L-R: Katherine Soltis, J.D. ’15; Chief Justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Hon. Ralph D. Gants; and Jocelyn Keider, J.D. ’15
The Office of Clinical and Pro Bono Programs offers its heartfelt congratulations to the 15 Harvard Law students honored for their commitment to pro bono work at the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court’s 2014 Adams Pro Bono Publico Award Ceremony. We are proud to have you represent Harvard Law School!
Gregory Baltz, J.D. ’15
Ellyn Gendler, J.D. ’15
Donna Harati, J.D. ’15
Jocelyn Keider, J.D. ’15
Fan Li, J.D. ’15
Rebecca Moses, J.D. ’15
Sara Murphy, J.D. ’16
Maria A. Parra-Orlandoni, J.D. ’15
Francesca Procaccini, J.D. ’15
Andres Rapoport, J.D. ’15
Colin Taylor Ross, J.D. ’16
Amanda Savage, J.D. ’15
David Smith
Katherine Soltis, J.D. ’15
Menglu Wang, J.D. ’15
Filed in: Pro Bono
Contact Office of Clinical and Pro Bono Programs