1L Job Search E-Advising Series: Learn What to Expect When Working with OPIA
Wondering how to make the best use of your appointment time after October 15? Not sure what to expect when working with an adviser? Read this post to find out.
Learn More: Contact OPIA with any questions: opia@law.harvard.edu
Wondering how to make the best use of your appointment time after October 15? Not sure what to expect when working with an adviser? Read this post to find out.
We know that many of you are considering whether – and to what extent – you’d like to become involved in the myriad student activities available to the law school community. We are often asked by students interested in public service work about the value of extracurricular involvement. While we cannot offer formal career counseling before October 15, we can help you make choices about extracurriculars before then. Broad guidance on those choices can be found below, but please note that it is impossible to truly provide “one-size-fits-all” advice. Feel free to come to our drop-in office hours to have a conversation tailored to your individual goals.
We look forward to getting to know you in the coming months and to helping you learn more about public interest career opportunities. Although formal career advising does not begin until October 15, you can still take affirmative steps now to begin your career exploration. Read this post to learn how.
While you may just be starting your summer internship, we know that many of you are already thinking ahead to 2L summer and weighing the pros and cons of spending it in the private sector. In this post, we offer some thoughts you may find helpful as you consider whether to participate in the Early Interview Program (EIP).
As you take a breath between the end of finals period and the beginning of your summer job, now is a great time to start to familiarize yourself with the timeline and public interest job search process you can expect during your 2L year. (You read that right – you’re a 2L now!)
You have successfully navigated the summer job search, and you begin your internship full of excitement and optimism. But what if, in the middle of your summer, you’re not having the experience you’d hoped for? Perhaps you’re not getting enough work, or enough supervision. Or, maybe you’re getting too much work, or are confused about how to approach a project, or are feeling overwhelmed. Here are some suggestions for addressing some common summer internship challenges students face.
We are often asked by students interested in public service work about how to weigh their wide-ranging academic options while in law school. This advice is meant to offer broad guidance on the choices you may be contemplating. Please note that it is impossible to truly provide “one-size-fits-all” advice — if you have questions about particular options and how they might relate to your career plans, be sure to seek out an OPIA adviser.
OPIA has compiled a few key dates that may be useful as you plan your summer internships and other commitments.
If you haven’t yet secured an internship for this summer, don’t panic. There are still public interest employers that are actively hiring in March and even in April. If you put in the effort, apply broadly, and remain persistent, you WILL find a summer job.
If you have questions or concerns about your summer job search, please make an appointment or visit our daily drop-in office hours. Advisers are available to help with whatever job search questions you may be facing.
Networking is an essential part of getting to know the world of public interest law. But sometimes, it can feel intimidating to approach a potential contact, or hard to know where to plug in and get started. Review this Q&A to help make networking a smoother part of your professional journey.
One of the toughest parts of a public interest job search is managing the timeline. The lack of a unified, consistent hiring timeline by public interest employers and the fact that every individual’s situation differs can complicate the search process. Consider the following tips about communicating with employers as you navigate interviews and offers.
Review some of the most common 1L job search questions in our Job Search FAQs, including how to navigate interviews, offers, and other communication with employers.
Interviews take on particular significance with public interest employers, as they seek to learn about your interest in their mission and your fit with their office. The following resources can help you prepare to put your best foot forward in interviews with public interest employers.
Interested in learning more about public international law work? The following resources can help you begin your exploration.
As you make your game plan for applying for summer internships, you may be trying to strategize about which applications to submit earlier or later. Though 1Ls can apply to summer jobs on or after December 1, employers’ hiring timelines after that date can vary significantly. Here are some examples of employers with early deadlines.
If you’re interested in learning more about legal nonprofit work, check out the following resources.
Private public interest law firms (PPILFs) are involved in many of the same issues addressed by not-for-profit public interest legal organizations and government agencies – but in a law firm setting. Interested in learning more about PPILFs? The following resources can help you begin your exploration.
Interested in learning more about criminal law internships and careers? The following OPIA resources can help you begin your exploration.
A strong resume and cover letter are essential to making a good first impression with a potential summer employer and helping them start to get to know you. The following OPIA resources can help you perfect these documents and present your background and experiences in a way that employers will find compelling.
Interested in learning more about government careers? The following resources can help you begin your exploration.