Cass Sunstein
HLS faculty weigh in on recent Supreme Court decisions
June 26, 2015
A Reversal of Fortune June 30, 2016 An op-ed by Tomiko Brown-Nagin. In a stunning win for the University of Texas, the U.S. Supreme Court… -
Picking the Right Words to Ban From Campus
June 25, 2015
An op-ed by Cass Sunstein. In recent months, universities have turned their attention to an important problem that should be included in our national effort to examine and root out bigotry. They have identified, and attempted to reduce, "microaggressions" -- words or behavior that might stigmatize or humiliate women or members of minority groups, with particular emphasis on African-Americans, disabled people, and gays and lesbians. The effort has admirable goals, but there is a risk that schools will overshoot the mark.
The Catch in the Obamacare Opinion
June 25, 2015
An op-ed by Cass Sunstein. Thursday's Supreme Court decision to uphold a pivotal regulation under the Affordable Care Act is, of course, a tremendous victory for the Barack Obama administration. But it also establishes a principle that's likely to haunt future presidents...The underlying question is which branch of government has the power to interpret ambiguous legislation. Since the Supreme Court's 1984 decision in Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council, the executive branch has been allowed to adopt its own interpretations, as long as they're reasonable. And because so many laws are ambiguous, this "Chevron principle" has given great authority to executive agencies and the president.
Taliban Marriage Case Hints at Liberty’s Limits
June 22, 2015
An op-ed by Cass Sunstein. Under the Constitution, the U.S. government cannot deprive people of “liberty” without “due process of law.” Clear enough? Clearly not. For more than a century, the Supreme Court has been sharply divided over what "liberty" means. Today’s immigration decision puts those divisions in sharp relief. With their sweeping opinions, Antonin Scalia and Stephen Breyer led the two poles -- but Anthony Kennedy’s appealingly minimalist view carried the day.
When America Says Yes to Government
June 22, 2015
An op-ed by Cass Sunstein. In recent years, the federal government has adopted a large number of soft interventions that are meant to change behavior without mandates and bans. Among them: disclosure of information, such as calorie labels at chain restaurants; graphic warnings against, for example, distracted driving; and automatic enrollment in programs designed to benefit employees, like pension plans. Informed by behavioral science, such reforms can have large effects while preserving freedom of choice. But skeptics deride these soft interventions as unjustified paternalism, an insult to dignity and a contemporary version of the nanny state. Some people fear that uses of behavioral science will turn out to be manipulative. They don’t want to be nudged. But what do Americans actually think about soft interventions?
What is more unexpected: that Jewish author A.J. Jacobs, known for his ambitious lifestyle experiments, has some Asian and Scandinavian roots? Or that rapper Ludacris is 1/16th Jewish? These are the types of questions that were raised by the Global Family Reunion on June 6, a Comic Con-esque celebration of the advancement of genealogy technology. People from countries as far away as New Zealand and Brazil, along with a diverse cast of celebrity speakers and musicians, gathered on the grounds of the New York Hall of Science in Queens, New York to emphasize one basic but uplifting idea: that we’re all more related than we thought...Cass Sunstein, a prominent Harvard Law School professor – and Jacobs’ first cousin once removed – perhaps best summarized the sentiments behind the project after his talk. "We tend to think of members of our family as people we protect and sacrifice for and care for, and that tends to be limited to a very small group,” Sunstein told JTA. “But if you think of the extent to which your connections are much broader and more surprising than you know, then maybe those feelings of generosity and kindness can broaden.” Well said, professor.
Cass Sunstein is a professor and legal scholar at Harvard Law School, the author of numerous books and the former administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. He spoke about his experiences in the Obama administration, his views on regulatory policy and leadership, his favorite sport (squash) and being married to a powerful woman...Q. In your new book, "Wiser: Getting Beyond Groupthink to Make Groups Smarter," you divide leaders into two categories: those who are complacent and easygoing and those who are anxious. Which type makes a better leader? A. A complacent leader is someone who is upbeat, optimistic, who has a clear sense of direction, who is quite confident that things will be fine and who has a degree of sunniness. An anxious leader is someone who may be easy to get along with but also is thinking about all the things that could go wrong and always seeing the worst-case scenario. There is no question that the anxious leader is much better than the complacent leader.
Questioning New Standards for Civil Disobedience
June 12, 2015
An op-ed by Cass Sunstein. Civil disobedience is an honorable American tradition. The Boston Tea Party helped spark the Revolutionary War, and during the 1960s civil rights movement, Martin Luther King Jr. celebrated civil disobedience as “expressing the highest respect for law.” Invoking King’s idea (if not his name), prominent conservatives are now calling for new forms of disobedience. Some of their arguments are hard to accept, but they have a kind of internal logic, and they are resonating in influential circles. Consider Charles Murray’s spirited new book, “By the People: Rebuilding Liberty Without Permission,” which is rooted in an extraordinary claim: “America is no longer the land of the free.” The source of this unfreedom is not NSA surveillance, police misconduct or mass incarceration. It is the rise of the modern regulatory state, from the New Deal to the present, which has subordinated our founding commitment to freedom.
Make Voting a Birthright
June 5, 2015
An op-ed by Cass Sunstein. The universal voter registration system that Hillary Clinton is calling for is a terrific idea. Free speech and freedom of religion are every American's right; no paperwork is required to get them. To be protected against unreasonable searches and seizures or to enjoy a right to a jury trial, there is no need to register with the authorities. The right to vote should be treated the same way.
HLS professors deliver commencement talks
June 3, 2015
Several Harvard Law School faculty members delivered commencement addresses this graduation season, including Cass Sunstein, Charles Fried and Kenneth Feinberg.
The Supreme Court’s Five Greatest Moments
June 1, 2015
An op-ed by Cass R. Sunstein. This month, as the Supreme Court finalizes some unusually momentous decisions, it’s a good time to ask: Which of the justices' opinions have been the greatest of all time? To qualify as great, an opinion must be foundational, in the sense that it helps orient large areas of the law. It also has to have extraordinary analytic power or sheer eloquence. Here's my short list, in ascending order:
Crossing disciplines, finding knowledge
May 28, 2015
...At Harvard, many centers, courses, and collaborations maintain a sharp focus on the intellect, but they increasingly also are working to address everyday issues in life, and they’re crossing academic boundaries to do so more effectively...Working to harness the power of collective wisdom, the Behavioral Insights Group (BIG) at Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) has assembled 28 decision-research scholars, behavioral economists, and behavioral scientists from across Harvard to share their work and develop evidence-based approaches to public policy problems that bedevil governments, school districts, and other organizations, including key issues like student underachievement, gender inequality in the workplace, and even tax collection...The nudge concept was first popularized by the 2008 bestseller from Richard Thaler, an economist at the University of Chicago, and Cass Sunstein, now the Robert Walmsley University Professor at Harvard Law School (HLS). Sunstein is a member of BIG.
You’re Sinatra’s Cousin, Too
May 26, 2015
An op-ed by Cass Sunstein. In case you haven’t heard, the world’s first Global Family Reunion will be June 6 in New York City. The invitation list runs to 7 billion people: Earth's entire population. So far, 77 million of them have a proven connection to the world’s biggest family tree, created by A. J. Jacobs, the reunion’s mastermind, who is fascinated that many millions of people can find familial connections to many millions of other people, past and present. You’re a cousin, so you're welcome to attend. As it happens, Jacobs is a pretty close cousin of mine. He’s my father’s sister’s grandson. Because of this and because he knows his own family tree, he can show my connection to lots of people. Frank Sinatra, it turns out, is a very distant cousin (by marriage -- many marriages, actually). Abraham Lincoln is a distant cousin, too. And, of course, Lady Gaga. It turns out that radio host Glenn Beck -- who has called me “the most dangerous man in America” and also “the most evil” -- is a cousin as well. Welcome to the family, Glenn!
Who knew that George Lucas and constitutional law had so much in common? Evidently Cass R. Sunstein did. The Harvard Law School constitutional scholar and former administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs for President Obama makes such an argument in his forthcoming Michigan Law Review article titled How Star Wars Illuminates Constitutional Law. The paper's abstract (and, trust us, this paper is abstract) sums up Sunstein's thinking on the topic: "Human beings often see coherence and planned design when neither exists. This is so in movies, literature, history, economics, and psychoanalysis—and constitutional law. Contrary to the repeated claims of George Lucas, its principal author, the Star Wars series was hardly planned in advance; it involved a great deal of improvisation and surprise, even to Lucas himself. Serendipity and happenstance, sometimes in the forms of eruptions of new thinking, play a pervasive and overlooked role in the creative imagination, certainly in single-authored works, and even more in multi-authored ones extending over time.
Don’t Get Off the Train
May 15, 2015
An op-ed by Cass Sunstein. With the loss of at least eight lives, this week’s train crash in Philadelphia is of course a national tragedy. It’s crucial to understand why the accident occurred and to take steps to make such tragedies less likely in the future. But there is also a serious risk of overreaction. Many Americans might feel inclined to avoid taking trains, even though their safety record is extraordinarily impressive. There are two reasons for such overreactions, both of which have been carefully explored by behavioral scientists. The first is called “probability neglect”...The second source of public overreactions is called the “availability heuristic.”
Nudging Smokers
May 14, 2015
An op-ed by Cass Sunstein. In the past 40 years, we have seen a revolution in thinking about thinking. The central idea is that human beings depart, in systematic ways, from standard economic approaches to rationality. Because the departures are systematic and predictable, they can be taken into account by researchers, clinicians, and others who want to improve health and reduce premature mortality. Behavioral scientists have shown, for example, that people are “loss averse”; they tend to dislike losses more than they like corresponding gains...These and related findings help to explain preventable health problems and also suggest a wide range of potentially promising interventions.
What would make a smoker more likely to quit, a big reward for succeeding or a little penalty for failing? That is what researchers wanted to know when they assigned a large group of CVS employees, their relatives and friends to different smoking cessation programs. The answer offered a surprising insight into human behavior. Many more people agreed to sign up for the reward program, but once they were in it, only a small share actually quit smoking. ...“This is an original set of findings,” said Cass R. Sunstein, a Harvard law professor who helped develop some influential ideas in the field of behavioral economics, notably that if the social environment can be changed — for example, by posting simple warnings — people can be nudged into better behavior. “They could be applied to many health issues, like alcoholism, or whenever people face serious self-control problems.”
Where is the legal star power on this year’s law school commencement circuit? It seems the nine justices of the U.S. Supreme Court will sit out the 2015 graduation grind. ... Preet Bharara, U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, seems the 2015 law school graduation MVP. He is slated to deliver remarks during the University of California, Berkeley School of Law’s May 15 ceremony, followed by graduations at Pace Law School on May 17 and New York University School of Law on May 21. Bharara is a veteran on the law commencement scene—he earned rave reviews along with actress Mindy Kaling when they spoke together during Harvard Law School’s class day in 2014. For this year’s class day event, Harvard law students will hear from former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and her husband, astronaut Mark Kelly. The couple has advocated gun control since Giffords was wounded in a 2011 mass shooting. ... At least three Harvard law professors will address students at other schools: Cass Sunstein at the University of Pennsylvania Law School; Charles Fried at Columbia Law School; and David Wilkins at the University of Iowa College of Law.
Faculty Books In Brief — Spring 2015
May 4, 2015
As far back as Aristotle, people have been touting the benefits of group decision-making. Yet, as Professor Cass R. Sunstein ’78 and and Reid Hastie note in their new book, history suggests that groups are often unwise or downright foolish.
Born to Be a Wild Card
April 30, 2015
An article by Cass Sunstein. Pop quiz: When you hear the term “PSA,” what comes to mind? Many people will answer: Public Service Announcement. For men of a certain age, another likely response is more ominous (prostate-specific antigen, to be precise). Only a select few will say “Professional Squash Association,” which refers to the organization that oversees squash, a fiercely competitive racquet sport played in an indoor court with a squishy little black ball that goes up to 170 miles per hour. In the United States, squash remains pretty obscure, but it has a realistic chance of becoming an Olympic sport, and the PSA sponsors a tour, organizing more than 200 tournaments annually all over the world. Last week, the tour found its way to Charlotte, North Carolina. In an act of extraordinary generosity, the promoters invited me to participate as a wild-card entry.
Marriage Bans Echo School Segregation
April 28, 2015
An op-ed by Cass Sunstein. The same-sex marriage cases, which will be argued Tuesday, may well rank among the most important constitutional disputes in American history. The best analogy is Brown v. Board of Education, the iconic 1954 decision in which the Supreme Court struck down school segregation. The parallel is very close, and it clarifies what the same-sex marriage cases are really about. Almost everyone now celebrates Brown as self-evidently correct. But beware of hindsight. It obscures the intense disagreements that preceded that decision, and the firestorms that followed it. At the time, eminently sensible people insisted that the court had overreached, not least because racial segregation was entrenched in many states, and because it was not at all obvious that the Constitution stood in its way.