Power to the People
Up for Debate
Vote of Confidence
Faculty Books
Tomiko Brown-Nagin’s book recounts the remarkable — and too little-known — life and achievements of civil rights lawyer and judge Constance Baker Motley
Adrian Vermeule proposes an approach to constitutional interpretation rooted in classical legal tradition
From the Hughes Court to stock market short-termism to the U.S.'s "defend forward" cyber strategy
Commencement x 3
During the last week of May this year, three Harvard Law School classes celebrated a long-awaited Commencement
Alumni Notes & Newsmakers
Ayesha Malik LL.M. ’99 has used her position, inside and outside the courtroom, to advocate for women in the legal system. “This is not a burden,” she says. “This is my calling.”
“Lawyers are supposed to be problem solvers," says Justin Herdman ’01, "and that means identifying problems before they are at your doorstep.”
National Football League referee Ron Torbert ’88 reaches the pinnacle of his profession: Officiating the Super Bowl.
This past April, 77 years after Clark W. Maser ’51 arrived in Marseille to help liberate France from Nazi occupation, he was proclaimed a knight of the Legion of Honor.