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Alan Dershowitz

  • Recent Faculty Books – Summer 2006

    July 23, 2006

    In “Who Controls the Internet? Illusions of a Borderless World” (Oxford University Press), Professor Jack L. Goldsmith and Tim Wu ’98 describe the Internet’s challenge to government rule in the ’90s and some ensuing battles over Internet freedom around the world.

  • Alan Dershowitz at his desk

    Op-ed by Professor Dershowitz: Arithmetic of Pain

    July 21, 2006

    The following op-ed by Professor Alan Dershowitz, Arithmetic of Pain, was published in The Wall Street Journal on July 19, 2006: There is no democracy in the world that should tolerate missiles being fired at its cities without taking every reasonable step to stop the attacks. The big question raised by Israel's military actions in Lebanon is what is "reasonable."

  • Recent Faculty Books – Spring 2006

    April 23, 2006

    In "Preemption: A Knife That Cuts Both Ways" (W. W. Norton, 2006), Professor Alan M. Dershowitz examines America's increasing reliance on pre-emptive action to control destructive conduct, and discusses the implications for civil liberties, human rights, criminal justice, national security and foreign policy.

  • Dershowitz on the failure of the press

    February 24, 2006

    The following op-ed, co-written by Professor Alan Dershowitz, A Failure of the Press, appeared in The Washington Post on February 23, 2006: There was a time when the press was the strongest guardian of free expression in this democracy. Stories and celebrations of intrepid and courageous reporters are many within the press corps.

  • Dershowitz on confusing the causes and effects of terrorism

    January 17, 2006

    The following op-ed by Professor Alan Dershowitz, "Terrorism: Confusing cause, effect," was published in The Boston Globe on January 16, 2006: Whatever anyone might think of the artistic merits of Steven Spielberg's new film ''Munich," no one should expect an accurate portrayal of historical events.

  • Professor Dershowitz forecasts on Alito as a justice

    January 13, 2006

    The following essay by Professor Alan Dershowitz, What Kind Of Justice Will Alito Be?, appeared in Forbes on January 13, 2006: Almost all justices vote almost all of the time in accordance with their own personal, political and religious views. That is the reality, especially on the Supreme Court, where precedent is not as binding, and where cases are less determined by specific facts than by broad principles.

  • Op-ed by Professor Dershowitz: A painful absence of balance

    September 23, 2005

    The following op-ed by Professor Alan Dershowitz, A painful absence of balance, originally appeared in The Times (UK) on Septeber 21, 2005: On the Day of Simon Wiesenthal’s death, Sir Iqbal Sacranie, the Secretary-General of the Muslim Council of Britain, could be found in The Guardian proposing the abolition of Holocaust Memorial Day because it is offensive to Muslims.

  • Op-ed by Professor Alan Dershowitz: Lasting peace in the Middle East?

    September 9, 2005

    The following op-ed by Professor Alan Dershowitz, This time, peace may be real thing, originally appeared in the Chicago Tribune on September 9, 2005: There have been many false starts in establishing a two-state solution to the Arab-Palestinian-Israeli conflict, but this time all the basic elements appear to be in place.

  • Dershowitz

    A Wide-Ranging Curiosity

    July 1, 2005

    The evidence suggests that Dershowitz is not overstating the case. "Rights from Wrongs: A Secular Theory of the Origins of Rights" (Basic Books), published in November 2004, was his ninth book since the beginning of 2000--and his 19th since 1982, when Random House published his first popular book about law, "The Best Defense."

  • Professor Robert H. Mnookin

    Hearsay: Excerpts from faculty op-eds Spring 2005

    April 1, 2005

    “Talking to terrorists is different from giving in to them. Sometimes it may be good practice to know what they are thinking, or, as a…

  • Law in a time of terror

    September 1, 2004

    Four HLS professors consider whether the old rules apply when the enemies don't wear uniforms and are willing to die with their victims.

  • Recent Faculty Books – Fall 2004

    September 1, 2004

    “Raising the Bar: The Emerging Legal Profession in East Asia” (Harvard University Press, 2004), edited by Professor William P. Alford ’77, looks at efforts to recast…

  • Dershowitz Book cover

    On the Bookshelves Spring 2004

    April 1, 2004

    Professor Alan Dershowitz reveals how notable trials throughout history have helped shape the nation in "America on Trial: The Cases That Define Our History" (Warner Books, May 2004).

  • Professor Philip Heymann

    Hearsay: Summer 2002

    July 1, 2002

    “[I]f we approve torture in one set of circumstances, isn’t every country then free to define its own exceptions, applicable to Americans as well as…

  • Hearsay: Spring 2002

    April 1, 2002

    Several HLS faculty members have written about the response to the terrorist attacks of September 11. Excerpts from selected opinion pieces follow.

  • HLS Makes Its Mark on Presidential Contest

    April 27, 2001

      In the dispute over the results of the 2000 presidential election, political affiliation could almost uniformly predict one’s position. While Laurence Tribe ’66, a…

  • The test of the Binding of Isaac

    July 18, 2000

    In his new book The Genesis of Justice (Warner Books, 2000), Professor Alan Dershowitz reflects on how stories in the first book of the Bible - replete with unpunished wrongdoing by flawed heroes and the actions and commands of an inscrutable God - set down the groundwork for later laws.

  • Hearsay: Summer 1999

    September 25, 1999

    “Outside of this context of shared assumptions, e-mail functions like bad poetry where any meaning can be put into the e-mail depending on what you’re…