Jiayun Ho LL.M. ’15 and Seanan Fong HDS ’16, spent two months conducting “The Sudbury Listening Project.” A tense political climate in the Town of Sudbury, Mass., led the Sudbury Clergy Association to contract with the Harvard Negotiation and Mediation Clinical Program to assist with increasingly hostile exchanges between and among stakeholders in a variety of settings.
The Harvard Negotiation & Mediation Clinical Program (HNMCP) at Harvard Law School is making news for work it has done to promote civil discourse in town government and to help police mediate civilian complaints.
A tense political climate in the Town of Sudbury, Mass., led the Sudbury Clergy Association to contract with the Harvard Negotiation & Mediation Clinical Program to assist with increasingly hostile exchanges between and among stakeholders in a variety of settings and to make recommendations for a kinder, gentler protocol for doing business at town meetings, in town government, and in the schools.
Jiayun Ho LL.M. ’15 and Seanan Fong HDS ’16, spent two months conducting The Sudbury Listening Project —which included interviews, focus groups, and a town survey — to evaluate sources of tension and make recommendations on ways the town might move forwards in reconciliation and collaboration.
Read more about this project here and here, and see excerpt below.
Through the Harvard Mediation Program, HNMCP is also working with the Boston Police Department to set up a better system for resolving many of the civilian complaints lodged against officers.
Continue reading the full story here.
Filed in: Clinical Spotlight
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