Latest from Carolyn Kelley
A rising tide?
August 3, 2021
Harvard Law Professor and Federal Reserve Board veteran Daniel K. Tarullo discusses inflation and the United States’ economic recovery.
More than 1,200 empirical studies apply an index developed by HLS Professors Bebchuk, Cohen and Ferrell
March 11, 2021
"What Matters in Corporate Governance," a 2009 study by Harvard Law Professors Lucian Bebchuk, Alma Cohen, and Allen Ferrell continues to have enormous influence on present-day research
Filibuster or bust?
March 10, 2021
Harvard Law Professor Kenneth Mack ’91 discusses the origins and history of the filibuster, a controversial and powerful political tool.
Alexandra Natapoff on how our massive misdemeanor system makes America more unequal
January 13, 2021
Harvard Law Professor Alexandra Natapoff is an award-winning legal scholar and criminal justice expert.
Fireside at HLS (1 hour video)
December 18, 2020
Happy Holidays and warm wishes from Harvard Law School!
Debating stakeholder capitalism
December 16, 2020
Against the backdrop of the COVID-19 crisis intensifying discussions about corporate purpose duties to stakeholders, the European Corporate Governance Institute and the London Business School Centre for Corporate Governance recently hosted a virtual debate on stakeholder capitalism between Harvard Law School Professor Lucian Bebchuk LL.M. ’80 S.J.D. ’84 and London Business School Professor Alex Edmans.
On the bookshelf
December 15, 2020
In the unusual year of 2020, Harvard Law authors continued to do what they always have: Write.
Political philosopher Christopher Lewis, a scholar of criminal law system, to join HLS
December 9, 2020
Christopher Lewis, a political philosopher and scholar of the criminal legal system, has been named an assistant professor of law at Harvard Law School, effective Jan. 1.
After a hard election, the real work begins
November 13, 2020
In a recent Harvard Gazette roundup, Tomiko Brown-Nagin, Phil Torrey and other university scholars, analysts, and affiliates took a look at what the election tells us about the prospects for greater unity and progress, and offered suggestions and predictions about where the new administration will, and should, go.
This Saturday, October 3, 2020, the Systemic Justice Project at Harvard Law School and the Thurgood Marshall Civil Rights Center at Howard University School of Law will launch a year-long pilot project called “The Justice Initiative” with the first of 10, three-hour programming sessions.
A tireless advocate for access to justice, Ralph D. Gants ’80 (1954-2020)
September 16, 2020
Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Chief Justice Ralph D. Gants ’80, a tireless advocate for access to justice, died on Sept. 14. Renowned for his intelligence and his integrity, Gants used his leadership role in the commonwealth’s court system to press for fairness, equality under the law, and justice for all.
Harvard Law School Orientation 2020
September 3, 2020
In August, Harvard Law School officially kicked off the start of the fall 2020 academic year with a multi-day, highly interactive orientation for incoming students.
‘There are large problems to be solved, and you will play an integral role in solving them’
September 1, 2020
In a welcoming address during virtual orientation Thursday, Harvard Law School Dean John F. Manning ’85 predicted that many incoming students would use their legal education to help confront the most pressing challenges facing the United States and the world today.
Student Voices: Why law?
August 27, 2020
Students from the incoming classes of J.D.s and LL.M.s talk about what inspired them to pursue a legal education.
Orientation 2020: Welcome to Harvard Law School!
August 27, 2020
Faculty and staff kick off Orientation 2020 with a big welcome to incoming students.
Passing the baton
August 21, 2020
As William Alford completes his tenure, Mark Wu assumes vice deanship of the Graduate Program and International Legal Studies at HLS.
U.S. appeals court rules against former Bolivian president and defense minister over 2003 massacre
August 5, 2020
On August 3, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit vacated a trial court judgment that had been entered in favor of Bolivia’s former president, Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada, and former defense minister, José Carlos Sánchez Berzaín, for the massacre of unarmed Indigenous people in 2003.
New report documents human rights abuses in Bolivia
July 31, 2020
Harvard Law School’s International Human Rights Clinic and the University Network for Human Rights released a report Monday documenting widespread human rights abuses carried out under Bolivia’s interim president since she assumed power in November 2019.