Cass Sunstein
Trump’s Safe and Sane ‘Regulatory Reform’ Idea
March 6, 2017
An op-ed by Cass Sunstein. In one of his few statements since joining government, presidential adviser Stephen Bannon announced that one of the Trump administration’s principal goals was “the deconstruction of the administrative state.” Given the critical role of federal agencies in protecting public health and safety, that’s pretty provocative. But President Donald Trump’s latest action suggests that reform is the aim, rather than deconstruction -- and the reform might even turn out to be reasonable.
Nudge theory: the psychology and ethics of persuasion (audio)
February 22, 2017
An interview with Cass Sunstein. This week, Ian Sample explores the psychology behind ‘nudging’, its usage by governments, and some of the ethical quandaries involved.
Revolution in Highway Safety Needs a Little Help
February 22, 2017
An op-ed by Cass Sunstein...In the very month in which the nation’s capital seems to be overrun by deregulatory fever, it was announced that in 2016, more than 40,000 Americans died in accidents involving motor vehicles. That’s a significant jump from 2015, when traffic deaths also increased from the year before. The United States should not accept that level of human tragedy. The good news is that the Department of Transportation knows a lot about what might help -- and, yes, regulation is a part of the picture. In the coming year, the department’s new leadership and the White House ought to mount an aggressive effort, working alongside the private sector and state and local officials, to reduce deaths on roads and highways.
‘#Republic’ Author Describes How Social Media Hurts Democracy (audio)
February 21, 2017
NPR's Kelly McEvers speaks to Cass Sunstein about his new book, #Republic: Divided Democracy in the Age of Social Media. He says democracy needs people to come across a variety of viewpoints, and much of social media limits that exposure.
What Impeachment Meant to the Founders
February 16, 2017
An op-ed by Cass Sunstein. In light of the recent White House controversies, it is inevitable that some people are starting to wonder whether, at any point, President Donald Trump might be impeachable. The best way to answer that question is to bracket controversies about any particular president and to ask: What, exactly, does the Constitution say about impeachment? As we shall see, Nancy Pelosi, the House minority leader, was altogether wrong to proclaim that the president cannot be impeached unless he has broken the law. But Gerald Ford was even more wrong to say, in 1970 (when he was minority leader), that the House of Representatives can impeach the president on whatever grounds it likes.
The (Sensible) Fine Print on Trump’s Regulation Order
February 9, 2017
An op-ed by Cass Sunstein. The first weeks of the Trump administration have not exactly been characterized by an excess of regular order. So there’s special reason to applaud a document it released last week that helps to make sense of one of the president's controversial actions -- an unprecedented executive order limiting regulation. The order itself, requiring agencies to eliminate two regulations whenever they issue a new one, produced applause, confusion and alarm when it was announced on Jan. 30. The good news is that the highly professional "interim guidance document" that quietly followed the order three days later answers numerous open questions about it, and does so quite sensibly and in just a few pages.
Originalists Put Politics Over Principle
January 31, 2017
An op-ed by Cass Sunstein. President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, to be announced on Tuesday, is likely to be some kind of “originalist.” For many conservatives, that’s terrific news. Improbably, originalism has become a litmus test, a simple way of distinguishing judges from politicians, using the Constitution to impose their values on the rest of us. But what is originalism?
The Fine Print in Trump’s Regulation Memo
January 25, 2017
An op-ed by Cass Sunstein. On his first day in office, President Donald Trump issued a “regulatory freeze,” in the form of a memorandum, signed by chief of staff Reince Priebus, that appeared to halt new regulations in their tracks...But the Priebus memorandum does make two noteworthy changes, which means that it is a more muscular document than Emanuel’s. The changes are a bit technical, but please bear with me; they matter.
Why Trump’s First 50 Days Are Decisive
January 23, 2017
An op-ed by Cass Sunstein. Since Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal, Americans have thought that for any new president, the first 100 days are critical, because he has a honeymoon period in which Congress will do what he wants. But in the modern era, the first 50 days are the defining ones. That’s when the new executive branch is just taking shape, and the White House has maximal discretion to act entirely on its own -- and to turn the government in its preferred directions. The Trump administration seems primed to exercise that discretion. But in a few months, it is likely to slow down, and for identifiable reasons.
HLS faculty maintain strong presence in SSRN rankings
January 19, 2017
Statistics released by the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) indicate that, as of the end of 2016, Harvard Law School faculty members have continued to feature prominently on SSRN’s list of the 100 most-cited law professors.
A Warning to Trump From Friedrich Hayek
January 17, 2017
An op-ed by Cass Sunstein. If American conservatives have an intellectual hero, it might well be Friedrich Hayek -- and rightly so. More clearly than anyone else, Hayek elaborated the case against government planning and collectivism, and mounted a vigorous argument for free markets. As it turns out, Hayek simultaneously identified a serious problem with the political creed of President-elect Donald Trump. One of Hayek’s most important arguments in his great classic, "The Road to Serfdom," involves the Rule of Law, which he defined to mean “that government in all its actions is bound by rules fixed and announced beforehand.” Because of the Rule of Law, “the government is prevented from stultifying individual efforts by ad hoc action.”
Why Trump Can’t Just Say ‘You’re Fired’ to This Official
January 13, 2017
An op-ed by Cass Sunstein. Republicans are putting a great deal of pressure on President-elect Donald Trump to fire Richard Cordray, director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. He should resist that pressure. Any effort to discharge Cordray would be illegal -- and it might even precipitate something close to a constitutional crisis.
This Era of Institutional Flip-Flops May Be Different
January 9, 2017
An op-ed by Cass Sunstein. Welcome to the period of “institutional flip-flops” -- sudden abandonment of seemingly firm institutional principles, prompted by just one thing: the political party of the current president. A few months ago, many Republicans were enamored with an eight-member Supreme Court, an idea that Democrats treated as a constitutional atrocity. Now that a Republican is about to become president, prominent Democrats have no problem with a short-handed court, while Republicans treat the very thought as an outrage.
Reagan’s Lesson for Trump: Listen to the Lawyers
January 4, 2017
An op-ed by Cass Sunstein. The last time progressives were this alarmed about a presidential transition, there were just two Star Wars movies, "Dallas" was the most-watched show on TV, and Ronald Reagan, dismissed by many as an actor and an extremist, was about to become commander-in-chief. At the time, I was a young lawyer in the Department of Justice, fortunate enough to witness important aspects of Reagan’s first year up close. Reagan and his team did two exceedingly smart things early on, providing a remarkably stable foundation for the first term of his transformative presidency.
The Best Films of 2016 (for Behavioral Economists)
January 2, 2017
An op-ed by Cass Sunstein. As everyone knows, the most coveted of the year-end movie awards are the Becons -- the Behavioral Economics Oscars. It’s no surprise that winning the Becon has catapulted previously unknown talents -- including Jessica Chastain, Tom Cruise, Taylor Swift and Daniel Day-Lewis -- to sensationally successful careers. Here are this year’s winners.
‘Rogue One’ Is Vintage Star Wars: Freudian, Faith-Based and Unplanned
December 22, 2016
An op-ed by Cass Sunstein. Well, no one saw that coming. “Rogue One,” the new stand-alone Star Wars movie, is the best since the beloved original trilogy. With a new tale, it’s much better, and far fresher, than last year’s fun but nostalgic “The Force Awakens.” The surprise is fitting, for here’s a little secret about Star Wars: Its narrative arc wasn’t fully planned out in advance. Some of the most important plot points came to George Lucas, author of the first six episodes, awfully late. At the early stages, he had no clue that Darth Vader would turn out to be Luke Skywalker’s father. And Luke and Leia as twins? That was a late inspiration -- an ingenious (if also creepy) way of resolving the romantic triangle involving Luke, Leia and Han.
Supreme Court Nominations Will Never Be the Same
December 20, 2016
An op-ed by Noah Feldman. The story of the Supreme Court in 2016 can be summarized in a statistic: It’s been 311 days since Justice Antonin Scalia died on Feb. 13, and his seat remains unfilled. That’s not the longest Supreme Court vacancy in the modern era, but it’s about to enter second place -- and it will become the longest if Donald Trump’s nominee isn’t confirmed before the end of March. This striking fact will be front and center when the history of the court in 2016 is written. But what really matters isn’t the length of the vacancy. It’s the election in the middle of it. The Republican Senate changed the rules of confirmation drastically by refusing even to consider Judge Merrick Garland’s nomination. And against the odds, it paid off for them...More recently, the confirmation process for Robert Bork in 1987 had epochal consequences. For the first time, judicial philosophy was the focus. No one disputed Bork’s intelligence or qualifications. Instead liberals, including law professors like my colleague Laurence Tribe, criticized Bork’s conservatism as opposition to fundamental rights...As it turned out, that also meant that Tribe’s generational successor in that role, Cass Sunstein...also had little chance of being nominated, despite being much more centrist than Tribe and just as qualified in his own right. The rules of the game had changed.
Everyone thinks you should read this
December 20, 2016
An op-ed by Cass Sunstein. I have coauthored a lot of academic essays, but finally, I’ve produced something that everyone absolutely loves. Wow. Just wow. In a recent paper, Harvard law fellow Meirav Furth-Matzkin and I explore this question: Do people’s views about policies shift after they learn that majorities support them? Psychologists call it “social proof”: If you find out that most people like a new product, you’re more likely to buy it. Evidence also suggests that for drug use, energy consumption, and tax compliance, people’s behavior shifts as a result of learning what most other people do. But are policy judgments similarly malleable? Yes. Across a wide range of issues, a lot more people will support a policy if they think that the majority supports it.
The duo who upended intuition
December 16, 2016
...After writing several best-selling books that examined unsung mavericks who changed the way people think about and operate in baseball and on Wall Street by using data to help sidestep such cognitive blind spots, author Michael Lewis set his sights on the two men who first identified the flaws embedded in our thinking. In his new book, “The Undoing Project,” Lewis explores the colorful lives of Daniel Kahneman and the late Amos Tversky, who were sometimes called the “Lennon and McCartney of psychology.”...Lewis said the early spark for the book, whose title came from the pair’s effort to “undo the false view of human nature” as well as the unfinished work left after they ended their collaboration, came from Harvard Law School’s Cass Sunstein ’75, J.D. ’78, and Richard Thaler, a behavioral economist at the University of Chicago. In their New Yorker review of Lewis’ 2003 blockbuster “Moneyball,” about the then-emerging use of data analytics to exploit “market inefficiencies” in the way baseball scouts evaluated talent, Sunstein and Thaler pointed Lewis in the direction of Kahneman and Tversky’s research, noting that it was the intellectual foundation for such analysis.
Berkman symposium focuses on transparency and freedom of information in the digital age
December 12, 2016
This fall at a symposium presented by the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University, representatives from academia, government and civil liberties organizations came together to examine the present state of play with respect to government transparency and freedom of information.
There’s One Main Job Requirement to Lead a Federal Agency
December 12, 2016
An op-ed by Cass Sunstein. Presidents should generally be allowed to choose their own employees. Unless nominees fall below reasonable standards for honesty and competence, senators should vote to confirm them, even if they disagree intensely with their views. Obstructionism makes it hard for the executive branch to function; it also discourages good people from entering public service. But that doesn't mean the Senate should give a blank check to Donald Trump. Senators should not confirm nominees who reject the mission of the very department they seek to lead.