Taxes fund the largest entities in the world, have a first-order influence on all economic activity, create incentives and subsidies that shape behavior as strongly as any regulation, and are the primary channel for distribution of wealth through law. No lawyer can afford to be ignorant of the basics of the tax system, and tax specialists are at the table for every major decision. Leading-edge experts and scholars at Harvard Law School research and teach about every aspect of taxation, including goals and policy, its impact, and how tax law is administered. At the Federal Tax Clinic, students also have opportunities to assist low-income taxpayers and learn more about how the IRS and tax systems operate.
From Harvard Law Today
HLS Professors
Thomas J. Brennan
Stanley S. Surrey Professor of Law
Mihir A. Desai
Professor of Law
Keith Fogg
Clinical Professor of Law, Emeritus
Daniel I. Halperin
Stanley S. Surrey Professor of Law, Emeritus
Jon D. Hanson
Alan A. Stone Professor of Law
Louis Kaplow
Finn M. W. Caspersen and Household International Professor of Law and Economics
Robert H. Sitkoff
Austin Wakeman Scott Professor of Law
Alvin C. Warren
Ropes & Gray Professor of Law, Emeritus
Visiting Professors & Lecturers
Howard E. Abrams
William K. Jacobs Visiting Professor of Law
Audrey Patten
Lecturer on Law
Deborah Paul
Lecturer on Law