A vitally important and complex set of rules governs which courts, or nonjudicial bodies, can hear which kinds of legal disputes, and how cases proceed in these venues from initiation to final resolution. Harvard Law has some of the nation’s top experts in civil and criminal procedure, from whom you will gain a deep understanding of federal and state court systems, including which courts have the power to hear and adjudicate particular disputes and the rules and practices by which these courts operate.
From Harvard Law Today
HLS Professors
Nikolas Bowie
Louis D. Brandeis Professor of Law
Ryan D. Doerfler
Professor of Law
Richard H. Fallon
Story Professor of Law
Martha A. Field
Langdell Professor of Law
Keith Fogg
Clinical Professor of Law, Emeritus
Jeannie Suk Gersen
John H. Watson, Jr. Professor of Law
Jack L. Goldsmith
Learned Hand Professor of Law
D. James Greiner
The Honorable S. William Green Professor of Public Law
Vicki C. Jackson
Laurence H. Tribe Professor of Constitutional Law
Alan Jenkins
Professor of Practice
Andrew L. Kaufman
Charles Stebbins Fairchild Professor of Law, Emeritus
Randall L. Kennedy
Michael R. Klein Professor of Law
Richard J. Lazarus
Charles Stebbins Fairchild Professor of Law
Anna Lvovsky
Professor of Law
John F. Manning
Harvard University Provost
David Rosenberg
Lee S. Kreindler Professor of Law, Emeritus
William B. Rubenstein
Bruce Bromley Professor of Law
Stephen Sachs
Antonin Scalia Professor of Law
Larry Schwartztol
Professor of Practice
Steven M. Shavell
Samuel R. Rosenthal Professor of Law and Economics
Joseph W. Singer
Bussey Professor of Law
Laurence H. Tribe
Carl M. Loeb University Professor, Emeritus
Visiting Professors & Lecturers
Yas Banifatemi
Visiting Professor of Law
Richard W. Clary
Lecturer on Law
John C. Cratsley
Lecturer on Law
Medha Gargeya
Lecturer on Law
Thomas Griffith
Lecturer on Law
Scott Michelman
Shikes Fellow in Civil Liberties and Civil Rights and Lecturer on Law
Luke Nikas
Lecturer on Law
Dessie Otachliska
Climenko Fellow and Lecturer on Law
Leah A. Plunkett
Meyer Research Lecturer on Law
Elizabeth Prelogar
Steven and Maureen Klinsky Visiting Professor of Practice for Leadership and Progress
Richard M. Re
Ropes & Gray Visiting Professor of Law
Justine Sheehan
Climenko Fellow and Lecturer on Law
Daniel L. Smail
Harvard University Affiliated Professor
Louis Tompros
Lecturer on Law
Elizabeth Tuttle Newman
Lecturer on Law
Jonathan J. Wroblewski
Lecturer on Law