![Front entrance of Langdell Hall](https://hls.harvard.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/110930_Langdell_186-e1657832884959.jpg)
Faculty and Executive Assistants looking for more resources should visit Faculty Support Services’ internal website: https://fss.law.harvard.edu/
Top Links
- Administrative Updates (Ad Up): post RA and TF openings for students
- Amicus: The HLS directory, community-building platform, and advising network.
- Buy-to-Pay: The financial system to process non-employee reimbursements, payment requests (e.g. for paying invoices), set up vendors, and order office supplies from WB Mason.
- Canvas: Canvas allows you to build and edit course websites. Under “Courses” you can find the Canvas pages for all the courses with which you and your faculty are associated.
- Canvas Help for Faculty and Staff: LXI’s resource page for faculty and staff who use Canvas.
- Communications Office (HLS): Information on media relations, event planning and publicity, and news coverage.
- Concur: Employee reimbursement and corporate card/PCard reconciliation system.
- Copy Center (HLS)
- Copyright Clearance Center: Obtain licenses for copyrighted materials and pay use fees.
- Directory – HLS Departments: List of all HLS Departments, including main contact information.
- Directory – HLS Faculty
- Directory – HLS Faculty Support Services
- Directory – Harvard University: There is a public directory (“Directory”) and an internal directory (“Connections”), which may include more information. Both include photos and contact information for faculty, staff, and students.
- Events Management System (EMS) / MyRooms: Use this to book events and to request services such as catering and AV.
- Events Office (HLS)
- Events Planning & Tracking Form (FSS): A form used to collect data related to event planning.
- Facilities (HLS): Service requests (work orders)
- FedEx: Please refere to the login and password information found here.
- Financial Office (HLS)
- Finance Guidebook: “Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Financial Administration (But Were Afraid To Ask!)”.
- Harvard Training Portal: Sign up for Center for Workplace Development (CWD) and LinkedIn Learning classes.
- Harvard Travel Resources: Harvard travel portal with links to select travel agencies and hotels.
- Harvard University Directory: Harvard’s internal directory, including photos and contact information for faculty, staff, and students.
- HARVie: Harvard Information for Employees (HARVie) is Harvard’s employee information Intranet site. Here you can find resources for new employees as well as information about total benefits, learning and development, work/life balance, and more. You will also find a link at the top to PeopleSoft, where you can report your hours and view paychecks, vacation/sick time balances, etc.
- Harvard Law School Course Catalog
- Harvard University Course Catalog (my.harvard)
- Helios: This is the faculty information self-service system. Should your faculty member give you permission, you can update their biography and enter grading.
- Information Technology Services (HLS ITS)
- ITS Services Hub: Also known as ServiceNow. Use this form to request service or report a problem.
- Intent to hire a student worker form: fill this form out as the first step in hiring a student research assistant (RA) or teaching fellow (TF)
- Leadership Connect: Helpful for clerkship letters; a database of contact information for judges and others in government, law, media, and business.
- Learning Experience and Innovation (LXI): For help with Canvas, Zoom, and other instructional technology.
- ServiceNow: Use this form to request help with Canvas or other educational technology.
- Library – HLS
- Library – Harvard University
- Library – HOLLIS: The Harvard Library catalog.
- LinkedIn Learning @ Harvard: The LinkedIn Learning online video training library (formerly known as lynda.com) is an excellent resource offering over 15,000 self-paced training classes on a wide range areas, including business, technology, and creative skills. Follow the instructions here to create an institutional account which will allow you to access the LinkedIn Learning library for free.
- my.Harvard: Where FAs can approve cross-registration petitions on behalf of their faculty.
- Office of Career Services (HLS): OCS manages and advises on the clerkship application process for students. Their website includes instructions for students on how they should format the judge spreadsheets that they send to FAs.
- OSCAR: The Online System for Clerkship Application and Review (OSCAR) is the online application system for judicial clerkships. As a Faculty Assistant, you will likely be uploading your professors’ letters of recommendation for students as they apply for clerkships.
- PeopleSoft: Used to report time and absences. Also accessible through HARVie.
- Poll Everywhere: Create polls. Offers more question options and flexibility than Zoom polling does.
- Qualtrics: build surveys and polls
- Registrar’s Office (HLS)
- SeatGen: SeatGen is the HLS seating chart application. Here you can print out a blank seating chart or assign seats to students in each class. In the past, SeatGen only worked in Internet Explorer. It does appear to be working now in Firefox and Chrome, but if you experience difficulties in either of those browsers, try Internet Explorer.
- Secure File Transfer: Use secure file transfer for sending secure files and files that are too large for email attachments. For example, use it to send coursepacks to the Copy Center for printing.
- Student Hires at HLS: resources for everything related to hiring a student worker (e.g. RAs and TFs), including instructions for FAs and students.
- Travel & Department Card Tracker: this form collects FSS department card use and receipts.
- Zoom: Harvard Zoom homepage.
Useful Bookmarks
- Merriam-Webster Dictionary
- Oxford English Dictionary (Harvard Library subscription)
- Chicago Manual of Style (Harvard Library subscription)
- The Bluebook
- Basic Legal Citation: From the Legal Information Institute, Cornell University Law School
- HLS Secure File Transfer
- FSS Home Page
- Copyright Clearance Center
- Helios
- EMS/MyRooms
- SeatGen
- Harvard Connections (internal directory)
- ITS Services Hub
- Print Friendly
- Amicus
- Social Science Research Network (SSRN)
- Calendly: A scheduling utility.
- FollowUpThen: An email ping utility.
- Remember the Milk: A productivity utility.
- HLS Learning Experience and Innovation (LXI)
- Canvas Course Website Help
- HLS Canvas Course Visibility Rules
- Importing Content from a Past Canvas Course
- Canvas Help for Faculty/Staff
- Canvas Help for Students: Booking office hours, etc.
- Library Reserves on Canvas
Car Services
Department Sites
- Academic Affairs
- Communications
- Copy Center
- Dean’s Office
- Dean of Students Office
- Events
- Facilities
- Information Technology Services (ITS)
- Media Services: Includes AV pricing information.
- Registrar
- HLS Finance Guidebook
- Harvard Financial Systems
- Concur
- Buy-To-Pay (B2P)
- OANDA Currency Converter: Recommended by HLS Finance.
- Chart of Accounts Validator: Try an Incognito / Private Browsing window if you are having trouble.
- We have now officially shifted from using the PI Dashboard to the HART reporting tool to track faculty allowance. When you need a copy of your faculty’s balance, please reach out to your manager or Theresa.
- Charles Hotel: Harvard rates shown here.
- Sheraton Commander: Harvard rates shown here.
- Hotel Veritas: Ask for Harvard rates.
Harvard and HLS Links
- HLS Faculty Profiles
- For Journalists
- HLS Course Catalog
- HLS Academic Calendar
- Administrative Updates (AdUp)
- HLS Map
- HLS YouTube
- Video & Audio Guidelines: Includes recording forms.
- RA Hiring
- Harvard University Parking
- HLS Events Calendar
- EALS Events: Check before asking to book Morgan Courtroom.
- My.Harvard: Course catalog and cross-registration.
- Handbook of Academic Policies: Includes the class recording policy.
- HLS Staff Dashboard
- Harvard Law School Library
- Harvard Library Catalog (HOLLIS)
- HOLLIS Images Database
- Finding Cases: Records, Briefs & Court Filings (HLS LibGuide)
- Chicago Manual of Style Online
- CMOS Hyphen Table
- Find Articles or Books (HLSL)
- Westlaw Sign-On
- Bloomberg BNA Sign-On
- Hein Online
- Kosher Caterers List: From Temple Emanuel, Newton, Mass.
Tips and Software
- Better Outlook Searching
- TryIt Editor: HTML tester page.
- Circumventing PDF editing security
- How to make a transparent signature stamp
- LunaPic: Free online image editor.
- About Perma.cc
Transcription Services
- Amazon.com Transcribe
- Audio Transcription Center (Boston, MA)
- Cambridge Transcriptions (Cambridge, MA)
- MJ Transcriptions (Old Saybrook, CT)
- Rev.com
E-fax Services
- eFax Corporate (contact HLS ITS for set-up)
Other Bookmarks
- US Supreme Court Research Guide: From University of Michigan Law Library.
- White Noise: From myNoise, for when there’s too much noise in the office.