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Emily Broad Leib

  • What food expiration dates really mean — and when to ignore them

    May 17, 2023

    Walk into a grocery store, and you’ll face a cacophony of expirations dates: “sell by,” “use by,” “freeze by.” Sometimes you’ll even see “enjoy by”…

  • Opinion: Is your fridge filled with ‘expired’ food? Here’s why you shouldn’t throw it away

    May 12, 2023

    An op-ed by Emily Broad Leib: If on digging through your fridge you find food stamped with a phrase such as “Enjoy by,” “Best before,”…

  • Food Waste Policy Models and Opportunities Learned from WasteExpo

    May 2, 2023

    The lack of clear and comprehensive laws and labeling surrounding food waste and disposal is causing confusion about what food can be donated and how…

  • Proposal Would Require Boston Vendors to Donate Food That Would Otherwise Be Tossed

    March 1, 2023

    Boston could soon be a leader in the fight against food insecurity, according to two city councilors who have proposed a food recovery program. The…

  • Seven people pose for the camera in a room

    ‘He showed me what it meant to lead with love’

    December 14, 2022

    Harvard Law Clinical Professor Robert Greenwald retires after a long career securing health care access for vulnerable populations.

  • Expiration Dates Are Meaningless

    December 1, 2022

    For refrigerators across America, the passing of Thanksgiving promises a major purge. The good stuff is the first to go: the mashed potatoes, the buttery…

  • Food Donation Can Help Nigeria Fight Hunger and Cut Food Waste

    November 28, 2022

    The Global Food Donation Policy Atlas recently issued recommendations that may help Nigeria reach their 2035 goal to end poverty and reduce hunger. The recommendations…

  • FDA panel reviewing food programs gets earful from stakeholders

    October 19, 2022

    Panel members appointed to evaluate the Food and Drug Administration’s human food programs have their work cut out for them as they craft recommendations for…

  • ‘Best Before’ labels scrutinized as food waste concerns grow

    October 5, 2022

    As awareness grows around the world about the problem of food waste, one culprit in particular is drawing scrutiny: “best before” labels. Manufacturers have used…

  • No-Kill Burgers? US Firms Eye Green Light to Sell Lab-Grown Meat

    October 5, 2022

    Companies creating lab-grown steak, chicken, and fish see a recent White House announcement as a signal that meat grown without animal slaughter is on the…

  • Harckham introduces bill to expand food waste recycling and donations

    September 26, 2022

    State Senator Pete Harckham has introduced new legislation that will expand the state’s food scraps recycling and food donation program. The bill, which essentially requires…

  • Lots of Food Gets Tossed. These Apps Let You Buy It, Cheap.

    September 21, 2022

    … Around the country, apps that connect customers to businesses with leftover food have begun to spread. The concept is simple: Restaurants and grocery stores…

  • How Long Does Cooked Meat Last in the Fridge?

    August 29, 2022

    One in six, or 48 million, Americans get food poisoning each year, resulting in 128,000 hospitalizations and 3,000 deaths, according to the U.S. Centers for…

  • New Report Outlines Opportunities To Use The Farm Bill To Cut Food Waste

    May 2, 2022

    A new report urges Congress to make reducing food waste a priority in the 2023 farm bill in order to address climate change and hunger while benefiting the economy. The U.S. wastes more than one-third of the food it produces and imports, according to the report, published last week by the Harvard Law School Food Law and Policy Clinic, the Natural Resources Defense Council, ReFED and the World Wildlife Fund. ... The U.S. has set a goal of halving food loss and waste by 2030. The 2018 farm bill was the first to tackle food waste, by establishing new positions and programs at the USDA, updating food donation rules and funding community waste-reduction efforts. But much remains to be done, said Emily Broad Leib, faculty director of the Food Law and Policy Clinic and a lead author of the report.

  • Food Businesses, Nonprofits Urge Congress to Remove Barriers to Food Donation

    December 2, 2021

    Food businesses and nonprofit organizations recently released an open letter urging Congress to pass a bill intended to fight hunger by removing barriers to food donation. ... The open letter, which is signed by more than 25 groups including WW International, City Harvest, and the Harvard Law School Food Law and Policy Clinic, advocates for these protections to include businesses that are donating directly to recipients in need. Current protections only cover companies that donate to nonprofit organizations. “Promoting and enabling the donation of safe, surplus food is a highly effective and simple tool to curb food waste, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and address food insecurity,” Emily Broad Leib, Director for the Harvard Law School Food Law and Policy Clinic tells Food Tank. “Yet, our current laws fall short of really encouraging businesses to donate food instead of tossing it into landfill.”

  • Emily Broad Leib: What Can be Done About Food Waste?

    November 15, 2021

    WHAT CAN BE DONE ABOUT FOOD WASTE? Emily Broad Leib, founder and director of Harvard’s Food Law and Policy Clinic, discusses how to reduce food waste in the United States and abroad. Topics include the confusion caused by misleading date labels, the impact of COVID-19 on food waste, and the FLPC’s collaborations with governments and non-profit organizations to enact better food laws.  Read more about Emily Broad Leib in the pages of Harvard Magazine in “The Food Waste Problem.”

  • McGovern nudges medical schools to invest in nutrition education

    November 12, 2021

    Medical schools should beef up curriculums to include robust nutrition education to give physicians the tools to combat diet-related conditions that cost the federal government billions of dollars each year to treat, according to House Rules Chairman Jim McGovern. ... At the news briefing, several members of the Nutrition Education Working Group that includes experts in nutrition science, education and food policy said the limited focus on nutrition often leaves medical students and physicians feeling inadequately prepared. “So to my mind, it doesn’t make sense to invest federal money and training of physicians who are then not able to prevent or address the most costly illnesses we face,” said Emily M. Broad Leib, faculty director of the Food Law and Policy Clinic at Harvard Law School. Leib said the resolution is a prod that “does not mandate any changes to health care training. It really raises awareness and makes the statement that the lack of food and nutrition knowledge among health professionals is a matter of national concern.”

  • The Food Waste Problem

    October 15, 2021

    For one of the world's leading experts on food waste, visiting a grocery store can be frustrating. Stepping into her local Whole Foods, clinical professor of law Emily Broad Leib notices something awry in the store’s first produce display. The unbagged heads of broccoli lack date labels, but the bagged broccoli bears a “best by” date of August 12. “But that’s sort of picked out of thin air,” she points out. “There’s nothing going on with broccoli with no other ingredients. It doesn’t make any sense.” She reaches for a bag of grapefruits across the aisle—they don’t have a “best by” date. “That makes it even crazier,” she says. “Why would you put it on broccoli that’s no different than these things?” It’s a simple example, but for Broad Leib, founder and director of Harvard Law School’s Food Law and Policy Clinic (FLPC), this inconsistent labeling is just one of many ways the United States spurns simple rules that can greatly reduce food waste. It’s finding and fixing these inefficiencies that has driven her and her team not just to research and recommend new ways to promote effective food policies, but also to create the rapidly emerging field of law.

  • Selling home-cooked food is getting easier, thanks to pandemic-fueled deregulation

    October 13, 2021

    ...But last week, new regulations took effect in New Jersey allowing home bakers to sell their wares. It is the last state in the country to give up its ban on “cottage food,” products such as baked goods and jams made in home kitchens and sold at farmers markets and by hand delivery, and advertised though online portals, social media or simply word of mouth. ...The rollback of such restrictions across the country is due in part to the disparate political forces that it brings together. “I think that’s the magic sauce that has gotten a lot of these bills passed,” says Emily Broad Leib, deputy director of the Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation at Harvard Law School. “It’s a unique opportunity to cut across traditional lines.”

  • ‘Food safety’ could include long-term health and environmental concerns

    October 12, 2021

    “But you could look at food safety as being more about long term health impacts--so, diet-related disease or the cumulative impacts over a period of years, or a lifetime, of eating certain things.” This week on our show, a conversation with Emily Broad Leib of the Harvard Food Law and Policy Clinic. She argues that our narrowly focused food safety regulations are failing to address the most important factors in our food system. We talk about what it might look like to include worker safety, environmental impacts and long term health and nutrition when we look at the safety of our food system.

  • The Care and Feeding of a Nation

    September 29, 2021

    In the United States, “The primary way we define ‘food safety’ is, ‘If I eat this product today, will I be in the hospital in 24 to 72 hours?’” says clinical professor of law Emily Broad Leib. “But this doesn’t account for other ways that the food system produces health risks for members of the public,” including the lifelong risks of, say, developing type 2 diabetes after consuming sugary foods for decades, or the environmental effects of industrial farming, such as fertilizer runoff in waterways, which creates oxygen-free dead zones inhospitable to aquatic life. The single-minded emphasis on microbes like salmonella and E. coli, Broad Leib asserts, “means we’re under-regulating a bunch of other risks that have bigger health impacts.” As director of Harvard Law School’s Food Law and Policy Clinic, she engages law students in projects that investigate how U.S. law intersects with the broader food system, “from the first seed going into the ground, to someone’s plate or perhaps to a trashcan.” Her purview encompasses environmental impacts, worker safety, and even immigration as factors in food production.