Visionary of the Visayan Sea
July 28, 2008
For the sake of the planet, a lawyer wins the right to sue on behalf of future generations
Everything … and Right Now
July 1, 2008
The founding director of Harvard’s new Environmental Law Program wastes no time—and says there’s no time to waste. Professor Jody Freeman LL.M. ’91 S.J.D. ’95…
Assumed Risks and Other Dangers
July 1, 2008
Consider the two most challenging environmental problems of our time—the depletion of the earth’s protective ozone layer, and global climate change. The first one, writes Cass Sunstein ’78, “has been essentially solved, whereas very little progress has been made on the second.”
The Baykeeper’s Legacy
July 1, 2008
When Dan A. Emmett attended Harvard Law School in the early 1960s, there was no such thing as an environmental movement, let alone an environmental law class or clinic. But five years after his 1964 graduation, an ecological disaster awakened Emmett and many of his fellow Californians to the cause of environmental protection.
“Nontraditional, multifaceted and creative”
July 1, 2008
After public service and private practice, Wendy B. Jacobs ’81 brings worlds of experience to a new clinic
Phil Malone and Wendy Jacobs ’81 have been appointed clinical professors of law, Dean Elena Kagan ’86 announced today.
Kerry at HLS: U.S. must act now on global climate change
January 16, 2008
In a Harvard Law School classroom today, Senator John Kerry (D - Mass.) stressed the urgency of the climate change problem, arguing that the federal government needs to take action immediately to combat global warming.
Online and on the road
September 1, 2005
A quarter-century after "Getting to Yes," Harvard's Program on Negotiation is refining the art and sharing it with the world.
Cooling Off the Planet
September 1, 2005
Which works better--regulation or market-based initiatives? We ask Jody Freeman, who joined the HLS faculty this year.
A New Development
April 1, 2004
For 25 years, Douglas Foy ' 73 served as head of the Conservation Law Foundation, a New England-based environmental advocacy group whose frequent lawsuits changed the landscape of the region, literally. But now Foy has jumped from the courthouse to the State House, named by Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney ' 75 as the first chief of Commonwealth Development.
Law of the Land … and the Water and the Air
April 1, 2004
Growing up in Oregon in the 1960s and 1970s, Bern Johnson '87 saw wild rivers dammed and forests denuded by clear-cut logging. As a camper and fisherman, he quickly understood the need for protecting the resources he was enjoying.
A Common Good
April 1, 2002
Cynics call them do-gooders, hopelessly naïve people disconnected from the real world. These days, the cynical view could easily prevail.
Earth First
October 1, 2001
In 1993 Dick Roy '70 walked away from his position as a high-powered attorney, intent on never again collecting a paycheck. Roy had decided, after more than 20 years practicing law, to cash in his six-figure salary to save the earth.
At Loggerheads
September 28, 2000
For Minneapolis-based lawyer Stephen Young ’74, a tree is just a tree. Yet for others, he contends, trees are sacred objects. Last October, Young brought…
Intern Sent To Outskirts
September 28, 2000
Henry Stern ’57 said no to Monica Lewinsky. The New York City parks commissioner recently ruled that the infamous White House intern could not swing…