Einer Elhauge
Elhauge releases e-book on Obamacare
September 12, 2012
Professor Einer Elhauge ‘86 has released an e-book—titled “Obamacare on Trial” —on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act case decided by the Supreme Court. Elhauge raises points that were not aired in the courtroom, including the fact that the constitutional framers themselves had approved mandates to buy health insurance.
Harvard Law School Media Roundup: From Gun Control to the Roberts’s Court to the Arab Spring
July 26, 2012
Over the past week, a number of HLS faculty members shared their viewpoints on events in the news. Here are some excerpts.
Five ideas in 50 minutes: HLS Thinks Big
July 9, 2012
“HLS Thinks Big,” inspired by the global TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) talks and modeled after the college’s “Harvard Thinks Big” event, was held at Harvard Law School on May 23 in Austin North. During the event, five professors presented some of their favorite topics.
Recent Faculty Books – Summer 2012
July 1, 2012
“After Sex? On Writing Since Queer Theory” (Duke), edited by Professor Janet Halley and Andrew Parker. Contributors to the development of queer studies offer personal reflections on the potential and limitations of the field, asking to what extent it is defined by a focus on sex and sexuality.
In an April 16 article entitled “It’s Not About Broccoli: The False Case Against Health Care” published in The Atlantic, Professor Einer Elhauge ’86 tackles the primary case made against President Obama’s [’91] individual health care mandate.
The Supreme Court opened its review of the national health-care overhaul on Mar. 26, the first of three days of oral arguments on the 2010 law. In light of the historic arguments, law schools professors at HLS and elsewhere in the Boston area have incorporated the debate into their classrooms, and, In the media, HLS Professors I. Glenn Cohen. Einer Elhauge, Noah Feldman, Charles Fried and Laurence Tribe weighed in on the case.
HLS Professor Einer Elhauge ’86, the founding director of the Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics, wrote “The Irrelevance of the Broccoli Argument against the Insurance Mandate,” which was published online Dec. 21 by the New England Journal of Medicine.
Health care reform: HLS faculty and alumni weigh in
November 16, 2011
On Monday, the Supreme Court agreed to hear challenges to the constitutionality of the Health Care Law. In an op-ed and a debate this past week, two HLS faculty members (Professors Einer Elhauge '86 and Laurence Tribe '66) and a prominent alumnus (former Solicitor General Paul Clement '92) shared their opinions on the mandate's constitutionality.
There is no shortage of attorneys involved in legal issues related to the pharmaceutical and health care industries. There is, however, a shortage of law schools examining those issues. Since its founding, the Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics has aimed to rectify that problem.
Recent Faculty Books – Summer 2010
July 1, 2010
Professor Charles Ogletree Jr. ’78 uses this incident as a lens through which to explore issues of race and class, with the goal of creating a more just legal system for all.
Harvard Law School Professor Einer Elhauge ’86 has been selected to receive the Jerry S. Cohen Award for Antitrust Scholarship for his article “Tying, Bundled Discounts, and the Death of the Single Monopoly Profit Theory” (123 Harvard Law Review 397, 2009).
2008 – Year in Review – Books
December 13, 2008
2008 was a prolific year for HLS scholars. Here is a roundup of this year’s faculty books.
“Here, Have a Seat”
July 1, 2008
Often, there’s a bond between the donor of a new chair and the scholar who occupies it.
Filling in the Gaps
July 1, 2008
Most judges, faced with the task of interpreting unclear statutes, want to do the right thing, says Harvard Law School Professor Einer Elhauge ’86. Unfortunately, it isn’t always easy.
How should judges interpret ambiguous statutes? Fourteen leading legal scholars -- including U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer '64 -- took up that question in a conference at HLS yesterday, occasioned by the publication of a new book, "Statutory Default Rules: How to Interpret Unclear Legislation" (Harvard University Press, 2008) by Professor Einer Elhauge '86.
Boardwalk, Park Place—and The Hague
July 1, 2007
Headlines on any given day underscore the increasing globalization of antitrust law and economics—for example, “Apple iTunes charged by EC with restrictive pricing practices.”
Diversified Portfolio
April 1, 2007
Harvard Law School's corporate law scholars like to collaborate--across a global array of subjects.
Recent Faculty Books – Spring 2007
April 1, 2007
“Criminal Procedure Stories” (Foundation Press, 2006), edited by Professor Carol Steiker ’86, presents the stories behind the major Supreme Court rulings that have shaped criminal procedure.
Recent Faculty Books – Spring 2005
April 1, 2005
In "The Limits of International Law" (Oxford University Press, 2005), Professor Jack L. Goldsmith and Eric A. Posner '91 argue that international law is less powerful than many experts believe.
Hearsay: Summer 2002
July 1, 2002
“[I]f we approve torture in one set of circumstances, isn’t every country then free to define its own exceptions, applicable to Americans as well as…
HLS Makes Its Mark on Presidential Contest
April 27, 2001
In the dispute over the results of the 2000 presidential election, political affiliation could almost uniformly predict one’s position. While Laurence Tribe ’66, a…