Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Financial Administration (But Were Afraid To Ask!)

Welcome to the World of Financial Administration
Whether you are new to finance or are an experienced finance administrator, working with finances can feel complicated and even overwhelming at first, so we’ve designed this manual to give you an overview of common financial terms and tools to make the process of financial administration easier.
Explore the HLS Finance Guidebook
- Financial Applications and Systems
- Business Purpose and Account Coding
- Add a Supplier (Vendor) to Harvard’s system
- PCards and Corporate Cards
- Employee Reimbursements for Travel and Other Expenses Through Concur
- Non-Employee Reimbursements
- Invoices for goods and services, honoraria, independent contractors, and office supplies
- HART: Harvard Analytics and Reporting Tool
- Deposits of Checks or Cash
- Support from the Financial Office
Financial Training Programs
This manual is not meant to replace training – there are helpful courses available for all financial applications and processes through the Harvard Training Portal’s Center for Workplace Development:
- ROPPA – Responsibilities of Purchasers, Preparers and Approvers
- Chart of Accounts
- Information Security (online)
There are numerous courses available on Budgeting, Accounting, and how to use each of the Financial Applications systems.
If you have any questions, or want to learn more about any of these processes, please contact the Finance Office.