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Adrian Vermeule

  • Professor Adrian Vermeule '93

    Vermeule in TNR: Constitutional conventions

    August 8, 2012

    In light of the late-June Supreme Court decision on the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Harvard Law School Professor Adrian Vermeule '93 recently reviewed Michael J. Gerhardt's "The Power of Precedent" (Oxford University Press) for The New Republic’s online review ‘The Book.’  According to Vermeule, Gerhardt's book is a “learned overview” of the role of past decisions in today's legal system.

  • HLS Professors Jacob E. Gersen and Adrian Vermeule '93

    Gersen and Vermeule on ‘Delegating to Enemies’ in Columbia Law Review

    July 31, 2012

    In their recently published paper, “Delegating to Enemies” (Columbia Law Review, forthcoming), Harvard Law School professors Jacob E. Gersen and Adrian Vermeule ’93 examine the longstanding practice of leaders who choose to delegate to ideological “enemies” whose viewpoints differ greatly from their own.

  • Adrian Vermeule '93 and David Wilkins '80

    Wilkins and Vermeule elected into Academy of Arts and Sciences

    April 20, 2012

    Harvard Law Professors David Wilkins ‘80 and Adrian Vermeule ’93 have been elected to membership in the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Wilkins, the Lester Kissel Professor of Law, is director of the Program on the Legal Profession and vice dean for Global Initiatives on the Legal Profession. Vermeule is a leading scholar of administrative law and constitutional law and theory.

  • Professor Adrian Vermeule '93

    Vermeule in TNR: Local wisdom

    April 5, 2012

    In a recent edition of The New Republic’s online review ‘The Book,’ Harvard Law School Professor Adrian Vermeule reviews David M. Dorsen’s “Henry Friendly, Greatest Judge of His Era” (Belknap Press 2012)—a “clarifying biography” in which the author thoroughly examines Friendly’s judgments, arguments, and extrajudicial writings “with an eye to pinning down Friendly’s legacy.”

  • Professor Adrian Vermeule '93

    Vermeule in The New Republic: Same old, same old

    March 15, 2012

    In a recent book review for The New Republic, Harvard Law School Professor Adrian Vermeule ’93 examines Richard A. Epstein’s “Design for Liberty: Private Property, Public Administration, and the Rule of Law” (Harvard University Press, 2011).

  • Professor Adrian Vermeule '93

    Vermeule explores how individuals and larger institutions together shape the constitutional order

    March 13, 2012

    A scholar of administrative law and constitutional law and theory, Professor Adrian Vermeule ’93 has written the new book “The System of the Constitution” (Oxford University Press), in which he explores how individuals and larger institutions together shape the constitutional order. Vermeule recently spoke about his book and an event in London that featured discussion of his ideas.

  • Professor Adrian Vermeule '93

    Vermeule’s systems analysis of constitutional order is focus of event at University College in London

    January 10, 2012

    HLS Professor Adrian Vermeule ’93, one of the leading scholars of public law and constitutional theory, will participate in a program focused on his new book “The System of the Constitution” (Oxford University Press, 2011) at University College in London on Friday, Jan. 13.

  • Professor Adrian Vermeule '93

    Vermeule on Lawfare from the New Republic

    September 14, 2011

    In a recent review in the New Republic, HLS Professor Adrian Vermeule ’93 examines the book "The Body of John Merryman: Abraham Lincoln and the Suspension of Habeas Corpus" (Harvard University Press, 2011) by Brian McGinty.

  • Professor Adrian Vermeule '93

    In the New Republic: Vermeule reviews “Machiavellian Democracy”

    August 11, 2011

    In a recent review in the New Republic, HLS Professor Adrian Vermeule ’93 examines the book “Machiavellian Democracy” (Cambridge University Press, 2011) by John P. McCormick.

  • Professor Adrian Vermeule '93

    Vermeule in New York Times: Obama should raise the debt ceiling on his own

    July 26, 2011

    In a July 22 op-ed published in The New York Times ‘Opinion Pages’, HLS Professor Adrian Vermeule ’93 and his co-author, University of Chicago Law Professor Eric A. Posner ’91, address the current deadlock between President Barack Obama ’91 and Congress on raising the country’s legal borrowing limit by the August 2 deadline to avoid default.

  • Checks and Imbalances

    July 1, 2011

    Vermeule and Posner set out to explain why the traditional separations of power confining the executive have weakened over time—and why that’s not necessarily worrisome.

  • Professor Adrian Vermeule '93

    Vermeule on Libyan Legal Limbo

    June 28, 2011

    “Libyan Legal Limbo,” an op-ed by Harvard Law Professor Adrian Vermeule ’93 and University of Chicago Law Professor Eric Posner ’91, appeared June 27 on

  • HLS Dean Martha Minow

    Six Harvard Law School professors and six ideas worth spreading, in 60 minutes (video)

    June 17, 2011

    This year’s “HLS Thinks Big” event, inspired by the global TED (Technology Entertainment and Design) talks and modeled after the College’s “Harvard Thinks Big” event first held last year, took place on May 23, featuring topics ranging from legal assistance for undocumented students to risk analysis in constitutional design.

  • Professor Adrian Vermeule '93

    Vermeule on ‘Constitutional Redemption’ in TNR

    June 13, 2011

    In a Jun. 8 review in The New Republic, Harvard Law School Professor Adrian Vermeule ’93 discusses a new book by Jack M. Balkin, titled “Constitutional Redemption: Political Faith in an Unjust World” (Harvard University Press, 2011).

  • The Executive Unbound Cover: Posner & Vermeule

    New book by Vermeule and Posner: “The Executive Unbound: After the Madisonian Republic”

    February 28, 2011

    Where should the line be drawn on executive power? Harvard Law School Professor Adrian Vermeule ’93 and University of Chicago Law Professor Eric A. Posner ’91 examine the current state and the future of the U.S. presidency and Constitution through the context of historical authorities in their new book, “The Executive Unbound: After the Madisonian Republic” (Oxford University Press, 2011).

  • Professor Adrian Vermeule '93

    Vermeule in The New Republic: The New Fable of the Bees

    February 1, 2011

    In a Jan. 26 review in The New Republic, HLS Professor Adrian Vermeule ’93 examines the book “Honeybee Democracy” by Thomas D. Seeley, which explores group decision-making behavior in apian colonies, and he presents his assessment of its relationship to collective wisdom and decision-making in human societies.

  • Professor Adrian Vermeule '93

    Vermeule: Reviews of new and classic books on the ‘small-c’ Constitution

    October 27, 2010

    Harvard Law School professor Adrian Vermeule ‘93, who is an expert on Constitutional Law, recently reviewed two books — one new and one "neglected classic" — which deal with the subject. The first, "Superstatutes," was featured in The New Republic; the other ("The small-c constitution circa 1925") was a contribution to the new Classics section of the online journal Jotwell.

  • Professor Adrian Vermeule '93

    Vermeule in TNR: An assessment of two different views of the ‘living Constitution’

    August 2, 2010

    In the Aug. 2 issue of New Republic online, HLS Professor Adrian Vermeule ’93 reviews two new books: Keeping Faith with the Constitution” by Goodwin Liu, Pamela S. Karlan, and Christopher H. Schroeder and The Living Constitution” by David Strauss. Vermeule’s latest book is Law and the Limits of Reason (Oxford University Press 2009).

  • Professor Adrian Vermeule '93

    Faculty scholarship: Vermeule on Intermittent Institutions

    March 12, 2010

    Professor Adrian Vermeule ‘93 recently published “Intermittent Institutions” as part of the Harvard Law School Public Law and Legal Theory Working Papers series. 

  • Professor Adrian Vermeule '93

    Vermeule in The New Republic: States of Detention

    March 1, 2010

    Harvard law School Professor Adrian Vermeule ’93 wrote the book review “States of Detention,” which appeared in The New Republic on March 1, 2010. 

  • At annual Supreme Court Forum, experts discuss “system effects” and judicial elections (video)

    December 17, 2009

    The Supreme Court’s 2008 ruling in Caperton v. A.T. Massey was the main focus of the Harvard Law Review’s Supreme Court forum this year. Held annually, the Supreme Court Forum focuses on the Law Review’s Supreme Court issue, which is published in November.