Traffic on the off-ramp
The coming wave
Inside HLS
On world refugee day in June, Kofi Annan and Angelina Jolie urged the world to keep hope alive for millions of refugees. In a camp in eastern Africa, Scott Paltrowitz ’08 found that hope is often all that refugees have.
Neuman, formerly at Columbia, joined the Harvard Law faculty this summer as the J. Sinclair Armstrong Professor of International, Foreign, and Comparative Law. He is the author of “Strangers to the Constitution: Immigrants, Borders, and Fundamental Law” (Princeton University Press, 1996).
A nationwide, longitudinal survey of today’s young J.D.s yields its first results Lawyers are happier in their careers than is generally believed—in the first few…
Writ Large: Faculty Books
Janet Halley spent six years writing "Split Decisions: How and Why to Take a Break from Feminism" (Princeton University Press, 2006), a groundbreaking book examining the contradictions and limitations of feminism in the law.
International law professor David Kennedy was a conscientious objector during the Vietnam era, but during his early years teaching at Harvard Law School he realized it was time to rethink his position on the valid use of military force.
In “Judging under Uncertainty: An Institutional Theory of Legal Interpretation” (Harvard University Press, 2006), Professor Adrian Vermeule ’93 takes up the question: How should judges interpret statutes and the Constitution?
Alumni Notes and Newsmakers
Hill Harper ’92 heard the same questions again and again. A graduate of Harvard Law School and the John F. Kennedy School of Government, and an actor currently starring on the hit TV show “CSI: NY,” Harper frequently visited schools to talk to black youths, many of whom told him how difficult and often hopeless it seemed to stay in school or pursue a career.
In May 2003, Matias Garcia, a farm laborer from Oaxaca, Mexico, set out to cross the U.S. border to find work. For Garcia, like hundreds of others each year, the attempt proved fatal—he perished on a 32-mile trek across the blistering Arizona desert.
The news from Baghdad this month tends to make me share Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.’s famous preference for “not so much where we are, but in what direction we are moving.”
If you thought the first year of law school tested your mettle, try running for Congress. It’s not always easy being a Harvard lawyer on the campaign trail.
Jay Hebert ’ 86 is president of the Harvard Law School Association. He chairs the communications practice group of the law firm of Vinson & Elkins, and he’s a partner in the firm’s business and international group.