability. Perhaps they can’t afford to transport the food to where it will do the most good. Or, they’re unsure about the expiration-date labeling and would rather not chance giving away past-due goods. So what’s to be done? Plenty, according to a report released Thursday, March 9, by The Harvard Law School Food Law and Policy Clinic and the Natural Resources Defense Council...“If even a quarter of the recommendations in the report are embraced and implemented, millions of pounds of wholesome food will make it to those in need instead of clogging up our landfills,” said Emily Broad Leib, director of the Harvard Law School Food Law and Policy Clinic and one of the report’s main authors.

  • You’re about to see a big change to the sell-by dates on food

    February 16, 2017

    The majority of Americans have no clear idea what “sell by” labels are trying to tell them. But after 40 years of letting us guess, the grocery industry has made moves to clear up the confusion. On Wednesday, the Food Marketing Institute and the Grocery Manufacturers Association, the two largest trade groups for the grocery industry, announced that they’ve adopted standardized, voluntary regulations to clear up what product date labels mean...“I think it’s huge. It’s just an enormous step,” said Emily Broad-Leib, the director of Harvard’s Food Law and Policy Clinic. “It’s still a first step — but it’s very significant.”...Of course, that is just a drop in the waste bucket: To make a real dent in America’s food waste problem, Broad-Leib said, more will have to be done. The Food Law and Policy Clinic is arguing for several federal interventions, including policy changes that make it easier for companies and farms to donate food and incentives to encourage them to do so.

  • Trade groups push to expire confusing food date labels

    February 16, 2017

    There could soon be something new to check out at your grocery store. The food industry is working to simplify labels on perishable food. Date stamps like “best by,” “sell by,” “use by” and “best before” can be confusing for shoppers...“There’s always this habit of going to the back of the shelf and taking the milk with the date that’s furthest out,” said Emily Broad Leib, director of Harvard Law School Food Law and Policy Clinic. “I think this will really help consumers know when does that date matter and when does it not really matter for safety reasons.”

  • Group shot of Food System panelists

    Hunger for change: Panelists focus on a fix for a broken food system

    December 6, 2016

    A system that makes healthy food expensive and junk food cheap should be fixed, said a panel of experts who gathered at Harvard Law School on Nov. 30 to discuss “Transforming Our Food System,” a discussion sponsored by the HLS Food Law and Policy Clinic in partnership with the Union of Concerned Scientists.

  • Hunger for change

    December 6, 2016

    At the same time the government urges Americans to eat healthy foods, it heavily subsidizes farmers who produce corn and other crops used in junk foods, and invests little in those who grow fruits and vegetables. The result? A pound of fresh broccoli costs about $2 in any supermarket, while a calorie- and fat-filled cheeseburger is half that price in many fast-food restaurants. This system that makes healthy food expensive and junk food cheap should be fixed, said a panel of experts who gathered at Harvard Law School on Nov. 30...Bittman was joined by...Emily Broad Leib, assistant clinical professor of paw and director of the Food Law and Policy clinic...Leib expressed concern about a House bill that proposes cutting food stamp benefits by $40 billion. “This could be small compared to what we might see coming,” she said. “This program is a safety net for many people that otherwise wouldn’t be able to put food on the table.”

  • What does that ‘sell by’ date really mean, anyway?

    October 5, 2016

    It’s hard to know how to interpret food date labels. If it smells fine but it’s past the best-by mark, should you pitch it? And what does “sell by” really mean anyway? Professor Emily Broad Leib, director of the Harvard Food Law and Policy Clinic and deputy director of the Harvard Law School Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation, is on a mission to help decode the mixed messages sent by those puzzling stamps on our food. The professor was recently honored by Food & Wine and Forbes as one of the 20 most innovative women in Food and Drink for her work surrounding food waste.

  • Eliminate Laws That Cause Healthy Food to Go to Waste

    September 21, 2016

    An op-ed by Emily Broad Leib. Multiple policies could be implemented to address food waste and its impacts on the environment, food security, and our climate. In particular, we should eliminate laws that cause healthy food to go to waste, incentivize food donation and, when needed, enact penalties for senseless food waste. Let's start with consumer confusion, and the misguided laws regarding food date labels. Eighty four percent of consumers report they frequently throw food away after the sell-by date has passed, despite date labels being indicators of freshness, not safety. What's more, in the absence of federal law on date labels, no two states have the same date label rules. Several states even restrict or ban the sale or donation of past-date foods. Federal legislation is needed to eliminate state laws that require past-date — but still safe — foods to be wasted, and to standardize date labels so they are clearer to consumers.

  • The 5 Most Innovative Women in Food and Drink

    September 14, 2016

    The future of food is here, and it’s decidedly female. The editors of Food & Wine and Fortune magazines teamed up to spotlight women entrepreneurs, activists and leaders in the food world who’ve worked in the past year to transform the way people dine. Twenty earned a spot on their Most Innovative Women in Food and Drink 2016 list...Emily Broad Leib At the Harvard Food Law and Policy Clinic, Leib is tackling the enormous problem of wasted food, which crowds landfills and leaves many hungry, by trying to change legislation around the way food is labeled. “We want to make labeling laws clearer, so when people pick up a yogurt, they know when it’s OK to eat it and when to throw it out,” she tells Food & Wine and Fortune. It may also make perfectly fine food easier to donate.

  • Food Law clinic sponsors conference focused on food waste, consumer education

    July 28, 2016

    Food recovery entrepreneurs, farmers, business persons, academics, government officials and many others converged at Harvard Law School for two days of learning, strategizing, and networking to address the growing issue of food waste.