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  • HLS celebrates National Pro Bono Week 1

    HLS celebrates National Pro Bono Week

    October 22, 2018

    As part of national Pro Bono Week, from Oct. 22 to Oct. 27, Harvard Law School's Office of Clinical and Pro Bono Programs is highlighting the work of outstanding attorneys engaged in critical pro bono legal work in the areas of immigration, civil rights, economic justice and climate change.

  • Wendy Jacobs in front of a stone column

    Wendy Jacobs, Harvard officials call on EPA to withdraw proposed ‘transparency’ rule

    August 15, 2018

    A letter drafted by HLS's Emmett Environmental Law and Policy Clinic Director Wendy Jacobs, and signed by nearly 100 hospital leaders and Harvard faculty, calls on the Environmental Protection Agency to withdraw its proposed rule on scientific “transparency,” saying that the change would drastically limit the scientific and medical knowledge that underlie a host of EPA regulations that protect human health.

  • PSVF Fellows Alice Cherry and Kelsey Skaggs named Echoing Green Fellows

    PSVF Fellows Alice Cherry and Kelsey Skaggs named Echoing Green Fellows

    July 12, 2018

    Alice Cherry ’16 and Kelsey Skaggs ’16 have been named 2018 Echoing Green Fellows. In 2016, Cherry and Skaggs co-founded Climate Defense Project (CDP), a legal nonprofit that provides advice and support to the climate movement in the United States and internationally.

  • Branch Returns to Her Navajo Roots 7

    Branch Returns to Her Navajo Roots

    June 26, 2018

    As attorney general of the Navajo Nation, Ethel Branch ’08 aims to strengthen tribal law and native voices.

  • On Earth Day, Antonio Oposa LL.M. ’97 reflects on efforts to bring environmental sustainability to the Philippines

    On Earth Day, Antonio Oposa LL.M. ’97 reflects on efforts to bring environmental sustainability to the Philippines

    April 20, 2018

    Antonio Oposa Jr. LL.M. ’97 reflects on his legacy and efforts to bring environmental sustainability to his home country, the Philippines.

  • Students with elephant at the PETA Foundation

    Third Annual Student Animal Law Trip to Washington D.C.

    April 13, 2018

    Last week, the Animal Law & Policy Program (ALPP) at Harvard Law School partnered with the HLS Student Animal Legal Defense Fund (SALDF) to organize the third annual “Student Animal Law Trip to Washington D.C.”

  • HLS in the Community

    Preview: “HLS in the Community” will celebrate clinics and bicentennial finale

    April 9, 2018

    On April 20, Harvard Law School will host the third and final major event in its year-long program celebrating 200 years of HLS. HLS in the Community will convene alumni, faculty, students, and staff to explore the extraordinary reach and impact of Harvard lawyers.

  • Natalie Trigo Reyes ’19 wants to help vulnerable communities—starting at home in Puerto Rico 1

    Natalie Trigo Reyes ’19 wants to help vulnerable communities—starting at home in Puerto Rico

    April 5, 2018

    After Hurricane Maria roared over Puerto Rico in 2017, Puerto Rican native Natalie Trigo Reyes ’19 felt “completely overwhelmed.” Within days, however, she raised $40,000 for relief efforts, collected truckloads of emergency goods, and helped plan the school’s response to the disaster.

  • Law students help to mend Puerto Rico

    Law students help to mend Puerto Rico

    April 5, 2018

    A group of 29 Harvard Law School students (led by Natalie Trigo Reyes ’19) traveled to Puerto Rico over spring break to lend a hand to local residents who are still struggling to obtain disaster relief aid.

  • Students spend spring break focused on legal services work

    April 5, 2018

    Each year, teams of Harvard Law School students are given the opportunity to spend their Spring Break experiencing legal services work with clinics and legal organizations in the Boston area, or working on projects around the country and abroad.

  • Public lands ‘a priceless legacy’ for future

    Public lands ‘a priceless legacy’ for future

    March 15, 2018

    John Leshy, former solicitor for the U.S. Interior Department, sought to set the record straight on public lands Wednesday at Harvard, disputing activists’ views opposing U.S. government ownership and reminding listeners that the divisiveness of the debate is what should concern users of those vast areas traditionally managed for public benefit and enjoyment.

  • Branch returns to her Navajo roots 3

    Branch returns to her Navajo roots

    March 5, 2018

    Ethel Branch ’08 grew up on her family’s ranch with no electricity, no running water, and a long list of questions about injustice. As she grew up, Branch knew she had to address these questions. “That confusion as to why the world changed when you crossed the Navajo Nation boundary line was a driving question for my youth and my life,” says Branch. It propelled her to study law and policy. And three years ago, at age 36, it led her to become Attorney General of the Navajo Nation.

  • Basking in that Oslo glow 1

    Basking in that Oslo glow

    January 17, 2018

    2017 was a year of notable accomplishments for Harvard Law School's International Human Rights Clinic (IHRC), and for Bonnie Docherty '01, associate director of Armed Conflict and Civilian Protection and lecturer on law at HLS.

  • Students help groups to pursue climate action

    Students help groups to pursue climate action

    November 20, 2017

    Led by Professor Wendy Jacobs, director of the Emmett Environmental Law and Policy Clinic at Harvard Law School, the Climate Solutions Living Lab course launched last spring to help push forward the transition to a carbon-free future that supports planetary and human health.

  • Veterans of service, with a belief in the law 1

    Veterans of service, with a belief in the law

    November 8, 2017

    Each year, as we honor military veterans nationwide for their service, Harvard Law Today profiles students in the incoming class who have held positions in the Armed Forces. The Class of 2020 includes the largest number of former or current service members in Harvard Law's recent history.

  • Steven Kerns ’20: “Leading people toward a better world required me to trade in my rifle for books”

    Steven Kerns ’20: “Leading people toward a better world required me to trade in my rifle for books”

    November 8, 2017

    Steven Kerns ’20 was a high school dropout, a self-described ‘rebel without a cause’ from Long Beach, Calif., when he joined the U.S. Army as a teenager looking for adventure, with vague notions of changing the world.

  • The evolution of American environmental law from Nixon to Trump

    The evolution of American environmental law from Nixon to Trump

    November 7, 2017

    “The Remarkable Evolution of American Environmental Law from Nixon to Trump and Beyond” panel during Harvard Law School's bicentennial summit focused on the uncertain future of the Environmental Protection Agency in the current administration. Panelists A. James Barnes ’67, Richard J. Lazarus ‘79, William Reilly ’65 and Gina McCarthy looked at the EPA’s distinguished history.

  • Secretary David Shulkin shares thoughts on the VA's service to veterans

    Shulkin seeks to increase service and accountability at Veterans Affairs

    November 1, 2017

    On Thursday, Nov. 2, Dr. David Shulkin, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, will deliver the 2017 Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Distinguished Lecture at Harvard Law School. In advance of his visit to the law school, Secretary Shulkin answered a few questions about the Department of Veterans Affairs and its service to veterans.

  • Joseph Goffman joins Environmental Law Program as new executive director

    Joseph Goffman joins Environmental Law Program as new executive director

    October 2, 2017

    Joseph Goffman, who, over a 30-year career, has shaped environmental law and policy at the highest levels of the Executive branch and as a senior congressional staffer, will join Harvard Law School's Environmental Law Program in November as Executive Director.

  • Paola Eisner ’19: Environmentalist, internationalist and artist 2

    Paola Eisner ’19: Environmentalist, internationalist and artist

    September 19, 2017

    At HLS in the Arts this past weekend, Paola Eisner ’19 exhibited a large still life that she painted before she went to college, and pages from a children’s book that she began working on before she started law school. Like these, many of the interests and projects that she pursues today have deeper roots.

  • inside of NW Corner Building at Harvard Law School

    Jonathan Lovvorn appointed policy director of the HLS Animal Law and Policy Program

    September 15, 2017

    On Sept. 5, Harvard Law School Lecturer Jonathan Lovvorn was named the first policy director for the school's Animal Law & Policy Program. Lovvorn, who previously taught Wildlife Law in both the Fall 2015 and Fall 2016 terms, will continue as a lecturer, teaching a new course this fall on Farmed Animal Law & Policy.