Fall, Winter, and Spring Semesters

March 29 (9am) – March 30 (5pm)
Visit our website for more information about clinical registration preferencing.

Please note that there are a handful of by-application clinics with rapidly approaching application deadlines:

  • Public Education Policy and Consulting Clinic (Fall or Spring) – March 27, 2017
  • Government Lawyer: United States Attorney Clinic (Fall or Spring) – March 27, 2017
  • Semester in Human Rights Clinic (Fall) – April 7, 2017
  • Community Enterprise Project of the Transactional Law Clinics (Fall or Spring) – April 21, 2017

Please do not hesitate to contact us (clinical@law.harvard.edu) or stop by our office (WCC 3085) with any questions.  OCP offers general clinic advising as well as more individualized logistical/preferencing advice.

Filed in: Clinical Announcements

Tags: Clinical and Pro Bono Opportunities

Contact Office of Clinical and Pro Bono Programs

