Welcome, admitted students! We’re looking forward to welcoming you to campus. Please bookmark this page for the most up-to-date information on preparing for your arrival at HLS.
1L Orientation
Mandatory 1L Orientation, August 23-29, 2024
Orientation is mandatory for all incoming 1Ls and will occur on campus in Cambridge from August 23-29, 2024. Further information, including your section’s Orientation schedule, can be found on the Orientation Schedules webpage.
Optional “Day 0,” August 22, 2024
“Day 0” is an in-person program focused primarily on supporting students with no prior exposure to law school or the legal industry through familial connections or other avenues. For this reason, the subject matter emphasizes practical, foundational, transition-centered topics concerning academics, finances, careers, law school culture, and belonging. First generation students are highly encouraged to attend.
Visit the Day 0 webpage to register and learn more about Day 0 sessions.
1L Checklist
Be sure to review the Fall 2024 Checklist, which contains mandatory and optional action items to complete and/or review prior to your arrival in the fall.
If you do not complete the required action items, you will be unable to pick up your Harvard University ID and participate in mandatory 1L Orientation programming.
Transfer Orientation
Transfer Orientation is mandatory for all incoming transfer students. Students must attend both virtual orientation sessions and in-person orientation. Zooms links will be released in the coming weeks.
Visit the Transfer Orientation webpage to view full orientation schedules.
Virtual Transfer Orientation Dates
Wednesday, July 24, 2024, 8:00-9:00pm
Thursday, July 25, 2024, 8:00-9:00pm
In-Person Transfer Orientation Date
Thursday, August 29, 2024, 10:00am-2:00pm
As part of a grand HLS tradition, transfer students will take part in a section photo following orientation programming on August 29. All incoming transfer students are encouraged to stay on campus following the section photo to attend the Lawn Party from 3:00-5:00pm.
Incoming Student Resources
Dean of Students Office
The Dean of Students Office (DOS) is the primary advocate and administrative liaison for Harvard Law students. We work with students and administrative offices to create a community in which all students can achieve their goals at HLS and as future members of the legal profession. DOS hosts fun student events, and assists students with student life at HLS, including academic resources, personal concerns, wellness programs, and bar exam advising.
J.D. Admissions
The J.D. Admissions office will help make sure that you have the necessary clearance to attend HLS; including final transcript(s) and all college certifications. They will be hosting you for Admitted Students Weekend. Be sure to review the information available from the Admitted J.D. Students page.
Student Financial Services
Eighty percent of HLS students are on financial aid. Student Financial Services (SFS) provides a thorough overview of important financial considerations prior to law school, as well as the requirements you must meet to obtain financial clearance before attending J.D. Orientation.
HLS Accessibility Services
HLS Accessibility Services aims to assist students with medical and/or disability related accommodations for academics as well as on-campus housing. Students can contact our office to discuss available accommodations based on their individual access needs. For additional information on the accommodation process, please visit the Accessibility Services Resources page or contact HLS Accessibility Services at (617) 495-8773 or accessibility@law.harvard.edu.
HLS Housing
HLS Housing strives to make on-campus housing safe, comfortable, and affordable. If you will be living in HLS Housing this fall, check out the following links for information on moving into your HLS residence and your stay. Questions not answered in these links can be emailed to housing@law.havard.edu.
Office of the Registrar
The Office of the Registrar is your main resource for all things academic. Before you begin your first semester here, please read the Student Handbook of Academic Policies so you are aware of your academic responsibilities for the next three years. The Registrar’s Office will reach out in early August to ensure that you are registered for classes. They will work with you to make sure you have met all of your requirements for graduation.
Office of Community Engagement, Equity, and Belonging
The Office of Community Engagement, Equity, and Belonging (CEEB) is focused on helping ensure that all students feel connected to Harvard Law School (HLS) as well as the community at large. The office advises and supports, student leaders, student-led organizations and journals, in achieving their goals. Through the Amicus platform, we seek to create mentorship connections and drive engagement amongst and between students, faculty, staff, and alumni at HLS.
Office of Clinical & Pro Bono Programs
HLS’s Office of Clinical & Pro Bono Programs (OCP) offers the largest in-house clinics and externship programs in the country. In addition, HLS also provides in-house supervision for a broad range of volunteer student practice organizations (SPOs). Students may also design independent clinical projects and pro bono projects.
Office of Career Services
The Office of Career Services (OCS) is a team of advisors and recruitment professionals who work with current students, alumni, and employers with a focus on private sector careers and judicial clerkships. OCS has created a Prospective Student page especially for incoming J.D. students, with a Career Services Timeline that includes what you can do before law school to prepare for your career search. They will host information sessions in the fall.
Office of Public Interest Advising
The Bernard Koteen Office of Public Interest Advising (OPIA) is a career services office specializing in public interest law. Their primary goal is to encourage law school students and lawyers to embrace a career that incorporates an ongoing commitment to public service work. They will host information sessions in the fall.
International Legal Studies
International Legal Studies (ILS) organizes events and programs related to international, foreign, and comparative law, including semester abroad, the joint degree program with the University of Cambridge, winter term international travel grants for writing or clinical projects, and the Chayes International Public Service Fellowship for summer work.
Harvard University Health Services
All students will be automatically enrolled in Harvard’s Student Health Insurance Plan. If you plan to waive the student plan, you must submit this form. For more information, please contact the HUHS Information Line at (617) 495-2008 or email lawschoolhealthservices@huhs.harvard.edu to speak with member services.