Robert Bordone, Thaddeus R. Beal Clinical Professor, Harvard Negotiation and Mediation Clinical Program
Via the Harvard Negotiation and Mediation Clinical Program
HNMCP Director Bob Bordone has been engaging in lots of extra-curricular ADR work over the past several months. In August, he and HLS “Negotiation Workshop” Lecturer on Law, Florrie Darwin ’84, visited Seeds of Peace International Camp in Otisfield, Maine to deliver a program to Peer Support Leaders. Former HNMCP Associate Toby Berkman ’10 joined Bob and Florrie to bring this negotiation and conflict resolution training to the Seeds for Peace program in Tel Aviv, Israel in January. Also in August, Bob worked with Harvard Law School colleagues in the Program on Negotiation and the Partnership for a Secure America in Washington, D.C. to design and deliver a negotiation training program for senior Democratic and Republican staffers on Capitol Hill. The goal was to provide them with skills to help break the gridlock in congressional negotiations. In January, Bob returned D.C. with HNMCP student and teaching assistant Sam Straus ’15 to train the staff of California Congresswoman Grace Napolitano. Bob and Sam were impressed by the earnestness and skill of the congresswoman’s extraordinarily talented and devoted team. In March, Bob and Sam will also deliver a one-day program to senior managers at Harvard University through its Center for Workplace Development.
Clinical Instructor Heather Kulp presented at the “New Directions in Negotiation & Dispute Resolution Scholarship Roundtable” at Washington University Law School in the Fall of 2014. Heather presented on an upcoming paper she is co-authoring with Amanda Kool, a Clinical Instructor in the HLS Transactional Law Clinics, in the Washington University Journal of Law and Policy, “The Role of Lawyers and Dispute Resolution in the Sharing Economy.”

Rachel Viscomi, Assistant Director and Lecturer on Law, Harvard Negotiation and Mediation Clinical Program
On August 14th, HNMCP Assistant Director Rachel Viscomi co-delivered a mediation session with Judge Elizabeth Perris for the Federal Judicial Center’s National Workshop for Bankruptcy Judges in Boston. In October, Rachel spoke on campus at a student-organized evening of dialogue called “Conversations on Race,” designed to invite students to engage in challenging and important conversations about how we understand and experience racial differences in the United States.
Contact Office of Clinical and Pro Bono Programs