Governments uniquely have the power to punish people who break the law, by prosecuting them for alleged crimes and by sentencing them if they are convicted. How does the government use this power? How should it? And what constitutional rights do people suspected or accused of crimes enjoy? In courses examining the penal system from police investigations on through trials, convictions, sentencing, and post-conviction processes, Harvard Law students have opportunities to study the laws and institutions of the penal system, learning from leading scholars in the field and from experienced practitioners, including retired federal and state judges, current and former prosecutors, and defense attorneys.
From Harvard Law Today
HLS Professors
Andrew M. Crespo
Morris Wasserstein Public Interest Professor of Law
Jeannie Suk Gersen
John H. Watson, Jr. Professor of Law
D. James Greiner
The Honorable S. William Green Professor of Public Law
Elizabeth Papp Kamali
Austin Wakeman Scott Professor of Law
Adriaan M. Lanni
Touroff-Glueck Professor of Law
Christopher Lewis
Assistant Professor of Law
Anna Lvovsky
Professor of Law
Alexandra Natapoff
Lee S. Kreindler Professor of Law
Intisar A. Rabb
Professor of Law
Hannah Shaffer
Assistant Professor of Law
Steven M. Shavell
Samuel R. Rosenthal Professor of Law and Economics
Carol S. Steiker
Henry J. Friendly Professor of Law
Ronald S. Sullivan
Jesse Climenko Clinical Professor of Law
Philip Torrey
Assistant Clinical Professor of Law
Laurence H. Tribe
Carl M. Loeb University Professor, Emeritus
Crystal S. Yang
Bennett Boskey Professor of Law
Visiting Professors & Lecturers
Aziza Ahmed
Daniel P.S. Paul Visiting Professor of Constitutional Law
Yutian An
Climenko Fellow and Lecturer on Law
Jay Blitzman
Lecturer on Law
Jacob Chin
Lecturer on Law
Rebecca Richman Cohen
Lecturer on Law
John C. Cratsley
Lecturer on Law
Premal Dharia
Lecturer on Law
Michael Dreeben
Lecturer on Law
Avlana Eisenberg
Visiting Professor of Law
Nancy Gertner
Senior Lecturer on Law
Brandi Harden
Lecturer on Law
Aleena Ijaz
Lecturer on Law
Daniel Kahn
Lecturer on Law
Ioannis Kalpouzos
Visiting Professor of Law
Erin Kelly
Visiting Professor of Law
Lorinda Laryea
Lecturer on Law
Tiffany Lieu
Lecturer on Law
Deborah Lolai
Lecturer on Law
Catharine A. MacKinnon
James Barr Ames Visiting Professor of Law
Mina Malik
Lecturer on Law
Daniel Medwed
Visiting Professor of Law
Dana Mulhauser
Lecturer on Law
Shaun Ossei-Owusu
George Francis Brownell Visiting Professor of Law
Devi Rao
Lecturer on Law
Jonathan A. Rapping
Visiting Professor of Law
Richard M. Re
Ropes & Gray Visiting Professor of Law
Richard Salgado
Lecturer on Law
Adam Sandel
Climenko Fellow and Lecturer on Law
Patti Saris
Lecturer on Law
Justine Sheehan
Climenko Fellow and Lecturer on Law
Daniel L. Smail
Harvard University Affiliated Professor
Leo Tsao
Lecturer on Law
Jonathan J. Wroblewski
Lecturer on Law
Cindy Zapata
Lecturer on Law