Elizabeth Warren
Top Cop
June 10, 2009
If leaders had listened to Elizabeth Warren years ago, she wouldn't have the job she has now.
HLS Professor Elizabeth Warren testified at the hearing entitled, “TARP Accountability and Oversight: Measuring the Strength of Financial Institutions” on Tuesday June 9, 2009.
During Class Day exercises on June 3, Professor Elizabeth Warren received the Class of 2009’s Sacks-Freund Teaching Award in honor of her teaching ability, openness to student concerns and contributions to student life at HLS.
Time Magazine has named Harvard Law School Professor Elizabeth Warren one of 100 Most Influential People in 2009. Warren has been recognized for her bankruptcy law work and her chairmanship of the Congressional Oversight Panel charged with overseeing the Treasury Department's Troubled Asset Relief Program.
Warren and COP hold hearing; Geithner testifies
April 21, 2009
The Congressional Oversight Panel (COP), chaired by Harvard Law School Professor Elizabeth Warren, held a hearing this morning at 10 a.m. featuring the testimony of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.
Warren in the Boston Globe: Keeping tabs on the bailout
April 13, 2009
The following interview with Harvard Law School Professor Elizabeth Warren appeared in the April 12, 2009, edition of the Boston Globe. Newsweek magazine also recently profiled Warren and her work in an article, “The Debt Crusader,” that will appear in the magazine’s April 20, 2009, issue.
Warren on Dateline: A look inside the financial fiasco
March 24, 2009
On March 22, HLS Professor Elizabeth Warren appeared on NBC’s Dateline in a three-part investigative series “Inside the Financial Fiasco,” on how risky home loans helped cause a chain reaction that led to failures on Wall Street and the near collapse of the American economy.
Harvard Law School Professor Elizabeth Warren was on hand in Washington, D.C. this week as U.S. senators introduced legislation to create a new government agency, the Financial Product Safety Commission, to help consumers obtain financial products and services without predatory or deceptive financial practices.
The following essay, “Protect Financial Consumers,” was co-written by Professor Elizabeth Warren and her daughter Amelia Warren Tyagi. It will appear in the November 7, 2008, edition of Harper’s Magazine and is part of a special forum in the magazine entitled, “How to save capitalism.”
Hearsay: Short takes on the financial crisis
September 1, 2008
Who Will Bail Out American Families? Professor Elizabeth Warren
Chicago Tribune, Sept. 22, 2008 “Lost in the headlines are the families who signed their names… -
Harvard Law School Professors William J. Stuntz and Elizabeth Warren are amongst the new class of members elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, one of the nation's oldest and most prestigious scholarly societies. Members are chosen on the basis of "preeminent contributions to their disciplines and to society at large."
Warren, Levitin, and Porter testify before Congress about Credit Cardholders’ Bill of Rights
March 26, 2008
Earlier this month, Harvard Law School Professor Elizabeth Warren testified along with two former students - Adam Levitin '06 and Katie Porter '01 - before the House Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit regarding a proposed Credit Cardholders' Bill of Rights.
HLS Professors among country’s ‘leading lawyers’
January 29, 2008
Three Harvard Law School professors are featured among a group of 500 "leading lawyers," according to a new a list published in Law Dragon Magazine. Professors Lucian Bebchuk LL.M. '80 S.J.D. '84, Jack Goldsmith, and Elizabeth Warren join five additional law professors from other law schools on the list.
Warren named to Smart Money Power 30 List
October 19, 2007
Harvard Law School Professor Elizabeth Warren was named to the Smart Money Power 30 list for her work as a leading consumer advocate.
Professor Warren and third-year student propose plan to reduce college debt through public service
August 22, 2007
As college tuition rises, and with it the amount of debt students have after graduating from college, Harvard Law School Professor Elizabeth Warren and third-year student Ganesh Sitaraman are proposing a new program that would help students pay down their debt if they promise to give back to their country or community. They are calling their plan Service Pays.
VIDEO: Middle class families are having trouble making ends meet, Warren says in Senate testimony
May 10, 2007
Professor Elizabeth Warren, a leading bankruptcy expert and consumer protection advocate, testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance today. The committee was hearing testimony about the economic issues facing America’s middle class.
VIDEO: Professor Warren addresses Congress in the battle over U.S. credit card regulation
January 25, 2007
On January 25, 2007 the US Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs heard testimony on the issue of credit card company policies and their effect on the American consumer.
Hearsay: Short takes from faculty op-eds Summer 2005
July 1, 2005
“Excessive pay isn’t the only cost of flawed compensation arrangements. Executives’ influence over their boards has produced pay arrangements that dilute and sometimes pervert incentives.
Recent Faculty Books – Spring 2005
April 1, 2005
In "The Limits of International Law" (Oxford University Press, 2005), Professor Jack L. Goldsmith and Eric A. Posner '91 argue that international law is less powerful than many experts believe.
Stuck in the middle
April 1, 2004
In their new book, Professor Elizabeth Warren and her daughter reveal the diminishing fortunes of middle-class families and show a way out of the "Two-Income Trap."
On the Bookshelves Spring 2004
April 1, 2004
Professor Alan Dershowitz reveals how notable trials throughout history have helped shape the nation in "America on Trial: The Cases That Define Our History" (Warner Books, May 2004).