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  • A living witness to nuclear dystopia

    October 10, 2019

    Seventy-four years later Setsuko Thurlow still remembers the moment of detonation after the U.S. dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, the first of two exploded over the island nation, a deployment that proved so horrendous the weapons have never been used since.

  • An apple with a stethoscope, on top of a stack of books

    Harvard Food Law Clinic calls for greater nutrition education in the medical field

    October 10, 2019

    A recent report out of the Harvard Law School Food Law and Policy Clinic calls for greater nutrition education in the medical field, and identifies policy approaches to increase nutrition competency of U.S-trained physicians.

  • Professors Jody Freeman LL.M. ’91 S.J.D. ’95 and Richard Lazarus ’79.

    Potentially troubling times for environmental law in the Supreme Court, say HLS professors

    October 1, 2019

    Though the news isn’t all bad, Harvard Law Professors Jody Freeman and Richard Lazarus warned of brewing issues ahead at the annual Supreme Court Environmental Law Review and Preview.

  • 2019 faculty hires

    New this year for HLS faculty

    September 12, 2019

    With the start of the academic year, four new scholars have joined the ranks of the Harvard Law School faculty and two have been promoted to professor of law.

  • Justice John Paul Stevens smiling on the bench

    Remembering Justice John Paul Stevens (1920-2019)

    July 17, 2019

    Supreme Court Associate Justice John Paul Stevens, the second longest-serving justice in the Court's history, died July 16, at the age of 99. With the passing of Justice Stevens has come an outpouring of remembrances and testaments to his influential presence during his thirty-five years on the Court.

  • Molly Brady

    Property law scholar Molly Brady joins Harvard Law faculty

    July 16, 2019

    Maureen E. “Molly” Brady, an expert in property law, land use law, local government law, legal history and intellectual property law, has joined the Harvard Law School faculty as assistant professor of law.

  • Forging ahead

    June 12, 2019

    Six members of the Class of 2019 share their unique perspectives, varied experiences, and the lessons they will take with them from their time at Harvard Law School.

  • Landfill-free lunch

    June 6, 2019

    Harvard Law School Green Team leads the way to zero waste Commencement.

  • Emanuel Powell ’19

    Emanuel Powell wins Gary Bellow Public Service Award

    May 22, 2019

    Emanuel Powell ’19 is the winner of this year’s Gary Bellow Public Service Award, established in 2001 to honor Professor Gary Bellow ’60, his commitment to public service, and his innovative approach to the analysis and practice of law.

  • Jody Freeman elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

    Jody Freeman elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

    April 17, 2019

    The American Academy of Arts and Sciences has announced that Jody Freeman LL.M. '91 S.J.D. '95, Archibald Cox Professor of Law, has been elected a member of the honorary society, one of twelve members of the Harvard faculty to receive the honor this year.

  • Fifth annual Animal Law Week held at HLS

    Fifth annual Animal Law Week held at HLS

    April 3, 2019

    Animal law advocates from a variety of disciplines and perspectives come together at Harvard Law School for the fifth annual Animal Law Week.

  • Food Law and Policy Clinic releases advocacy and lobbying guide for food policy councils

    Food Law and Policy Clinic releases advocacy and lobbying guide for food policy councils

    March 20, 2019

    The Harvard Law School Food Law and Policy Clinic and the Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future have released "Advocacy & Lobbying 101 for Food Policy Councils," a resource for food policy councils and others working to change the food system in the U.S.

  • Ben Green

    The “Smart Enough” City

    March 20, 2019

    "The smart city is ultimately a vision full of false promises and hidden dangers," says Ben Green, an affiliate at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society and author of the forthcoming book, "The Smart Enough City: Putting Technology in its Place to Reclaim our Urban Future."

  • Student Voices: Guiding permanent residents through the naturalization process with Project Citizenship

    Student Voices: Guiding permanent residents through the naturalization process

    March 14, 2019

    Andrew Patterson '20 shares a reflection on his time spent working as an advocate for Legal Permanent Residents throughout the naturalization process with the local organization Project Citizenship.

  • Cravath 2019

    From Fiji to New Delhi, Cravath International Fellows pursue projects around the globe

    February 28, 2019

    During Winter Term, 12 Harvard Law School students traveled to 12 countries as Cravath International Fellows to pursue clinical placements or independent research with an international, transnational, or comparative law focus. Four of them share their experiences.

  • Video: Susan Crawford on why America may miss the fiber revolution

    Video: Susan Crawford on why America may miss the fiber revolution

    February 22, 2019

    On February 13, the Harvard Law School Library hosted Prof. Susan Crawford for a book talk and discussion on her newly-released title, "Fiber: The Coming Tech Revolution—and Why America Might Miss It."

  • Student Voices: Examining lead contamination in the Mississippi Delta 1

    Student Voices: Examining lead contamination in the Mississippi Delta

    February 20, 2019

    Last spring, Thomas Wolfe '19 shared his experience working on issues of water contamination in the Mississsippi Delta with the Mississippi Delta Project, an HLS Student Practice Organization that provides policy and legal services to clients in one of the poorest regions in the poorest state in the U.S.

  • A call for a kinder capitalism

    A call for a kinder capitalism

    February 6, 2019

    Speaking at Harvard Law School, U.S. Rep. Joe Kennedy III '09 (D., Mass.) called Monday for a new national economic agenda based on “moral capitalism” that addresses the needs of embattled workers.

  • Mary Robinson LL.M. ’68

    Mary Robinson LL.M. ’68

    January 29, 2019

    President of Ireland from 1990 to 1997 and the United Nations high commissioner for human rights from 1997 to 2002, Mary Robinson LL.M. ’68 now leads the Mary Robinson Foundation—Climate Justice. She’s the author of “Climate Justice: Hope, Resilience, and the Fight for a Sustainable Future,” published in the U.S. in September, and co-producer of Mothers of Invention, a podcast that advocates a feminist approach to fighting climate change.

  • Puerto Rico benefits from Harvard’s living lab

    Puerto Rico benefits from Harvard’s living lab

    December 14, 2018

    A plan designed by a team of Harvard University students to create a reliable source of renewable, affordable electricity for a Puerto Rican community hammered in 2017 by Hurricane Maria has moved a step closer to reality. The students are enrolled in Professor Wendy Jacobs' Harvard’s “Climate Solutions Living Lab” course.

  • Raising the profile of animal law to match the stakes

    Raising the profile of animal law to match the stakes

    December 13, 2018

    According to Harvard Law School lecturer Jonathan Lovvorn, saving the planet and its inhabitants from climate catastrophe begins with the world’s most vulnerable population: animals.